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Welcome br0 have fuN

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Hello, some questions in the server ^^ .


  • what is your favorite map? :
  • What do you most often buy from / shop-a? :
  • what is the worst mod you ever played? :
  • Best player in Nemesis? :
  • Best player in Sniper? :
  • The best player in Assassin? :
  • The best player in Survivor? :
  • What is your favorite zombie? :
  • your primary weapon ? :
  • What is your favorite knife skin ? [Number] :
  • Which mod you like to play (Nemesis, Assassin, sniper, survivor)? :
  • what is your felling when u getting blocked from players ? :


I'll be the first one .


  • what is your favorite map? : zm_ice_attack3 - zm_deko2.
  • What do you most often buy from / shop-a? : Armor.
  • what is the worst mod you ever played? : Survivor
  • Best player in Nemesis? : @Wizard ;x 
  • Best player in Sniper? : @Gerardo Larreal. 
  • The best player in Assassin? : @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @HiTLeR.
  • The best player in Survivor? : No one.
  • What is your favorite zombie? : Hunter.
  • your primary weapon ? : XM1014.
  • What is your favorite knife skin ? [Number] : 4.
  • Which mod you like to play (Nemesis, Assassin, sniper, survivor)? : Nemesis.
  • what is your felling when u getting blocked from players ? : Normal, he will move. 
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  • what is your favorite map? : zm_ice_attack3 zm_fox
  • What do you most often buy from / shop-a? : armor
  • what is the worst mod you ever played? : survivor
  • Best player in Nemesis? : @XZoro™
  • Best player in Sniper? : @HiTLeR.
  • The best player in Assassin? : @YaKoMoS @Meh Rez vM ! ♫
  • The best player in Survivor? : -
  • What is your favorite zombie? : Hunter
  • your primary weapon ? : xm
  • What is your favorite knife skin ? [Number] : 3
  • Which mod you like to play (Nemesis, Assassin, sniper, survivor)? : Nemesis , Sniper
  • what is your felling when u getting blocked from players ? : amx_slay will solve the problem
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  • what is your favorite map? :zm_deko2
  • What do you most often buy from / shop-a? :Jetpack
  • what is the worst mod you ever played? :Asassain
  • Best player in Nemesis? : @ThE gre+e=n MaS--k
  • Best player in Sniper? : @maykel.
  • The best player in Assassin? : @maykel.
  • The best player in Survivor? :-
  • What is your favorite zombie? : Predator
  • your primary weapon ? : Ak-47
  • What is your favorite knife skin ? [Number] : 7
  • Which mod you like to play (Nemesis, Assassin, sniper, survivor)? :Sniper 
  • what is your felling when u getting blocked from players ? : Angry


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  • what is your favorite map? : zm_fodazm_ice_attack3 
  • What do you most often buy from / shop-a? : Armor
  • what is the worst mod you ever played? : sniper
  • Best player in Nemesis? : @2slow ( Margelatu) + @XZoro™
  • Best player in Sniper? : @YaKoMoS
  • The best player in Assassin? : @HiTLeR.
  • The best player in Survivor? :-
  • What is your favorite zombie? : Regeneretor
  • your primary weapon ? : AK-47 (i actually used it)
  • What is your favorite knife skin ? [Number] : 5
  • Which mod you like to play (Nemesis, Assassin, sniper, survivor)? : Nemesis
  • what is your felling when u getting blocked from players ? : nothing. hope he move
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  • what is your favorite map? : zm_ice_attack3
  • What do you most often buy from / shop-a? : Armor
  • what is the worst mod you ever played? : Assassin
  • Best player in Nemesis? : @ThE gre+e=n MaS--k
  • Best player in Sniper? : @YaKoMoS
  • The best player in Assassin? : @HiTLeR.
  • The best player in Survivor? : -
  • What is your favorite zombie? : Regenerator
  • your primary weapon ? : XM1014
  • What is your favorite knife skin ? [Number] : 7
  • Which mod you like to play (Nemesis, Assassin, sniper, survivor)? : Assassin
  • what is your felling when u getting blocked from players ? : Normal
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  • what is your favorite map? : zm_gbox5
  • What do you most often buy from / shop-a? : Armor
  • what is the worst mod you ever played? : survivor
  • Best player in Nemesis? : @XZoro™
  • Best player in Sniper? : @HiTLeR.
  • The best player in Assassin? : @Meh Rez vM ! ♫
  • The best player in Survivor? : @YaKoMoS
  • What is your favorite zombie? : Hunter
  • your primary weapon ? : XM1014
  • What is your favorite knife skin ? [Number] : 4
  • Which mod you like to play (Nemesis, Assassin, sniper, survivor)? : Sniper
  • what is your felling when u getting blocked from players ? : so angry = ban 😛 
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  • what is your favorite map? : zm_foda 
  • What do you most often buy from / shop-a? : frost nades ,  armor
  • what is the worst mod you ever played? : survivor
  • Best player in Nemesis? : @XZoro™ @-Apex
  • Best player in Sniper? : me..
  • The best player in Assassin? : @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ @maykel.
  • The best player in Survivor? : @HiTLeR. @amiro_dz
  • What is your favorite zombie? : Hunter
  • your primary weapon ? : XM1014 - AK47
  • What is your favorite knife skin ? [Number] : 6
  • Which mod you like to play (Nemesis, Assassin, sniper, survivor)? : Sniper
  • what is your felling when u getting blocked from players ? : Its okay, i'm also doing it for some friends..
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  • what is your favorite map? : zm_adytzasfantu
  • What do you most often buy from / shop-a? : Armor, JP
  • what is the worst mod you ever played? : nemesis
  • Best player in Nemesis? : @Eslam Em Hamza
  • Best player in Sniper? : @itz_mo7a
  • The best player in Assassin? : @itz_mo7a
  • The best player in Survivor? : idk
  • What is your favorite zombie? : Regenerator
  • your primary weapon ? : XM1014
  • What is your favorite knife skin ? [Number] : 3
  • Which mod you like to play (Nemesis, Assassin, sniper, survivor)? : Assassin
  • what is your felling when u getting blocked from players ? : Sad 😧
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Me queda claro que TITAN no tolera el hecho de que somos humanos, cometemos errores y no nos damos cuenta de algunas cosas sino hasta muy tarde. Estuve afk en el server desde hace 5 horas, los ultimos 20 minutos viendo el server mientras juego en mi telefono "minecraft". Sucede que solo veo si no atacan en rondas doy slap, gag, etc. Me advierte sin yo saber por que, luego de preguntarle varias veces "why warn". Claro esta mal que yo no haya visto a un jugador usando hacks, yo estaba afk y jugando lo minimo. De cualquier forma a nadie le importa y como se que el buen de TITAN tiene favoritismo me removeran por mis 3 advertencias. Fué un gusto estar aca con ustedes ❤️


PD: No pienso seguir en un juego donde no toleran errores *HUMANOS* y se comportan como si esto fuera una escuela militar. Se entiende que hay reglas si, solo que no se siente como un juego cuando te dan warn por una estupidez así.



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Hola @NW.graphic.
No se trata de tolerar el hecho de que seamos humanos, me alegro que estés al tanto de lo que acabas de escribir:


"nos equivocamos y no nos damos cuenta de algunas cosas hasta muy tarde"

Y lo que dices aquí es muy cierto pero estás consistente que anteriormente se le advirtió 2 veces por el uso incorrecto de los comandos

Tu tercera advertencia fue por algo parecido a un caso que sucedió ayer (que por motivos personales y privados prefiero no compartir) y que fue una palabra muy, muy fuerte y diferente a tu caso, por lo cual decidí darte otra oportunidad en el servidor con tu rango actual y 1 advertencia o 2 advertencia (por razones que me compartiste lo que sucede con tu computadora) y si continúas con esta actitud y si continúas recibiendo otras advertencia por otras cosas, no estarás degradado -1, si no -2.
Así que a partir de ahora todo depende de ti, el uso correcto de las palabras y la misma forma de comandos.
Te deseo mucha suerte y si tienes alguna pregunta o inquietud, no dudes en contactarme.





Hello @NW.graphic.
It is not about tolerating the fact that we are human, I am glad that you are aware of what you just wrote:


"we are wrong and we do not realize some things until very late"

  And what you say here is very true but you are consistent you were previously warned 2 times for incorrect use of commands

Your third warning was for something similar to a case that happened yesterday (which for personal and private reasons I prefer not to share) and that it was a very, very strong word and different from your case, for which I decided to give you another chance. on the server with your current rank and 1 warning or 2 warning (for reasons that you shared with me what happens with your computer) and if you continue with this attitude and if you continue to receive other warnings for other things, you will not be downgraded -1, if not -2.
So from now on everything will depend on you, the correct use of words and the same form of commands.
I wish you good luck and if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact me.



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  • what is your favorite map? :zm_ice_attack3 - zm_deko2.
  • What do you most often buy from / shop-a? :Armor
  • what is the worst mod you ever played? :Survivor
  • Best player in Nemesis? : @XZoro™
  • Best player in Sniper? : @wizard
  • The best player in Assassin? :gerardo-larreal
  • The best player in Survivor? : meh-rez-vm
  • What is your favorite zombie? : hunter
  • your primary weapon ? :ak47
  • What is your favorite knife skin ? [Number] : 3
  • Which mod you like to play (Nemesis, Assassin, sniper, survivor)? : assassin
  • what is your felling when u getting blocked from players ? : Normal ,,, he will move later 


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★ Hiding in Sniper Mod is not compulsory!!



★ Using /lm ( Laser Mine ) on afk zombies is forbidden, and will lead to a slay!


So,players can plant on moving zombies & fly on sniper mode.

Just trying to make this clear to 50% of admins out there who don't ever read rules.


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