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Everything posted by Verox

  1. Me right now :


    Am i the only one who's seeing this image as one of best ? ?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. «MOGREM»( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)♛

      «MOGREM»( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)♛


    3. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy


    4. Dev-☠


      hhhh ??


  2. Accepted, I'll send you my work this night! Whenever i get time!
  3. Enough for today, It's time to sleep! Have a great night/day little Devils ! ❤️

  4. <13:19:58> "#Drennn.": i want to play fortnite
    <13:20:33> "Verox": what's your pc charac ? (i meant characteristics)
    <13:20:57> "#Drennn.": laptop
    <13:21:15> "Verox": you can't play fortnite
    <13:21:18> "Verox": ?

  5. Forum is still updating and earning point's isn't fixed yet! So be patient and everything will be fair for every member regarding his work/grade/activity in forum

  6. Ewwww HAPPY DAYS! ?

    1. Dev-☠


      i hope see you Happy all Years :)

  7. Congratulations for the winner in Designers Competition #6



    1. Dev-☠



      never give up , noww the team gfx is the best.

      thanks verox <3.

  8. We're recruiting new GFX Designers! And new Members will be added to the team!

    & There is ongoing Competition for that !

    Go participate now : 


  9. Here we go !  Check this out :


  10. Get ready for Designers competition! We'll recruit new GFX Designers, For those who are interested! STAY CLOSE ? !

  11. Congratulations to  @Hopper™ & @BhOOTh! @ CSBD

    For Succeeding !!! ✌️?

  12. Verox

    Buy Server

    Listen up Shady, First watch out your language! Secondly, If they're not answering you that means they're busy! So stop creating multiple topics in different sections to bring attention to yourself! You're just creating spam and post hunt, And risk other members to be punished. Try to contact Mr.love in our teamspeak3 server, IP:TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM TOPIC/CLOSED.
  13. Rejected. I Don't like the stock!
  14. @Vortex™ 


    complained Name: Vertox

    TWO In ONE !

    You'll have to start thinking about changing your nick! ??

    (Bdet el oumour tet3a9ed xD)

  15. Congratulations for the new STAFF Members !

    @Jùppiter Congratulations for GM✌️?

    @#X A V I ♕ & @Hopper™ ? Congratulations for Moderator

    Other members Still have chance to be in the STAFF, All you need to do is being active in our Forum ( FAQ Proposal reports etc..)

    Good luck for everyone!

    1. #Moshaks™


      Congratulations All 

      and Thank you Verox ?

    2. BhooTh


      Congrats brothers 

    3. Dev-☠


      Verox i no like this grade for you

      i hope see you administrator ?

  16. Winner : Verox ! TOPIC/CLOSED
  17. Let's see who will be the winner in the ongoing AOTW !

    Go vote for the best creation here : 


  18. Don't miss your chance to win VIP Grade For 30 DAYS! ? 

    Go participate in AOTW Now http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/forum/10138-aotw/

    1. Henry™


      Oh. Good LauK ! ?

  19. Verox


  20. AOTW competition IS BACK ?

    In which you can win VIP Grade for 30 Days!

    For more informations


  21. Well played Karius ?

    Résultat de recherche d'images pour "Karius fail real madrid"

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Imed;♛


      a ball gareth bale Missile

    3. Dust.


      hala madrid ? ??

    4. ITS OZX-

      ITS OZX-

      Dogmos bad player 


  22. Ramadan Kareem ! <3

    Here's a special gift for this special month !


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