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Z[0]MB!E Unkn0wn' n0 l!fe

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Everything posted by Z[0]MB!E Unkn0wn' n0 l!fe

  1. like this we will lose many of player about this [AFK Kicker] [AFK Kicker] You have 10 seconds to move or you will be kicked for being AFK Kicked :"You were kicked for being AFK longer than 90 seconds" and also for us we can't staying afk or free time to visite the forum or some thing
  2. Pro for add it for Daddy Boss / Owner / Co-owner to tell the dresses difference between the staff
  3. Welcome Jhoxender To NewLifeZm
  4. Welcome Fares to NewLifeZm
  5. Congratulations to us all we are a big Family ? Sorry maybe i was not with you on the family I don't give my best to server ? but who's was the BEST stay the best now or later and we will be on the 1st place we are the best family here ?
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  7. Welcome to NewLifeZm ♥
  8. Name: @Z[0]MB!E Unkn0wn' n0 l!fe Date&time: 27/04/2020 - 01:58:52 Screenshoot:
  9. Welcome Kareem to CSBD and NewLifeZm ♥
  10. Welcome Charli To NewLifeZm ♥
  11. Rejected. For changing new Tag is needed 1 week to be passed from The last Request your last request was already 5 days ago ? you must respect the rules Here of the request
  12. Sorry man since 10 April was the last seen in the server ? you had 14 days you are not visited the server and for your activity was died ? you must be active on the server and improve your business Rejected / Topic Closed
  13. welcome rubin in NewLifeZm ♥
  14. Welcome Mohamed to NewLifeZm
  15. Member since 2012 

    Legendary of CsBlackDevil and ZmOldSchool

    Co-owner - NewLifeZm | Z[0]MB!E Unkn0wn' n0 l!fe |




    | JOIN | ~ ~ | JOIN |


  16. Request Rejected ! RULES Minimum 30 hours played. You have to respect all server rules and other players/admins You should be active in the server for atleast 2 hours on the server per day. You should have been playing on this server for the last 2 weeks consistently.(PLAYING. NOT AFK) You must understand and be able to speak English well or semi-well Respect the Topic Tittle: Admin Request [ Your Nickname ] You are allowed to make only one request per 7 days Topic Closed.
  17. Tsema lazam el wahed m3akom mayghedtch el basar wela Kifaaah ? ? ? xd ????

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Crimson!


      ya khoya ya khoya :v

    3. Z[0]MB!E Unkn0wn' n0 l!fe

      Z[0]MB!E Unkn0wn' n0 l!fe

      @Crimson! wesh welit labes chapeau gris ? weshbik jbedt rohek !!

    4. Crimson!


      @Z[0]MB!E Unkn0wn' n0 l!fe wlh ya sahbi rani djaybha me3a shabi fa ts kraht ghir csbd... t7ab natik ip ab3atli pm fal msg

  18. ? NewLifeZm.CsBlackDevil.Com ? ?

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