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Everything posted by .Omar.

  1. hi everyone i think i will take break about 2 month because my friend dead 

    and i have some problems i hope solve this problems too so i think i will be good after 2 month 


    i hope you understand that @myCro .




    1. myCro


      You get buried with him or what?

    2. .Omar.


      sory  but he is was my best friend

  2. Welcome!
  3. Still Alife  Ses Come Back Again 🥰


    @myCro @Aysha @OyaYansa @Lunix I @#Hassan. @Akrapovic;

  4. Nick: Ses Time: Now Site: GTR Proof: https://www.gametracker.rs/sms_info/GTC-TXN-2a726a6dffba64165d5223b9e79372bb Contact method: -- Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily I am Back Again @Roselina ✾ @myCro ? @OyaYansa
  5. @Roselina ✾ Go See My Msg Please !! 

  6. Nice Picture ! 

  7. New One hahahaha XD 

    <15:36:22> ".Omar. [Ses]": Bro ?
    <15:47:01> "#Golden": ?
    <15:49:51> ".Omar. [Ses]": Bro Can You Give To AgenthKnockout and Bandolero Grade [ZmOldSchoo]
    <15:49:58> ".Omar. [Ses]": they are in Channel ZmOldSchool
    <15:50:24> "#Golden": ask they first
    <15:50:41> ".Omar. [Ses]": they are admins
    <15:50:51> ".Omar. [Ses]": and they are agree for get to it
    <15:51:41> "#Golden": send me proff
    <15:52:39> ".Omar. [Ses]": <15:51:54> ".Omar. [Ses]": AgentKnockout ?
    <15:523> ".Omar. [Ses]": I Will Give You Channel Founder Okay ?
    <15:52:25> ".Omar. [Ses]": sorry i will give you Grade [ZmOldSchool] Okay ?
    <15:52:32> "AgentKnockout": I mean, okay
    <15:52:46> ".Omar. [Ses]": and go give to bandolero too
    <15:53:56> Chat partner has closed the conversation
    <15:54:27> "#Golden": if you spamm me next time direct banned
    <15:54:29> Chat partner has closed the conversation
    <15:54:39> ".Omar. [Ses]": hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    <15:54:43> ".Omar. [Ses]": you are Global
    <15:54:47> ".Omar. [Ses]": you must help me
    <15:54:54> ".Omar. [Ses]": not give me banned
    <15:54:57> "#Golden": last warning
    <15:55:14> ".Omar. [Ses]": you want give me banned beacause i said to you to help me ???
    <15:55:28> Chat partner has closed the conversation
    <15:56:28> ".Omar. [Ses]": <15:55:33> "AgentKnockout" was added to server group "ZMOLDSCHOOL" by "#Golden".
    <15:55:37> "Bandolero" was added to server group "ZMOLDSCHOOL" by "#Golden".
    <15:56:35> ".Omar. [Ses]": why you not do it in the first
    <15:56:45> "#Golden": can you shut up
    <15:56:57> ".Omar. [Ses]": Sure!
    <15:57:06> Chat partner has closed the conversation

  8. Welcome Back !
  9. Why Noone Want Make Picture For My Profile ??

    Nick: .Omar. 
    Photo: Any Picture You Want ! 


    <13:56:03> ".Omar. [Ses]": Hello
    <13:56:09> "#DeXteR": hi
    <13:56:16> ".Omar. [Ses]": Do You Backed Again ?
    <13:56:26> "#DeXteR": ye
    <13:56:32> ".Omar. [Ses]": OMG
    <13:56:39> ".Omar. [Ses]": I Was Hope You Not Back Again
    <13:56:54> "#DeXteR": and why
    <13:57:14> ".Omar. [Ses]": Because The All Memebers Do not Love You !
    <13:57:24> "#DeXteR": i dont care
    <13:57:51> "#DeXteR": go learn english then come spk with me
    <13:58:06> ".Omar. [Ses]": Do You From Tunisia ?
    <13:58:14> "#DeXteR": ye
    <13:58:33> ".Omar. [Ses]": Tunisia Will Play Today   !
    <13:58:41> ".Omar. [Ses]": Do You Will Watch The Match  ?
    <13:58:45> "#DeXteR": no
    <13:58:50> ".Omar. [Ses]": Why ?
    <13:59:43> "#DeXteR": not ur business
    <13:59:53> ".Omar. [Ses]": hahahaha
    <14:00:04> ".Omar. [Ses]": i think you must learn english
    <14:00:09> ".Omar. [Ses]": and then come back
    <14:01:14> "#DeXteR": well see
    <14:01:16> You were banned for 2 hour(s) from the server by "#DeXteR" (will u pls stop this sh#t)
     hahahahaha XD 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mockys


      Aahahaha the sh*t @#DeXteR think is Boss.. I hope Mr. Love remove again 

    3. Master_Kill


      @Mockys i want make not probleme but what have with @#DeXteR i know he is good boy me opinion

    4. #DEXTER


      Well well well, first i wanna thank @Ares for telling them that if we got high grades that dont mean we can do what ever we want,

      Okey about @.Omar. u know why u got banned and if u keep like this u will get it on forum to so stop these kids thing 

      u too @Mockys this time u got a warn next who know what u will get from now on i'll be more serious with u, so be carefull 

      Subject closed.

  11. Baby go Check Topic  Oppinions In Managers Only 

  12. Congrats For Global Moderator

  13. Congrats For Global Moderator

    1. Ares


      Thank you

  14. Congratulations For Administrator

  15. Congratulations For Administrator

  16. We Have Come to Success, My Friends Soon Will Go To The Top
    Thx For All @Roselina ✾ @myCro @OyaYansa @BaBy DriV3R xD @Lunix I @danieleloy 
    Happy.png I Think Tomorrow The Server Will Be Ran 1000


    1. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      we worked together and we reached a good result so we need to enjoy it and keep working together team ?

    2. Aysha


      I am very happy the server got în The 1000 top and i eagerly wait for the top 100. Thank you for your implication ❤️

  17. Hello Bro I Hope You Back Again To ZmOldSchool ! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. .Omar.


      I am Already Not See You In The Server What Is Your Nick ? 

    3. TrisT


      I am undercover :))

    4. .Omar.



  18. Welcome !
  19. Oya why Lunix Give me 1 warings Do I Cannot Used Two Computers in Server ! My Brother play in The Other Computer ! Please Oya Solve This problem ! 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. .Omar.


      Okay Do Not Go To Ts3 Go See The Msg In CSBD 

    3. OyaYansa


      When you have something new to tell you and not the same thing every day, I'll be happy to talk to you

    4. .Omar.


      It is someThing New ! Go To InBox 

  20. ¤ Name[/nickname]: OMAR / Ses ¤ Age: 19 ¤ Country: Egypt ¤ Occupation: .... ¤ A short description about you: .... ¤ How did you found out Csblackdevil Community: By My Self ¤ Favorite games: Cs 1.6 & Pes / Fifa And Other Games ¤ Favorite server [community only]: Any Server Here ! ¤ A picture of you: ......
  21. Hi Bro Can You Come To Ts3 Or Removed Some Msg ? 

  22. Dark Come To Ts3 Please ?


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