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Everything posted by myCro

  1. #weekend


    1. PulSen


      nice track,nice remix !!

  2. Nick: myCro Time: now Site: gametracker.rs Proof: Contact method: - Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : daily
  3. New rule added!

    Slay -  For who is using jetpack as a sniper.


  4. Your access of FTP and Daddy Boss got suspended for an indefinite period of time for risking the server security and administration. You 'removed' Andrei alias 'Romania [SWE]' without consulting or even kwnowing the fact that he has access to FTP. I understand the lack of time you had for the server lately, but the fact that a group of 3 people are complaining shouldn't stop you to inform yourself about the server, and a decision to remove a daddy boss has always come through ME and ROSELINA. Andrei access will be reinstated and the admins who complain in private should do more complaints as i consider every and each of their complaints.
  5. Pari un individ cizelat si cu bun simt. Numarul de 200 posturi necesare aplicatiei a fost ales(asa cum este notat si in paranteza) pentru ca ne da seama de timpul pe care il consumi in comunitate si genul de mentalitate pe care il ai, totul obtinut pe baza topicurilor create de tine. Avand un server in comunitate, un server populat, nu te poate califica drept un lider administrativ, altfel am fi avut mult mai multi moderatori. Asadar, te rog sa revii cu o cerere peste 30 de zile, perioada in care o sa te rog sa iti cauti un forum(inafara de cel al serverului) care simti ca te atrage mai mult si sa te implici in el. Implicarea poate fi definita prin participarea in categorie prin activitate care sa constea in creare de topicuri, formarea raspunsurilor, dezvoltarea ideilor(prin propuneri publice sau private liderilor).
  6. "pana acum cateva zile cand mi-am dat seama ca se poate sa ajung si eu in staff-ul CSBD" Cum ti-ai dat seama ca poti ajunge?
  7. Awesome avatars!


  8. All artworks are so well done an creative, very nice! I go with v4 just because i like it visually more. Vote v4
  9. "You did it" - GFX Challenge


  10. Are you a fan of anime art? Show us your skill on AOTW:


  11. 8 votes 5 - V1 (me) 3 - V2 (king) Winner: V1 - me. Thank you!
  12. Do you want an avatar/signature? do a request here: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/88-requests/

  13. Accepted Respectable artwork. Well done, let's start our collaboration ♥
  14. You are a good person wish has a lot of potential, try to do battles on a daily basis and try new and crazy effects, as for now you are on a very good path but almost there. Focus on doing more clear texts. Return in 30 days with a new request and new artworks, i am open to see your evolution.
  15. Perseverence is the key of success. You are on the right path, but you need to do more work in order to step up the clarity level of your works. Return in 30 days with a new request and new artworks, i am open to see your evolution.
  16. I really need you to work on the texts, do crazy things, without fear and always check for more times the clarify of your work, when you are too tired just take a break. Find your mood and you will advance. Accepted!
  17. Sadly you do not meet your level of acceptance, i was close to accept you, but the "STTAF" text let me down completly. Return in 30 days with a new request and new artworks, i am open to see your evolution.
  18. > Opponent's nickname: @AL_MAOT > Theme (must be an image): > Work Type: avatar > Size & Texts: 150x250, csblackdevil > How many total votes?: 10 > Work time: 24h
  19. React if you like!

    Show me your costume too(by posting there)!


    1. QeLi


      Most of them post filter not real costume ...

  20. #newtrack


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