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Everything posted by myCro

  1. It has arrived...


  2. A pretty harsh review, i play this for more than 7 years, i disagree with a lot of the things from the beggining. Never encouter tehnical problems or bugs.
  3. Become an Overwatch!



  4. Bine ai venit si sunt incantat sa te revad! Hf!
  5. 34.png.d90319282b3b2b344b16f8115702906d.

    I'st phase - Overwatch [things have been put into motion]

    II'nd phase - 1v1 Battles [things have been put into motion and they base on Overwatch]

    III'rd phase - Clans & Games [things have been put into motion, much more needs to be done]

    IV'th phase - YouTube Channel [things have been put into motion, i have access on the channel, everything bases on Overwatch & Clans]

    V "final" phase - The contest which will launch everything.


    Be ready, 31st Octomber, recharge your inner devil!

  6. What can it be?


  7. Our first GFX PASS is complete & finished! Thank you so much for participating.

    But no fear, Halloween is close, but our event is much closer: starting 13.10.19, more details below:



  8. Show us some funny doggos around here!


  9. Whoa whoa, check here the new 5.0 design update! Helpers, GP Points and more!


  10. Do you want ZP 6.0 instead of 6.2 for ZMOLDSCHOOL?! For sure we want, but we want to hear it from you too!


    1. TheDark™


      we want old addons zp 6.0

    2. RafaeL G.

      RafaeL G.

      Done! Good luck bro ❤️❤️❤️ Always by your side!!!!

    3. Sr-MaRiO


      Done Bro, always supporting your decisions that are best for the server, Lucky Bro ❤️

  11. Some big changes!


  12. Problem solved, send us your datas!


    1. RafaeL G.

      RafaeL G.

      at least you fixed it!!! god bless!!! GG ?

  13. myCro

    Hello, one of your creations has been choosed to be voted in the weekly contest of  

    Gather your followers and obtain promotion for your artwork!

    1. DoNaTeLo™


      Clear a message from you

    2. DoNaTeLo™


      Clear a message from you

    3. DoNaTeLo™


      Clear a message from you

  14. New GFX initiative!


    1. Mr.Espinoza ♔♔♔

      Mr.Espinoza ♔♔♔

      :0 . I never learn use photoshot :V. 

  15. Congrats and welcome! 

    1. THē-GHōST


      thanks you dear brother ❤️ 

  16. Cast your vote! 


    1. THē-GHōST


      do you v3 your design is very cool ❤️ 

  17. Get your chance for a high rank!

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