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Everything posted by myCro

  1. What would you change to the current csblackdevil administrative team? Give us an idea of how we could develop the community.
  2. What would you change to the current csblackdevil administrative team? Give us an idea of how we could develop the community.
  3. Where would you see csblackdevil after 5 years? Give us an idea of how we could develop the community
  4. Are we taking jokes on each other? I growed sick of how you act, even through i wanted in the first reply to really give you a chance. Suspended for 7 days. You are prohibied to do another recruitment request otherwise there will come a 30 day ban, and after that a permanent ban.
  5. Okay. Thank you for your request! Start your activity in that category and return after 30 days with a new request. Otherwise you can always choose a project and find yourself a way for diversification. Play your chance smart, you got our attention. Click on one of the image to get to apply for a specific project(Uploaders are coming soon) Wish you all the best! Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  6. You will die because the river is too powerful, but at least you learned something. If you consider yourself too powerful, you will fall, because you can't stop a river, you either stop a little bit, find a way especially because from a big wood you could come up with something or you just move forward without thinking your moves, and you lose. Thank you for your request! We are interested in people that could help us thinking creative, come up with initiative, being smart and not rushing in their decisions. Click on one of the image to get to apply for a specific project(Uploaders are coming soon) Wish you all the best! Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality
  7. Banned for: stealing members password through user.ini type files and using their accounts to gain yourself forum reputation, using their accounts to delete server content(NEWLIFEZM) even through after 1-2 days you are consuming effort to vote for that server(NEWLIFEZM).


    Grow up kiddos, you are getting annoying and when it's too late you will realise noone give a damn of your stupid actions, you are nothing in a big world, learn to matter.

    1. Shadox


      why i tired my self to make for him avatar today :// 

    2. Blexfraptor
    3. jayden™
  8. Well well, now that is a creative mind i like, good thing that you got the thing with the steps, now, as a beautiful desert, please present your design project activity, what are your ingredients(in which categories you do your activity the most) and what steps you follow(what you are doing inside that). @REVAN, @Nexy, @russ do you consider his request fit to be taken in consideration? please stop us if you will, it is your colleague after all.
  9. You can't take care of Report Center as for that is needed higher permisions granted from global moderators. Come up with an idea or find yourself a project.
  10. Give us 1 idea about uploaders development Give us 1 idea about vgame reviewers development Give us some ideas about creating some contests too.
  11. You are stranded alone in the woods and you encounter a river were you can't just walk in because the water flows too fast. What do you do?
  12. Please tell us 5 qualities and 5 defects of yours, not what you typed there Note some of your qualities: I am very respectful in the study student Tell us some of your defects: Sometimes I care about something and I am not able to
  13. Let me know the person behind the virtual representation. You like to cook? Whats your favourite meal(dessert included)? Can you give me the recipe and the steps i have to follow to do it? Doesn't have to be something hard, just to be typed by you.
  14. red3anglebutton.png You got Accepted.

    1. jayden™


      thank you so much ❤️ 

  15. empty inbox

  16. Please ensure not to have the same admin password as any other password, this is a dangerous enviroment that things can get loose, keep everything separated. CHANGE YOUR FORUM PASSWORD AND ADMINS PASSWORD.
  17. Due to tehnical problems please resend to me, @axelxcapo, @Dante ღ your nick and a NEW password in order to get back your admin. All admin type ranks(Legends included) are affected except TAGS. You have 1 week at your disposal to recover your access otherwise we will remove it for inactivity. Sorry for inconvienence.
  18. Hello, almost the entire Overwatch Team has been removed: 

    We are looking to develop further through serious partners, active and who want to develop themselves.

    PM me or make an application here: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/13965-overwatch/



  19. ZMOLDSCHOOL is looking for ADMINS!


    Give me PM!

  20. Update. @TronyX & @AnaLucia - both accounts banned <20:13:03> "myCro": 27 years old? <20:13:04> "myCro": yes or no? <20:13:31> "TronyX1": 29 <20:13:43> "myCro": alright] <20:14:29> "TronyX1": thanks myCro for trusting me <20:14:34> "TronyX1": M <20:14:42> "TronyX1": myCro My lord <20:14:56> "TronyX1": myCro my lord <20:15:10> Your chat partner has disconnected. *** End of chat history <23:00:34> "AnaLucia1": thx myCro <23:02:33> "myCro": weren't you trony <23:02:33> "myCro": ? <23:02:41> "AnaLucia1": no <23:02:50> "myCro": how so? <23:03:19> "myCro": banned both accounts <23:04:00> "AnaLucia1": no my brother also plays
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