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Everything posted by Adriana

  1. Nickname : @Adrianita Tag your opponent : @The Ga[M]er. Music genre : Dubstep. Number of votes : 8 Tag one leader to post your songs LIST : @The Ga[M]er.
  2. Vote here for your favorite version. ?



  3. Start Vote. V1: V2:
  4. I did not participate in the project before because i didn't know what the purpose was, i did not know what it was going to be about, i really did not know anything... And I preferred to just saw how it progressed and thus learn a little more about it... After this, several friends asked me why I don't join and participate, and well here i am. ? Currently I think I was already participating in this project long before it was created, I leave you a couple of links so you can check it. @Blackfire 1. Link 1 2. Link 2
  5. • Your Nickname ( Must be same like teamspeak ) : @Adrianita • Your Age : 22. • Profile link : https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/78629-adrianita/ • How much you can stay active in both forum & teamspeak ? : Most of my free time. • How you could help us a Devil harmony member ? : I have a great knowledge of all genre of music (not all), and with my activity i can contribute a lot to this project. • How much you rate Devil harmony project from 1 - 10 ? : 10. • Other informations about your request ? : I know I have to participate more in some sections that have (Billboards / Artits Biography) but in others I am very active (Weekly song's / 1vs1) apart from the fact that I am always online in TS3. I really want to belong to this project and support it to the fullest. • Last request link : First.
  6. The first one is more contagious, and the lyric are very good. Basically it's the reason why I choose it. I will for DH1.
  7. It's easy, you can't compete with the king of pop (even if the song is not the original). I will vote for DH1.
  8. I will vote for DH1, the pace is incredible.
  9. Nickname : @Adrianita Tag your opponent : @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ Music genre : Electronic. Number of votes : 8 Tag one leader to post your songs LIST : @Meh Rez vM ! ♫
  10. V2. Effect, blur, text.
  11. I like these DJs, I have had the opportunity to listen to both of them a lot, but the choice of "Dj Tiesto" did not seem good to me. It has better songs. Besides, he is competing with a great classic like "Wake Me Up", just incredible. I will vote for DH1.
  12. It is a difficult decision, but I have always liked the most tropical songs and with a slightly soft style. I vote for DH1
  13. I can see that you have worked on this, but I would like to know more about his work and see more designs in our section. Increase your activity with us and I will change my mind. But for now: #Contra
  14. Nickname : Adrianita Tag your opponent : @Roselina ♣ flowers ? Music genre : 80's music. Number of votes : 7.
  15. Really?! You don't need to request, but I understand the formalities. ? #PRO
  16. Hard. V1. Because i like it the text.
  17. Thank you very much for the signature you made for all the sections of the forum, amazing and creative, great work. ?

    1. Martin_PerfectZM


      Hi Yesh Thanks you !?

  18. Happy start to the week for everyone! ??

    1. Dark


      kaka :v 

    2. shVury


      nice week u2 senorita ? 

  19. Welcome to the family of designers!?

    1. Alcooliks ;x

      Alcooliks ;x

      thank you so much ! ❤️ 

  20. Good job, I really like both of them, but I will choose the "V2" more than anything because it doesn't leave out the image that has the background.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. YaKuZa--BoSs


      Ewaldo "perdon pero yo no tengo nada que ver con eso asique no me metas" AJAJAJAJASJJAS


    3. Dr.Drako


      jajajajjaj :V

    4. Adriana


      Toda una detective en ese post muchachos JAJAJA. Todo sea por hundirlo. 

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