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Status Updates posted by Strix

  1. who the heck is deleting my funny status updates

    1. Mr.SnaPeR


      The Same Person Who You Made It About him xD 

  2. did u just left bcuz of some lil bunny kids? cmon nigga are u serious?

  3. i dont undrustand why designers reply a lot only on staff requests and forget rest members

    @Flenn. NIGGAA IMPROVE DAT GFX TEAM ( this is not an order am just tellin u x) )

  4. any good designers are free to make me a perfect logo please?


  5. if you are feeling bored or depressed just leave csbd for 2 or 3 weeks and you will find the real hapiness

    - Gato toughs

  6. dont be sad becuz u got suspended, and remember that somebody just got banned for 7 days ?

    you won bro, am pround of u : )

  7. 10 000 profil views, because evryone check my account evrytime if it is banned or not yet


  8. 2 hours machi 3

    1. Blackfire


      hh awdi nta li biti xD 


  9. ta7iya lga3 dzayriya fl3alm ???

    1. Flenn.


      omg you post it xd 

    2. Blackfire


      hhhhhhhh wa clash fost Franca :vvvvvvv

    3. Hossam Taibi

      Hossam Taibi


  10. well guys, i think its the time for me to say good bye to csbd

    i will never forget all sad and happy moments i had with you guys, i really love you so much

    i will miss you all !

    special thanks to my best friends who were always with me and supported me

    @Blackfire @BugaTTi @hisokA TkD'@MaSt3Rs-K|Ll3r @Viceroy @Mr.SnaPeR @Capusa@Flenn. @Verox @El L0rd @_Klay_@eXpLoReRs @YASSIN @Corleone @Dark-ImmoRtal^ @BlasTerJaxX- @[N]audy @Ace@G.O.G @#CeLTiXxX @Askor lml @#Garrix @Sinan.47 @Mr.Daniel ♔♔♔ @Hopper™ and finnaly gapi papi ( and sorry if i forgot anyone! )

    and ofc I will not forget the guy who without him I would not have any of those awesome memories, many special thanks to him, our boss @Mr.Love

    even if we had fights before, you were allways my friends, and i love you!


    (i will be on teamspeak!)


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Flenn.


      where is ma money :v

    3. Strix


      hhhhh flenn tqt anchri chwi points onrdlk

  11. back to old nick name :3

    1. Moustafa Amer0v™ - S**T
    2. MaSt3Rs-K|Ll3r


      We Will Miss Old Mr.gato ?

      Welcome New VIP Strix Nice Name ?

    3. Mr.SnaPeR


      where is gato did you steal his email ? 

      Hacker :v 

  12. ' who was online ' changed : D

    but there is just some lag while loading page ^^

    1. MaSt3Rs-K|Ll3r


      Now Its Look Even More Cool 

      Nice Update But I Dont Have Lag 

  13. ew yeah i was provking him? read my last reply papi mayby u didnt see when you was typing ^^ also its a report and not a proposal : ))))

  14. i sleept only 3hours now am going to study at school for 10 hours lol

    1. [~OMAR~]


      sir t9raa awldi sirrr hhhhhh

    2. Strix


      dakhl 2 xD rip

    3. [~OMAR~]
  15. post here nigga not in staff only

    1. _Klay_


      Im not your nigga !! watch ur self!

    2. Strix


      mayby worst that a nigga

  16. <21:11:25> "Mr.Love": I have 1110 points in my profile. 10 users who can see this message and they will send me their forum profile ( fast ), I will send them 100 points. SO be the fastest ?

    Mr.Love sent you 100 points.

    @Mr.Love thank you :3

    1. [~OMAR~]


      ha9iii hhh nta mzhar

  17. @Ace. @#CeLTiXxX

    Congratulations ma bois

    ( But dont forget that this is just a virtual wolrd so dont be so much happy nihahahaha >:3 )

  18. <18:24:52> "Ace" was removed from server group "Global Moderators" by "Mr.Love"

    hahah nob you got removed

  19. <20:45:12> You were banned permanently from the server by "Mr.Love" (lol hhh)



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