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Everything posted by Verox

  1. Welcome to CsBlacDevil, Have fun!
  2. Hello Profesoru, Open your console and type : +attack and +right (or +left) When you're done and you want to play after being afk you must disable these commands by entering the same commands in console with replacing the (+) with (-) character, so it'll be: -attack -right (or -left) Double peace!
  3. V2, brush, effects
  4. Welcome to csblackdevil community, Have fun With us!
  5. Welcome to CSblackdevil, Enjoy your stay with us!
  6. Verox

    Problem cs 1.6

    Model Your Nickname: Your Problem: Screenshot: Failure to comply posting Model leads to closing the topic. T/C
  7. @Timm- & @Zeref. , Let me know if you're still alive guys! 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dev-☠


      @Nadeem- i know all have time and all hope get grade here

      but i hate who need grade free

      who need grade here he need working for it.

      good luck to all guys.

    3. Nadeem-


      Leave Grade Member Have Total Freedom i love DEsign not Grade @# R-K-O ♕ ㋡

    4. Dev-☠


      Who Care mr. @Nadeem-

      i hope you make good work in desgin and get GFX Designer.


  8. Welcome to Csblackdevil community, have fun with us,!!
  9. Welcome, Have fun with us!
  10. It's your chance to win a DJ Grade in our TS3 server, we're organizing a competition this Saturday, If you want to participate go reply to this topic : 


  11. Name of the game: Day of Infamy Price: $5.99 USD Link store: Here Offer ends in : 26 February Some images of the game:
      • 1
      • I love it
  12. Happy birthday, Gamer
  13. There's a competition ongoing, everybody is able to participate To win DJ Grade in our TS3 Server

    Check this!:


  14. Hello @GunShoot, To solve this problem you have to apply the following instructions! Go to your CS 1.6 Folder, "...\cstrike\autoexec.cfg" and delete everything you find there in that CFG File, (If you didn't find it, then it's fine) Go to your CS 1.6 Folder, "...\cstrike" and there you'll find config.cfg, Delete it and replace it with this one after downloading it : Download config.cfg Now Go back to your CS 1.6 Folder, "...\cstrike\resource" and there you'll find GameMenu.res, Delete it and replace it with this one after downloading it : Download GameMenu.res That's it, and everything will be fine, Good Luck!!
  15. Verox

    sign in problem

    As you read in that message, this method is not yet supported by our community, there still some problems to fix, And as i already told you in Teamspeak3, Only admins can give you the right information about this problem, You can ask @Sethhh. or @Mr.Love And they can tell you how to deal with this, Or you can simply create a new ticket here : http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/support/ , Where you can go with your question to the Admins of this community! Good luck!
  16. DJ Competition #5 Is created, where you'll have the chance to get DJ Grade and other prizes in our TS3 Server,

    You may start your registrations! Let the best DJ win.


    1. Dev-☠


      i will destroy Music Channel :)

  17. I just want to add something which i didn't see in previous posts, and it may be new for some members and a chance for them to know it.. Hello @FiNe@CSBD Well, [Solved]/[Rejected]... Tags on title are not automatically added to the topic.. You should edit the title and add them, And here's a very easy way to edit titles, without the need to edit the whole topic : 1: move your mouse to the title of the topic that you want to edit, 2: Click and hold to edit the title.. 3: After that you'll be able to edit the title, 4: When you finish, press "Enter" or click away , and that's it. I hope you got what i said!! Good luck.
  18. Name of the game: DRAGONBALL XENOVERSE Bundle Edition Price: $16.24 USD Link store: Here Offer ends in : -
      • 4
      • I love it
  19. Welcome to CsBlackDevil Community Costin.
  20. Welcome to CsBlackDevil Community , Have fun with us.
  21. Her's your chance to win V.I.P Grade ,  You can participate in SOTW #3,

    Make the best creation !


  22. Congratulations for the winners : @Flenn. @Timm- @Fake Zeref. 煵 in Designers competition!

  23. Hello Profesoru, Well , This problem can be solved by editing 1 cvar in your server, and i already tested that in many servers , and this will fix all the strafe problems in server , So all you need to do is to access your server's FTP ---> The go to file named server.cfg Go there and search for the cvar "sv_airaccelerate ..." , and change it to "sv_airaccelerate 999" , . Then everything will be fine, you can go to your server again and test the nemesis strafe. Good luck.
  24. Welcome back , enjoy your stay.
  25. This battle will be closed due to inactivity.. T/C
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