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Everything posted by DANGER__

  1. Alive?

    1. BS Angela
    2. DANGER__


      Which server are u playing on these days?

  2. Still alive?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. aRbi~


      type with him everyday on snapchat 😛 

    3. DANGER__


      Woah what's the niggas snap

    4. aRbi~


      send me a dm 😄

  3. Dumbass when are you gonna come back?

    1. -Sn!PeR-


      Bro passed away probably

  4. Still alive ?

    1. Mr.Talha


      Maybe she didn't give you answer !!

    2. BS Angela

      BS Angela

      I did texted him..

    3. Mr.Talha


      Oohh okay. My bad, Sorry  

  5. Highlifezm is online again!! Join in people :)). 

  6. Sup dumbass. Here's a tribute for you :V.. https://imgur.com/a/OXfC0s6

    Credits : @aRbi~

    1. aRbi~


      YES u TISON 

      We are waiting for ur loans with devil coins :V @InfiNitY-™

    2. InfiNitY-™


      my D is all i have for both of u 😂

  7. We are looking for managers as well as admins .Those who can stay active and afk at night request here.

    Grades from helper to co-owner is available!

    1. Paquito


      yo puedo pero quiero un rango mas alto que admin


  8. Nickname : DANGER Tag your opponent : @AraGoN ™ Music genre : Orchestral Pop Number of votes ( max 7 ) : 7 Tag one leader to post your songs: @Meh Rez vM ! ♫
  9. Lmao so now you are a VIP with autism. Congrats dumbass

    1. InfiNitY-™


      thx dumby ❤️ 

  10. Bruh wtf. Just speechless. ?

  11.  "f1x!k": 
    <21:51:20> "Infinity": I FORGOT
    <21:51:21> "Infinity": BTCH
    <21:524> "f1x!k": damn xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
    <21:52:12> "f1x!k": commands to send commands to the server console
    <21:541> "Infinity": i evne
    <21:542> "Infinity": forgot
    <21:545> "Infinity": what does that do
    <21:548> "Infinity": 2 YEARS BITCH
    <21:54:12> "Infinity": I CANT REMEMBER THIS SHIT e.e
    <21:54:14> "Infinity": DONT LEAK IT
    <21:54:20> "f1x!k": bruh
    <21:54:23> "f1x!k": 3 days ago
    <21:54:27> "f1x!k": u was using these commands
    <21:54:28> "f1x!k": -_
    <21:54:56> "f1x!k": and i just said what they are for.. => <21:52:12> "f1x!k": commands to send commands to the server console
    <21:556> "Infinity": I FORGOTTTTTTTT
    <21:558> "Infinity": e.e
    <21:55:24> "f1x!k": YOU STILL DONT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE FOR.... ????
    <21:55:55> "Infinity": NOPE
    <21:55:56> "Infinity": :v
    <21:562> "f1x!k": amx_rcon <command> - sends command to the SERVER CONSOEL
    <21:565> "f1x!k": still dont ge tit ?
    <21:56:10> "f1x!k": get it? *
    <21:56:11> "Infinity": dude
    <21:56:12> "Infinity": for real
    <21:56:16> "Infinity": what were these commands
    <21:56:22> "Infinity": i fking forgot omg
    <21:56:29> "f1x!k": dude i just told u what is it for OMG
    <00:28:05> "DANGER": AHAHAHHAHAHA
    <00:28:06> "DANGER": OMGG
    <00:28:35> "f1x!k": 
    <21:56:29> "f1x!k": dude i just told u what is it for OMG
    <21:56:42> "Infinity": what were these commands
    <21:56:42> "Infinity": what were these commands
    <21:56:42> "Infinity": what were these commands
    <21:56:42> "Infinity": what were these commands
    <21:56:43> "Infinity": what were these commands
    <21:56:46> "Infinity": amx_rcon <command>
    <21:56:47> "Infinity": amx_rcon <command>
    <21:56:47> "Infinity": amx_rcon <command>
    <21:56:52> "Infinity": <command>
    <21:56:54> "Infinity": what the fck
    <21:571> "Infinity": was supposed to be wrote here
    <21:57:19> "f1x!k": command that u want to send to the server console...
    <21:57:37> "f1x!k": like
    <21:57:41> "f1x!k": addip
    <21:57:43> "f1x!k": listip
    <21:57:44> "f1x!k": listid
    <21:57:46> "f1x!k": status
    <21:57:48> "f1x!k": stats
    <21:57:53> "f1x!k": geoip
    <21:57:53> "f1x!k": ham
    <21:57:54> "Infinity": omg
    <21:57:55> "Infinity": and
    <21:57:57> "Infinity": then?
    <00:29:07> "DANGER": ahahahahha what a dumbass
    <00:29:15> "DANGER": he was talking about rcon some time back
    <00:29:18> "DANGER": and he fking forgot
    <00:29:19> "DANGER": ahahaha
    <00:29:21> "DANGER": omg
    <00:30:38> "f1x!k": 
    <2206> "f1x!k": by mistake
    <2209> "f1x!k": closed the chat
    <220:15> "Infinity": u sck :v
    <220:18> "f1x!k": i will have to
    <220:22> "f1x!k": make a special tutorial
    <220:24> "f1x!k": for you
    <220:25> "f1x!k": specially
    <220:29> "f1x!k": how to use rcon and what is it for
    <220:29> "Infinity": lmao
    <220:32> "Infinity": ahhahh
    <220:33> "f1x!k": and i will fking tag you on forum
    <00:31:34> "f1x!k": <220:47> "Infinity": thats humiliating
    <220:52> "f1x!k": i will do it
    <220:54> "f1x!k": for real
    <220:55> "Infinity": Nooooooooooo
    <220:58> "Infinity": wait a sec
    <2211> "Infinity": u dont have any proof
    <2214> "Infinity": that i said anything 
    <2218> "Infinity": u r making things up
    <221:10> "f1x!k": i have chat logger plugin 
    <221:13> "Infinity": aaaa
    <221:14> "Infinity": [CENSORED]
    <221:16> "Infinity": please
    <221:17> "Infinity": xD
    <00:33:39> "DANGER": rip
    <00:33:44> "DANGER": really a dumbass
    <00:33:47> "DANGER": omg
    <00:33:48> "DANGER": XD
    <00:33:49> "f1x!k": i rly will make
    <00:33:53> "f1x!k": i have screenshot of the chats
    <00:33:54> "DANGER": ahahha please do
    <00:33:55> "f1x!k": i will tag him
    <00:33:56> "f1x!k": xDD
    <00:34:01> "DANGER": for dumb bosses like him
    <00:34:05> "DANGER": XD
    <00:34:30> "f1x!k": Title: What is RCON and how to use it - FOR DUMB FOUNDERS ONLY
    <00:36:05> "DANGER": aahhahaa
    <00:36:13> "DANGER": what a dumbass

     RIP @InfiNitY-™ . credit goes to @f1x!k

    Sorry but you know this had to happen.:V


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Filex Dragneel

      Filex Dragneel

      @InfiNitY-™ , dont try to excuse yourself , that's not even the full chat lmao xDD

    3. InfiNitY-™


      @f1x!k you are a [CENSORED] dude you leaked our chats so easily ? 

    4. shVury


      =))))) hahahaha

  12. I hope that's not you in the profile pic lol ?

    1. Crastto


      why u like this girl? hh

    2. DANGER__


      More than you haha?

    3. DANGER__


      Sarcasm bro....something you wont get ?

  13. As most of aware of the currently developing situation in USA where blacks are being persecuted by the "white supremacists",I believe a lot of us never thought about how this hate began . It was in the 15th century that new continents were being explored and colonized. During the course of time , the educated colonizers began to exploit the natives of the land they colonized . Thus began the slave trade which lasted for 3 centuries . The Southern states in USA had huge cotton plantations where they used to employ thousands of black slaves exported from Africa . The conditions of these slaves was pathetic . "DJANGO UNCHAINED" is a movie which portrays their hardships (you can check it out if you want ). In 1860 the then president of USA Abraham Lincoln decreed that slavery will be abolished and signed an Emancipation charter to which all the states agreed except the Southern which voted to separate itself from the USA . This led to a Civil War which lasted for four years from 1861 to 1865. Slavery was abolished but the people didnt change . They still considered blacks as a lower form of people than them . This culminated in a century of the Apartheid movement led by Martin Luther King Jr which eventually won the blacks equal rights . With the coming Donald Trump who proposes to make "America Great Again" and calls black protesters thugs and openly threatens them , the hate crimes have escalated . Police brutality is the highest it has ever been . Blacks have been shot ,choked ,killed and arrested for no reason . George Floyd was not the first victim and I believe with a lot hope that may he be the last . #Blacklivesmatter.
  14. "I suppose in the end the whole of life becomes an act of letting go but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye...."
  15. You were a good guy.  I will remember you for that..


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