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Everything posted by myCro

  1. Please pick if you would like to change from the current time of 3 minutes and 21 seconds to 4 minutes per round. Feel free to share your oppinion.
  2. Please in the future give them more time to work as sometimes they can be catched on the wrong foot, based on their explications: - amiro didn't saw imediatly the hacker because he was alive(same as in the proofs) - eadm99 was already on the hacker, trying to get him Case closed.
  3. We sincerely love you, our dear player, for being a part of NEWLIFEZM no matter what rank you have, no matter how old are you, no matter what race you represent or what gender you have, we care for you and you should always consider to communicate with us whatever wish you have because you are important for us.. all of you are important. Some messages have been added to remind you of this everyday: "Thank you for playing here." "YOU matter for US, we appreciate that YOU choose us" "WE have the responsability to respect YOU, our dear player" "You are great, beautiful, good and we hope to give you as much love and kindness as possible"
  4. We sincerely love you, our dear player, for being a part of NEWLIFEZM.


  5. #newtrack


  6. NEWLIFEZM 9th edition competition, join:


  7. Check out our NEW SERVER!



  8. Haideti sa functionam pe baza regulamentului si a dovezilor Self-slay pentru block = nu este specificat in regulament, nu este sanctionabil. Gag ... aici este discutabil de cat de insistenti ati fost la adresa lui, poate ambele tabere au gresit, daca se mai repeta situatia putem sa analizam mai bine(adica atunci cand se intampla, daca se mai intampla, sa continui sa depui reclamatii si daca intradevar este dovedit faptul ca greseste, sanctionam). lucian, am sa te rog politicos sa iei in considerare mai mult jucatorii de pe server... mai mult decat pana in momentul de fata, sper sa ma intelegi, datorita lor suntem aici si nu era nevoie sa le acorzi gag de 6 minute, maxim se puteau 2-3 minute, iar daca veneau cu gura mare aveai dreptul la mai multe. De asemenea asupra acuzatilor de faptul ca in timpul unui mod ai lasat de izbeliste totul... mi se par exagerate, dar te rog frumos sa iei in considerare, cum probabil o si faci, si acest aspect. Stiu cum este sa vi de la munca ostenit sau sa ai o zi mai grea ori sa vrei sa te bucuri de ambient si sa te distrezi, iar acest lucru o sa te sfatuiesc sa il faci in considerare, nu iti redu din distractie, dar ia in considerare ce am zis pentru ca jucatorii nostrii trebuiesc respectati, indiferent de situatie. quality, am sa te rog sa iei in considerare sa tratezi subiectul mai simplu, a fost vorba decat de un gag care intradevar a fost o afisare de putere asupra ta, dar daca stam sa ne gandim, amandoi va puteati evita bine-mersi, ia in considerare ca sunt admini care muncesc mai mult sau mai putin si sunt convins ca nu ai cum sa ii stii exact 100% care cum e, iar fiecare are momentele sale, bune, rele, asadar acorda si tu intelegere mai des, te rog. Sper ca v-am lamurit, nu v-ati dat in cap si incercati sa va intelegeti, haideti sa ne bucuram impreuna de ceea ce avem la dispozitie.
  9. #newtrack


    Special announcement: a new project, a new member of the family: EVILZM 4.3


    Stay tunned.

    1. Dark-ImmoRtal^


      ready for it 😏😏

    2. Itz Moha

      Itz Moha

      Okey all  wating you

    3. aRbi~


      💪🏼💪🏼Extending the family 

  10. NEWLIFEZM will have right from now on a new initiative, QUESTIONS FOR NEW RECRUITED!


  11. Hello ladies and , Gentlemen From now on every new recruit(from helper to any higher rank) will be addressed a set of carefully selected questions in order to test their knowledge and goals for our server, do not fear... this isn't something that hard and any decent person will pass... what we try to avoid are the less decent persons. Our special forces will be formed from the entire staff who has FTP(and designated persons to help them) and when you get accepted and establish contact with one of them, they will give you the short test. Wish you all good luck and hope this will provide to be usefull. Initiative started by: @Gudzone
  12. myCro

    Hello, please revise your forum models and do the content with your own knowledges.

    one of the examples:


  13. A qween with now a crown ♥!


    Congrats and well diserved!

    1. Qween


      Thank you very much ❤️ ❤️

  14. NEWLIFEZM - highest ranked CSBLACKDEVIL server & among the first zombie world servers(soon will be the first).

  15. After a day of work... some courses, well... tiring day..


    How was yours?


    1. QeLi


      Mine was very god damn tiring too

    2. Ale X Erfan

      Ale X Erfan

      Good Some Works Only 🙂 

    3. Dark-ImmoRtal^


      2 jobs 

      from one job to other 

      i just came back 

      15 hours of working xd 

  16. hmm, this would imply to replace our current vip with yours. This subject should be discussed when we do a general meeting.
  17. I like it very much but who can be avalaible to do them? as i don't have enough knowledges.
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