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Everything posted by Adriana

  1. V2. More than everything for the effect, but the text could be better.
  2. I have followed your work very closely since you started posting photos on "request" and I have also seen what you usually do in your "gallery". Much remains to be improved, but every day something new is learned. Improve your activity, read our rules well and tried to respond to everything your free time gives, i see no reason not to give it a try. #PRO.
  3. Congraaats for Moderator partner! I'm glad for you!?

    1. The Ga[M]er.

      The Ga[M]er.

      thnx adrianita ❤️❤️ 

  4. Congrats for GM!??

  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  6. Welcome to the team! ?

  7. V1. Nice text!
  8. Have a nice day/night!?


  9. You miss me? I'm back?

    1. LosT贼


      i misss you

  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  12. V2. Nice text + effect.
  13. ?

    1. Dark


      Tu amor por mi es choco no? ? ??

    2. --Alien--


      Adrianita did u do this in Bathroom ??

  14. Happy Birthdayyy! @Russ ;x ??
  15. You miss me?


    1. Aysha
    2. Adriana


      This is something like "Chino & Nacho". 



  16. Lo "VIP" no te quita lo alpaca que eres, lo siento. ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Adriana
    3. [N]audy


      sabes que si me quieres ? lo se en el fondo de mi ❤️ aunque no me felicitaste gracias x lo menos me publicaste en el perfil ❤️ 

    4. Inkriql


      FAKE naudy en estos momentos xd


  17. V1. Effect and creative!
  18. Maybe for you it is not high, but for me it is like getting to sky. ?
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