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Everything posted by Verox

  1. New beautiful Avatar!

    @The Ga[M]er.❤️   Perfect!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. maykel.
    3. #FIGHTER.


      really nice work

      @The Ga[M]er. have great work my Freind ❤️

    4. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy

      nice good 

      have gread work my bother ?

  2. Chnoua ? -_-

    1. Blackfire


      firas i miss you habibi ?

    2. Shadox


      • vortex you alive ??? dead .???? ? 

  3. Try to make points fairly guys,

    Spam & flood & multi-accounts leads to only one thing : (BAN) !

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Verox


      export your identity & save it , then upgrade your windows ..

      After that import your identity again, and you'll get your grades back..

      If you don't understand you can check youtube

    3. Blackfire


      dude its 2018 really bro . its new world new future New gaming world ? . Xp only for Grandmothers & library Schools.

    4. Shadox


      verox after that you will back my helper hahah !D 

  4. Mr Aymen! 

    I already warned you !!

    but you didn't learn, and you didn't take my warning so serious, so enjoy!



    1. Blackfire


      good verox . he was making multi acc in distrub all memebers. 

    2. - Wolver

      - Wolver

      pff VIP for 2 day's ?

    3. Shadox


      WTF @Verox hahahahhahah VIP 2 days he was happy 


      -_- xd 

  5. Look at this aymen !!


    Try to be careful! it's your last warning

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AyM3N
    3. Verox


      As you see MOGREM Is Banned!!

      and don't try to fool me! if i came to you and tell you about multi-account just amke sure that i have all the proofs against you, !!

      So when someone asks you to be careful, & warn you just don't argue!

    4. AyM3N


      @Evil BaBY™  can u real rules

      1 - i dont ask you or anything

      2 - i said verox / mr.love /naudy Not You !!

      3 - i am on this forum from 2015 but this my account this New From 2017 !!!

      4 - dont post on my profile again

  6. You got the last chance from me FIGHTER !!!!

    You know what i mean !! so don't ask & be careful!

    1. Shadox


      oh ret , i dont know when got gfx designer ? 

    2. Shadox


      yes , soon soon will be ? just wait and active and @Verox leader seee you )))) 

  7. @MaSt3Rs-K|Ll3r sent you 3 points 


     @# P N G sent you 1 points 

    Hmmm, Generous members ?

    Let's not post more status update or it'll be a spam over here,

    So from now on, it will be with prizes !!

     50 Points = Well Designed Cover photo by me !


    @Viceroy sent you 1 points   

    Wow What a generous man ? ?

    1. Viceroy



      Thanks ❤️ ?

  9. @Ovi^` sent you 6 points 

    Thank you ?

  10. Well done !! ?

    1. [N]audy


      I don't understand :|

  11. ti zayed! m3alem 

    1. ʋσʀтεx™♛
    2. _Happy boy
    3. Archea


      Saha Verox hake wa a5eran walet adminstratores

  12. Verox

    More fake likes & points spam from multiple accounts will put this account in risk of permanent ban So Be careful!

    1. Imee


      Verox awleed homty ya3mloli fi likes t5a wahid fihoum a3meli likes bara banih!

    2. Verox


      c'est bon banithom, !!

      & as i said, be more careful!

    3. Imee
  13. Starting from the upcoming Sunday, we'll start organizing competitions (aotw/sotw/DJ) in which Points awards will be included!! Much points to win!

    So stay close!!

    1. Freaky


      Thats great news ? 

  14. We're updating more and more , Check this, for most recent news about points/trophies/medals news !

    If there's anything not clear or not mentioned there feel free to reply & ask!

  15. There is no problem in forum, the problem is the method that you use to transfer the image from other site (imgur) to our forum! And to get image without lines, you can simply right click on the image from the site you uploaded to , by copying link or copying image direcly, and past it in your signature field! Anyway, that's what i did now, and your signature looks perfect! TOPIC CLOSED.
  16. I'm still watching this cover, :3 :V

    I feel so uncomfortable! ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gabi Papi

      Gabi Papi

      Oh didnt see the word cover haha and yeah i know its weird :v

    3. HICHEM
    4. [N]audy
  17. Gato, I know you speak english well, and you always have something to say/ And i know you like nothing and you're treating everyone like you're over them let's say you're acting like aboss here!

    You're smart cz what you're doing can't bring punishments for you, as you didn't break any of the forum's rules!

    But many members are complaining about you, and you're getting more and more reports! even you're not getting punishments for all reports, but you're annoying our members, and i'm still asking you to be more kind with others!

    and never forget this from our rules :  In any other unexpected situation which is not written in the rules, the conduct of the community has the final saying.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Strix


      hahah see who's talking about rules and he got a permanent ban on ts3 = ) dont let me start again please.. 

    3. Strix


      @Verox close this status bcuz i know more haters will start replying here : )

    4. Strix


      @HICHEM why editing your comment from ' Read rules ' to ' hahahahaha ' ? omg thats what i dont undrustand from members!

  18. We still have @Flenn. in this community!

    #Respect! mate

    1. HICHEM


      he Always Insult me Arabic

    2. Strix


      @Flenn. is a real legend

    3. JaCks


      deserves respect.

  19. What a great medal for GFX Designers!!

    I want it ? ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. #Wittels-


      yes great medal ?

    3. -Garrix


      i have it dude its good ?

    4. Flenn.


      Picasso xd wtf !!!

  20. First who reply to this status update will get 50 Points,

    Second : 9 points,

    Why? ?  : Cz i feel bored ?

    Strange prizes & no third winner! ?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Strix


      i can create u many accounts to ban them if you want so you will never feel bored xD

    3. Verox


      No, i'm ok now, thank you!

    4. Strix
  21. Who care for Peter ? ? i'm sure it's not his grandpa !! ?

    1. #Wittels-


      hahahaha ?

    2. HICHEM



    3. ∆VERON∆™


      And who is Peter ?

  22. V2, so nice blur and effects !!
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