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Vice President Mercedes Araoz said that the head of the Congress, Daniel Salaverry, made a mistake by not considering the cases of the Ethics Committee on the agenda of the legislature, among which is a report recommending his suspension for 120 days. the adulteration of representation week reports. "I think he's wrong, being the president of Congress, with all the respect and friendship I have for him, we have to defend the institutionality of the Congress, which is the most important thing," he told the press. Mercedes Araoz pointed out that she is "struck by the fact" that the Ethics reports mentioning Salaverry and Yesenia Ponce have not been considered for debate in the plenary, despite the request of the head of the working group, Janet Sánchez. "This also draws attention because I believe that a president of Congress represents the entire Congress, not his personal interests. It may not be in favor of the decision of the Ethics Commission and that would have to be debated in plenary, but the decisions are made according to the Congress. We must defend the institutionality, "he added. As it is remembered, the president of the Congress confirmed the extension of the present legislature until July 25, due to the fact that several political reform projects are still pending for which the Executive made a question of confidence. In the norm published last Sunday in the official newspaper El Peruano, it is also established that the plenary has the power to review the reports of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Accusations approved by the Permanent Commission and the opinions of the Parliamentary Immunity Survey Commission. For the also pro-government legislator, that Salaverry has not scheduled her case, it means that she would be putting her personal interests first. "[Are you putting your personal interests first?] It's true because this should be on the agenda of the Congress," he said. IT IS NOT PRIORITY For the Frente Amplio spokesperson, Humberto Morales, the report of the Ethics Committee that recommends the suspension of Daniel Salaverry from his duties is not considered "important". He indicated that the political reform has greater weight, reason why he was in favor of it being the priority of the agenda of the extension of the legislature. "We have to take the political reform forward [...] There is a need to discuss [the report on Salaverry] in plenary on a regular basis. It does not seem important to me because in counterweight there is a political reform ahead. Which weighs more? The political reform or the sanctions of other congressmen? ", He questioned.
The Congress of the Republic authorized the president Martín Vizcarra to be absent from the national territory from June 30 to June 1, 2019, in order to travel to Panama to attend the change of presidential office. The legislative resolution was approved today by the national representation by 63 votes in favor, 5 against and 4 abstentions. Vizcarra is scheduled to participate in official activities on Sunday, June 30, date on which the invited Heads of State and Government will be received, to which the outgoing president, Juan Carlos Varela, will offer an official dinner. On the morning of Monday, July 1, the head of state is scheduled to hold a bilateral meeting with the elected president, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, who will take office that same day at an official ceremony in Panama City. It should be noted that Laurentino Cortizo Cohen is a 66-year-old Panamanian politician, winner of the presidential elections held in that country this year. He was a member of the Legislative Assembly between 1994 and 2004, being president of the body between 2000 and 2001. He is also a member of the Democratic Revolutionary Party of Panama.
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An 84-year-old man became the second mortal victim of Guillain-Barré syndrome in La Libertad, confirmed the regional manager of Health, Constantino Vila Córdova. The patient lost his life in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Bethlehem hospital in Trujillo. In the aforementioned hospital (La Libertad), 20 patients with Guillain-Barre Syndrome are hospitalized. "The director of the Belén Hospital has informed us that during the process he had some pulmonary and cardiac complications. It is the second person to die for this evil, the first was a 46-year-old woman, whose death was on Saturday, "he said. According to the doctor, according to the latest report, there are 44 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome in the La Libertad region, of which 20 are hospitalized in the Belén Hospital, 13 in the Teaching Regional and 11 in the EsSalud hospitals. Of these 44 patients, 35 come from the province of Trujillo, five from the province of Santiago de Chuco, one from Pataz, and another from Sánchez Carrión. In addition there are two cases from Cajabamba, Cajamarca region. The Health Manager of La Libertad informed that the five mechanical ventilators offered by the Minister of Health, Zulema Tomás, have arrived during their visit to Trujillo, and that they have already been distributed among the Belén and Regional hospitals.
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The Executive extended by a period of 60 calendar days the state of emergency by rains in the district of Pomabamba, of the province of the same name, region of Áncash. The measure is established through Supreme Decree No. 111-2019-PCM and will be in effect as of June 10. The purpose of the extension is to continue with the execution of response and rehabilitation actions that correspond. In this period, the Regional Government of Ancash, as well as the district municipality included, will implement actions. They will have the support of the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, and the National Institute of Civil Defense (Indeci). The implementation of the actions foreseen in this supreme decree are financed by the institutional budget of the bidding documents involved, in accordance with current regulations. This Supreme Decree is endorsed by the President of the Republic, Martín Vizcarra, and the head of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Salvador del Solar. It also has the rubrics of the holders of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, Miguel Estrada; and of Defense, José Huerta.
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#CONTRA Low activity Good luck!