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Everything posted by Verox

  1. @G.O.G @Blackfire @Blexfraptor @Viceroy @Mr.Daniel ♔♔♔ @▲ ✘ ♣Ret H@Cker♣™ ✘ ▲ 

    Congratulations boys, Shall we have a great and strong team , and let's hope we develop with community away from hates and jealousy and fights!

    Deserved! ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BhooTh


      congratulations guys 

    3. Viceroy


      It is good to be back as Moderator again 

    4. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy

      Congratulations all ?

  2. Grades beggars !

    I'm not changed, if you'll talk to me as friend or member you'll see how good am I, and i'll be as i am!

    But if you're talking to me as administrator then i'll treat you as administrator!

    Conclusion : You're changed!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Strix


      At least reply on my messages, i even send you sticky notes but u act like u didnt see

    3. maykel.
    4. ∆VERON∆™


      ahhhh I don't take you as both not as Friend nor as Administrator ? 



  3. http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/profile/24674-dunnnhull/

    Consider that as a warning, unless you'll get what you deserve!

    1. Viceroy


      Please don't expect that an administrator is a making a mistake..

      he warned you bcs of a reason

    2. Verox


      I don't want excuses, i've warned you and i know what i'm doing well !!

  4. I warned you about multi-account, and i already banned your previous secondary acc : http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/profile/70132-merouane-hn/

    But you didn't took my warn serious!

    So, Double peace.!!

  5. v2 text & effect
  6. @The Ga[M]er., Respect Man! I got no words to say after reading what i've received from you, Something makes me feel like i'm so high and have no sense or care for anything else, It was such great topic to read. I have to thank you for your time with us, and i'm really grateful! May god bless you, and have a great life, and good luck. With love ❤️ 

    1. Mr.SnaPeR


      the gamer left 

    2. The Ga[M]er.

      The Ga[M]er.

      No more words ??

  7. You are totally wrong. So let's start !! You said you joined in 2012, and wow that's cool.. and you said many rules are changed.. so i want to tell you that even status update are something new that doesn't exist in our forum since 2012.. So it's ok if you'll find rules about it .. And when i warned you , I asked you to not spam/advertise in your status update because it already has it own rules.. And i even replied to your status update and asked you to not do that.. But you didn't care for what i said and you kept spamming & advertising. There you go .. I can answer you.. Here we didn't warn you for posting somewhere.. we didn't restrict you from creating topics .. editing your signature/avatar ..Rules are still the same.. Just avoid advertising for other forums/communities/servers other than csbd's and avoid post hunt .. and spam. Here you didn't know about status update's rules.. so we warned you.. and you didn't listen so you got your punishment. RULES ARE RULES. TOPIC CLOSED
  8. So let's be clear!

    Starting from tomorrow we'll start organizing competitions, and points prizes will be included! Where everyone can participate to win the awesome prizes! So we'll start with DJ Competition, so stay in touch, to be informed with all news, and prepare your soundboards & music lists!


  9. Wow we made the 1k Already,!!

    I went AFK For 1 hour, To back and find all this !

    #REVAN sent you 100 points ❤️

    Evil BaBY™ sent you 19 points  ❤️

    #REVAN sent you 12 points ❤️

    Mr.SnaPeR sent you 10 points ❤️

    Mr.SnaPeR sent you 7 points ❤️

    Thank you guys, Really appreciate every single donation ❤️ ! 

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Verox


      @Mr.Gato All that will be to entertain them, and there will be much fun with upcoming competitions.

      + They didn't send me they're own money or something that ruins their life if they lose it, it's all about a virtual world where we can discuss and enjoy virtual things.

      I know makech 7asedni ? w rahou mahouch tal7is wach na3mel ki houma y7ebouni, w deja nes lkol y7ebou 3la chway publicité ?

    3. Empty  @CSBD

      Empty @CSBD

      I HAVE 0 POINTS ? :v 

    4. Stranger ஜ۩۞۩ஜ

      Stranger ஜ۩۞۩ஜ

      No one send me points ? 

  10. This will be your last warning !


    Take it serious, unless .. i'll do my job ?


  11. There you worked hard and unfairly to gain points .. With spam and creating multiple accounts .. You lost much time.. and you got many points.. Then what ??? , Within 2 mins you lost your account.

    So please members.. I'm advising you to not waste your time and be mature and work fairly..


  12. عيدكم مبروك و سنين دايمة ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ✘ tayab™ ✘

      ✘ tayab™ ✘

      ❤️عيد مبارك تفبل الله صالح الاعمال

    3. Viceroy


      You too,

      Khair mubarak bro ❤️

    4. Mohamed Nasser

      Mohamed Nasser

      عيد اضحي مبارك علينا وعليكم ان شاء الله 

      ص�رة ذات ص�ة

  13. @BhOOTh! @ CSBD sent you 18 points 

    Yeah age confirmed.. Bhooth is also 18 ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Verox


      No i didn't ? ty ❤️

    3. Verox


      AHaha thank you ❤️

      ▲ ✘ ♣Ret H@Cker♣™ ✘ ▲ sent you 10 points 

      You told your age .. i did nothing.

    4. Verox


      ahaha ik that ❤️

  14. Hopper™ sent you 18 points 

    I bet it's your age :3 ❤️

    1. ∆VERON∆™


      ahhh Almost ?  

    2. Verox


      We're talking about ages..

      And see what @N-y-x Did N-y-x sent you 7 points     ❤️ Thnx son

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Verox


      @Dobe sent you 8 points  Thnx ❤️

    3. ∆VERON∆™


      I really don't wanted to donate you that but take it ? 

    4. Shadox
  15. You'll find whatever you need here : and : Just by browsing our community a bit gives you an answer for all your questions! And all news and updates from our Administrative team for the community will be posted here : http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/forum/5-news-and-updates/ Enjoy! TOPIC CLOSED.
  16. Finally free again.. Back to work!!!

    Note: I'll not be AFK in TS3 (I'll answer you ? )

  17. Mr Mockys..

    Let's try to be more careful .. About status update..

    Spam & advertising to make people join your server is not tolorated!

    So let's watch out a little bit.

    Have a great night! ?

    1. Mockys


      ok Gn ? not is my server i am player in Csnewschool ?

    2. Verox


      I don't need excuses.

      You should just read our community's rules carefully to avoid being punished.

      and try to be sorry for making some abuses...

    1. ∆VERON∆™


      Verox just send me 100 points or I will start spamming you ??

    2. Verox


      Just do it , I love that kind of spam ?

    3. Shadox


      Record number on spam ? 

  18. There you go Nathan!


    continuing like that puts your official account in risk of being banned permanently! so be careful.

    1. Na[T]haN^


      Sorry i am not this human 

    2. Verox


      I don't want lies... and i don't want to see excuses from you, i just warned you!

      And you're now free , either you take my warning serious or i'll do what i can do.

    3. Na[T]haN^


      OK THX  me be careful.

  19. First of all you don't have any problem .. You're just requesting photoshop link and some effects .. About photoshop !! You can google it and you can buy it .. anything more we can't help you .. if you want it for free then search for it. About effects , i would tell you that you can browse design section and you'll find infinit number of effects that may helps you ! TOPIC CLOSED.
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