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Everything posted by Dark

  1. Agents of the National Police intervened this morning on 15 people, including six minors, who were participating in a party in a house on 3 de Octubre Street, in Villa El Salvador (VES). Alerted by the noise of the music, residents of the area called the Police, who went to the house in question. The participants in the clandestine meeting prevented the authority from entering at all times and tried to flee, PNP commander Juan Carlos Porras, VES commissioner, informed RPP Noticias. “We found a scene of celebration and they, noticing the police presence, tried to prevent the entry of the Police. They hid in different areas of the property ”, he commented. The irresponsible participants of the clandestine party, eight women and seven men, were taken to the police station, where they initially refused to give their names and even tried to deceive the authorities by giving false identities. However, they were eventually identified. The VES commissioner reported that they have already communicated with the parents of the minors, in order for them to go to the police station to continue the proceedings. Meanwhile, Porras announced that arrangements have already been made for those intervened to be subjected to COVID-19 discard tests. In dialogue with RPP Noticias, residents of 3 de Octubre Street denounced that this is not the first time that parties have been organized in the seized house, so they asked the authorities to redouble their patrols in the area. These arrests were made a few days after the tragedy that occurred in a Los Olivos nightclub, where 13 people died during a police intervention. Due to the increase in cases of COVID-19 in the country, the Government has decreed a national curfew and the prohibition of social and family gatherings, since it has been detected that these are the new sources of contagion of the disease. Newsletter All about the coronavirus COVID-19 has put everyone on alert. Subscribe to our newsletter All about the coronavirus, where you will find the most relevant daily data in the country and the world on the advance of the virus and the fight against its spread.
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  2. <14:26:06> "devil.exe": https://www.xnxx.com/video-osifvbb/_espanol_-_sexo_adolescente_cachonda_-_chica_con_grandes_tetas_follada_duro
    <14:26:07> "devil.exe": Ah mrda
    <14:26:08> "devil.exe": Se me paso
    <14:26:10> "devil.exe": SHSHSHS
    <14:26:10> "devil.exe": SHSHSHAS
    <14:26:11> "devil.exe": ASDLJAKSD
    <14:26:12> "devil.exe": ÑASJDKGKASDASD
    <14:26:13> "devil.exe": KAJSGDBKASDNASD
    <14:26:14> "devil.exe": ALSDHKASD
    <14:26:14> "devil.exe": AJLSDGANKSD
    <14:26:15> "devil.exe": LJASGDKASD
    <14:26:16> "devil.exe": LKASJSD
    <14:26:20> "devil.exe": Que decias?
    <14:26:29> "#DARK": e.e
    <14:26:46> "#DARK": AJJAJAJAJAJA



    1. Lexman.


      Banda, no es lo que creen, me jakiaron 




  4. This Saturday there was a tragedy that went around the world in Los Olivos. After learning that a massive party was taking place in the Thomas Restobar premises that violated the protocols of the state of emergency, the National Police of Peru decided to intervene. In the operation, 13 people were asphyxiated while trying to escape from the agents, so those responsible - owners, organizers, among others - could be accused of homicide by the Prosecutor's Office. What consequences can a homicide have? The legal consequences of a homicide depend on the seriousness and type of homicide according to the penal code. Simple homicide Whoever kills another will be punished with a custodial sentence of no less than six and no more than twenty years. Qualified homicide Anyone who kills another under any of the following circumstances will be punished with a prison sentence of no less than fifteen years: 1. Out of ferocity, greed, profit or pleasure. 2. To facilitate or conceal another crime. 3. With great cruelty or treachery. 4. By fire, explosion or any other means capable of endangering the life or health of other people. Homicide for violent emotion Anyone who kills another under the rule of a violent emotion that circumstances make excusable, will be punished with a custodial sentence, not less than three and not more than five years. If some of the circumstances provided for in article 107 concur, the penalty shall be no less than five and no more than ten years.
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  5. Game Informations : Developer: Justin Clark Platforms: PC Initial release date: May 4, 2015 at 5:33PM PDT If you were born after the NES was in its heyday, the sparkly throwbacks now being released every couple of weeks might give you the impression that the era was just all killer, no filler for 10 beautiful years. In this dream world, Super Mario Bros. 3 was the only game anyone ever needed, a new Mega Man rained down upon us from the heavens on a regular basis, and Capcom and Konami were revered as gods and their every offering was like delicious, life-sustaining manna. In that regard, JumpJet Rex is a blessing, in that it reminds us that the 8-bit era wasn't all sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows. It was also a lot of screaming, nerve-destroying, controller-chucking aggravation, and none were immune from its sudden onset. Ask anyone who bought the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game, expecting a fun, breezy time for the whole family, and watch the thousand-yard stare wash over them like the evening tide. JumpJet Rex brings back that delightful concept of a cutesy setup being used as a vessel for diabolical evil. In it, the dinosaurs were advanced enough to master space travel, sending up a lone, rocket boot-wearing T-rex to go explore the galaxy. While he's up there, mission control finds out that an asteroid--the asteroid--is on its way, and sends Rex to the outer reaches to go destroy it. Oh, and to explore a couple dozen random planetoids along the way. The planets are perfect tile-based approximations of 8-bit pixels, albeit with huge, widescreen playing fields. The environments, sadly, are limited, recycling the same four space base/ice level/plant world/stone temples throughout. Though the enemies get annoyingly diverse later--more on that soon--the levels lose their luster by the end. They are, undoubtedly, on the appealingly colorful side; the ice levels beautifully depict Hoth-like conditions in which to zoom around, and a lightning effect on the later space stages make them look particularly animated and dangerous. The accompanying chiptune soundtrack doesn't take full advantage of the NES's jerry-rigged range of instrumentation, but it's fun, catchy stuff to putter around the galaxy to. Movement is pleasantly free-flowing. Having rocket boots means that you have an infinite jump, the ability to blast yourself left and right, and lift off vertically, and a tiny blast is given off in your wake that can actually do damage to enemies. Using these abilities, your mission in each stage is to pass through a specified number of gates to open up the finish line, where you earn a star. Like in Super Mario 64, you need a certain number of stars to open up each stage, but you can earn additional stars per stage by getting through without dying and by beating the stage time record. Sounds easy. It is decidedly not. Early stages are a delight, with Rex blasting through coins, squeezing through tight corridors, and making split-second maneuvers to dodge lasers or avoid the walls. You're dead in one hit, so that old tension is here, keeping your reflexes sharp; It's challenging, but fun all the same. After the first boss, however, the difficulty spikes hard and fast. The game gets projectile-happy in a hurry, where tracking lasers and fire-spewing plants line every surface or are set up just past the outer limits of the screen where you can't see them, seemingly just begging you to try using your rockets. Tight squeezes are now less a matter of having a few tiles to move around but a scant few pixels. Boss fights aren't necessarily hard but tedious, with every hit doing minor chip damage at best. Around halfway through, the game ceases to be fun. It becomes a chore. Difficulty isn't a negative in and of itself, but its merits can be measured in a simple question: “Is it my fault I'm dying?” “Is there a flaw in my own skills that could prevent this?” Increasingly, the game sits on the bad side of that question, where obstacles are surmountable seemingly by sheer luck more than skill. The game puts import on being able to nab more than one star from a stage to advance, but the time trial records are ludicrous, and dying becomes more and more a certainty; it is a recipe for seething hate. Your rewards for success often come down to little more than the money you've collected, which can be traded for insanely overpriced cosmetic items. In one of the stores you open early on, every item costs $100,000 coins. By the time I reached the final boss, I had $78,000. Troublesome economy aside, technical hitches are common, even on fairly straightforward stages and bosses, with the frame rate tanking and button presses ceasing to register when things get too busy. Just like the most aggravating NES games, it's frustrating because there's fun to be had, and had often, in JumpJet Rex. It feels great to play, the aerial trickery is gratifying, and it's got a lot of goofy charm, but all of this is unfortunately buried under an inexplicable need to test players beyond what should be necessary in a galaxy where you tool around as a T-rex wearing sunglasses. System Requirements OS: Windows XP+ Processor: SSE2 instruction set support. Memory: 512 MB RAM. Graphics: DX9 (shader model 2.0) capabilities; generally everything made since 2004 should work. Storage: 200 MB available space.
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  6. Dark

    I hope you like the avatar xd



  7. Dark

    I hope you like the avatar ❤️ 



    1. walker™


      :v why you don't use Sharp text or strong text it will be better

  8. Dark

    Congratulation for 4000 REPUTATION ? 

  9. At least 13 people died and three others were injured this Saturday after a police raid caused a stampede inside a nightclub in Lima. There were about 120 people in the disco, despite the fact that in Peru, due to the covid-19 pandemic and by provision of the national government, social gatherings are prohibited. "After a police operation in a nightclub in Los Olivos, 13 people are reported dead," Police General Orlando Velasco told local radio RPP. According to a statement from the Ministry of the Interior, around 9pm (local time), residents of the Los Olivos neighborhood alerted the authorities about a party at the Thomas Restobar premises shortly before the curfew imposed as part of the state of emergency in the face of the coronavirus crisis. The curfew declared by the local government began at 10:00 p.m. on Saturday and will end at 4:00 a.m. on Monday, August 24. After the arrival of the police, those attending the party tried to escape through the only entrance door, running over themselves and being trapped between the entrance and a staircase of the premises, according to the statement. The text also notes that the police did not use any type of weapon or tear gas during the operation. Detained The Ministry also maintains that so far 23 people have been detained and that the authorities have launched an investigation to identify the owners of the nightclub and those responsible for this "unfortunate" event. The Minister of Women and Vulnerable Po[CENSORED]tions, Rosario Sasieta, condemned the events and demanded that the organizers of the party be punished. "I am outraged, because this should never have happened, because some businessmen who, with a profit motive, brought together 120 boys and, that eagerness, that greed has caused the death of these young people. I ask for the maximum sanction for the owners of this center "he told RPP radio. In addition to the 13 dead, of whom 12 are women and one man, six people were injured, including three police officers who were trying to help the trapped people. #
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  10. Game Informations : Developer: Daniel Starkey Platforms: PC Initial release date: une 5, 2015 at 1:01PM PDT In the broadest strokes, science fiction has always been about testing the limits of humanity in strange or unimaginable circumstances. Jules Verne's works raised questions about our boundless curiosity. Films like Blade Runner asked us to look at the Platonic ideal of a life well lived. These questions are important, and they tap the underlying fears and hopes we all share. They are curt expressions of the human experience filtered through the impossible or the surreal. On the whole, Shadowrun fits into this grand unifying theory of science fiction. It melds classic fantasy elements like dwarves, elves, orcs, and magic with bleeding-edge cybernetics. On top of that, it supposes a future in which corporations take the role of national governments, and the only way to make a decent living is to steal from these cyberpunk renditions of the Sheriff of Nottingham and Prince John. With such a rendition of the future, the game makes some important points about the role of class in this world and the tensions caused by unchecked corporate power. Moreover, cybernetics, while vital to bringing the lower classes up to the same level of physical and mental acumen as their well-funded corporate adversaries, sap users' humanity. Again, we have an implicit question regarding whether the loss of pieces of our anatomy is analogous to the loss of some ethereal sense of self or our souls. These pieces are all fundamental to Shadowrun. They are an intrinsic part of the property itself, and they cannot be extricated, though Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown certainly tries. In doing so, it betrays its namesake by incorporating a long list of technical and gameplay missteps to create one of the most underwhelming releases in a long time. Shadowrun Chronicles has the veneer of a proper Shadowrun game. It uses a lot of the lingo, it has the right color palette, and the soundtrack is spot-on for a dystopian Boston. But on closer inspection, the façade is just that. On a minute-to-minute level, the majority of the game is spent running missions. Each one is a turn-based tactical scenario with usually one clear win condition and a few side items or collectibles. You'll infiltrate company X to steal McGuffin Y or hold off rival gang Z for some pre-determined number of turns. These missions are about as rote as they come, and they’re packed to the gills with clichés. At the end of almost every mission, some arbitrary twist occurs that is meant to raise the stakes or establish a sense of tension. However, Boston Lockdown misses too many necessities to be called an engaging drama. You begin each mission by selecting from a list of NPC helpers to fill out your team. You can also bring other players along with you for cooperative multiplayer--one of Boston Lockdown's signature features. The game expects you to get the same feeling you might if you were playing an original tabletop role-playing game. It tries to foster a community on which players can build an interesting game, but it fails in the most basic ways. Whether you rely on NPCs or bring in outside help, your teammates are disposable and their tangible utility isn't clear. As you prepare for specific missions, Boston Lockdown never provides enough information about the coming challenges for you to make a reasonable, informed choice about which companions would be best to take along. Even worse, no explanation or rundown is given regarding the specific strengths of different classes. You know, for example, that summoners can summon some … things ... to help them in battle, but the game never tells you what scenarios that ability is useful in. I had to fumble my way through missions using trial and error to brute-force a solution to tactical troubles that didn't have easy solutions. That belies a deeper problem--the lack of tactical options at any given juncture. I've said before that great tactics games need to give their characters enough skills and abilities to tackle different problems. As a player, you must be able to think your way through a problem and apply creative solutions to otherwise insurmountable problems. Games like XCOM excel at this. In XCOM, if you find that a group of enemies has you pinned down, you may use explosives to blow open a wall or retreat, forcing enemies to reserve their attacks for the first sign of movement. There is an option to fight back and win in almost any condition. Shadowrun Chronicles isn't just limited--it's the tactical video game equivalent of checkers. You can move and attack, but not much else. There's no defensive option other than to take cover. Your teammates have virtually no items to use, and items you do collect offer little more than minor stat buffs. The simplicity is odd, because it makes classes simultaneously more and less important. If you need to take down a large group of enemies and spreading out the damage dealt by any one member of your team is of prime importance, picking a summoner is the only viable option. While that's a valid role that can encourage closer cooperation on its own, the fact that you have no other way to accomplish the same goal wholly diminishes Shadowrun Chronicles’ success as a strategy game. To make matters worse, Shadowrun is also a terrible role-playing game. There are few characters to chat up, and those that do exist have only a handful of lines. There's no character development at all, nothing to react to, and no means through which to play a role. Exploration is limited to a tiny hub world where merchants sell you gear for lackluster missions. Boston Lockdown is set in Boston, of course, but the token references to Fenway Park and a few god-awful voice actors hamming up their Bostonian-ness don’t exude "Boston," one of the most iconic American cities. It's hard for Boston Lockdown to escape comparisons with the other recent Shadowrun releases, which are far, far superior. They nail their settings, tell rich, deep stories with vibrant characters, and back all that with deep, interesting mechanics. Boston Lockdown, in comparison, is a barely functional demo. Without a solid draw, the game is pointless besides its online co-op, and even then, without a strong system of tactical play to back it, that mode is as pointless as any other. When Shadowrun Chronicles was first released, the influx of players brought the game's always-connected servers to their knees. It was unplayable for over a week after the release. Now, with some of those obstacles vaulted, it's clear that the underlying game wasn't worth the wait. Shadowrun Chronicles isn't just a bad Shadowrun game. It's a bad game. That it comes from a series with such an exceptional pedigree and plenty of exceptional recent successes just makes the disappointment that much more bitter. System requirement OS: Windows 7/Windows 8.1. Processor: 2.0+ GHz or better.
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    Need :c [CHECK] 

  12. V2,text,effects & blur
  13. Congra!!! Avatar??❤️

    1. nanelu


      Thanks :)). Maybe :>.

  14. I need 3 (STAFF) from teamspeak, to help the users of the temporary channels.

    Read the comments or chat private



    1. Dark-ImmoRtal^


      what kind of help ?

    2. Dark


      If the temporary channel users who need a private channel speak to you, they will speak to the people who are in the description

    3. Dark-ImmoRtal^


      I get it you want someone to stay in that channel if they need help they will go there then we will help them make a channel  ?

  15. 117983531_312148129903674_378542608326667056_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_sid=825194&_nc_ohc=6bvrslHPXqIAX_MDpH7&_nc_ht=scontent.flim12-1.fna&oh=2fd87218e7d5ff71fb48e2ae11b4d47d&oe=5F6643B4

    @SougarLord y @Lexman. ustedes dos :v 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LosT贼


      Not for kids ? 

    3. shVury
    4. Lexman.


      Qué clase de enfermo creo esa imágen?

      Existira el batido de mierda con leche? 

      Uff, riko

  16. New avatar + cover  ?  

    1. LosT贼


      I just love your avatar -.-

    2. ITS OZX-
    3. shVury


      u r still ugly :x

  17. dqmmFov.png

    Me recuerdo que me habías hecho un así pero lo perdí tmr :c

    dame otro  cover así por favor?, esperare tu regreso, buen diseñador :c 

    1. Zeus™


      Ví que si lo encontraste jajaja cuando quieras te hago otro ❤️

    2. Dark


      Me encanto esperare que me hagas otro bebe ?

    3. Zeus™


      Pronto te haré otro 

  18. Accepted! Reason: Good activity on Teamspeak3, and in the csbd community. Welcome to the "JOURNALIST" family
  19. Rason: in the journalist project he has good activity and is trying everything to improve, but as I read in the comments of my colleagues, you obtained rank from VRG and Harmony, you applied very quickly but in "JOURNALIST" he has a long time and I always see that he has good separate activity that I prove loyal in their jobs. FOR THE MOMENT THAT WILL BE MY OPINION, GOOD LUCK
  20. cdfPJbt.png




    #RIPMERUS :((  


    k5v9MGV.png ultra instinct perfected?

    1. LosT贼


      #RIPMERUS :((((((((((

  21. te apuras? conectate al wsp >:v o ts3

  22. Video title : HAVING A BORED DAY ? Funniest Animals Scared People Reaction of 2020 Content creator ( Youtuber ) : Vines best fun Official YT video :
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  23. Accepted for pending of 2 days.
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