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  1. @Bigg-=-partY @JaEgArN @[MC]Ronin[MC] 

    I am lucky that my activity is good in the server I hope you will tell that




  2. The solution to this problem is Download Counter Strike 1.6 CSBD v 1.0 I use it Fps good and Faculty of Photography Nice I advise you Good luck
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  4. L’émergence exponentielle des technologies numériques et la généralisation de la mondialisation ont fait naître de nouvelles aspirations. Le porteur de projet digital, objet de convoitise d’un bon nombre de nouveaux bacheliers, a su tirer son épingle du jeu. Comment devenir un entrepreneur dans le domaine du Web ? Autant le dire tout de suite, passer par une formation est presque devenu un passage obligé. En effet, maintenir une société à flot nécessite des notions de gestion, de marketing et de ressources humaines. Tout ceci en s’adaptant aux outils multimédias sans cesse renouvelés. Cependant, si vous possédez certains soft skills, vous pourrez sortir des sentiers battus et prendre des chemins de traverse. Un métier pluridisciplinaire Entreprendre dans le domaine du Web englobe plusieurs secteurs d’activités. L’employeur est à la tête d’un personnel hétéroclite maîtrisant non seulement les nouvelles technologies, mais aussi le commerce 2.0. La masse salariale se compose en général d’une équipe : technique (webmasters, développeurs d’applications mobiles, graphistes, spécialistes UX et UI design). éditoriale (rédacteurs, audit SEO). web-marketing (community managers, Webmarketers) et e-commerce. Une formation technique et/ou commerciale peut donc s’avérer être un véritable atout. Quelles études faut-il faire, pour devenir Web-entrepreneur ? Une fois le baccalauréat en poche, le jeune diplômé peut opter pour une licence, un master ou un DEES en gestion des entreprises. S’il préfère un parcours plus court, il peut finaliser ses études en 2 ans avec un BTS ou un DUT. L’autre option choisie par 90 % des étudiants, est d’intégrer une grande école et devenir bachelor en : management. commerce. gestion. marketing ou comptabilité. Des organismes sérieux se sont spécialisés dans la préparation aux concours. N’hésitez pas à vous renseigner pour mettre de maximum de chances de votre côté. Des digital business schools avec une spécialisation entrepreneuriat commencent à voir le jour. Elles préparent le futur entrepreneur à acquérir et renforcer les notions indispensables à son futur poste. D’ailleurs, si vous avez déjà un projet d’entreprise, sachez que vous pouvez bénéficier du statut national d’étudiant-entrepreneur. Il vous permet de mener à bien votre plan et de bénéficier de certains avantages tout en poursuivant vos études. 15 % des dirigeants français n’ont aucun diplôme À l’image de Steeve Jobs et Bill Gates, le Web-entrepreneuriat est avant tout une question de potentiel. Les formations ne vous seront d’aucune utilité si vous ne possédez pas les qualités inhérentes à tout entrepreneur. Il doit avoir de l’ambition et ne pas craindre la prise de risques. La faculté d’adaptation, l’organisation et la créativité sont ses maître-mots. Si vous avez décidé d’opérer une reconversion sur le tard, il est tout à fait possible de devenir autodidacte. Internet est une mine d’informations. Il regorge de précieux conseils et de tutoriels pour vous accompagner à chaque étape. Néanmoins, ce choix a l’inconvénient d’être particulièrement chronophage et hasardeux. Si vous souhaitez gagner du temps, les MOOC (formations en ligne) représentent une alternative idéale. Les cours sont dispensés par des universités ou des organismes. Ils sont flexibles et vous permettent d’avancer à votre rythme. Le cas particulier du freelance Aujourd’hui, un grand nombre de salariés déçus se tournent vers le télétravail. Devenir auto-entrepreneur dans le domaine du Web est un secteur dynamique qui attire de plus en plus de monde. Même s’il est facilité par le portage salarial, le travail à distance a beaucoup d’appelés, mais peu d’élus. Alors, pour ne pas vous brûler les ailes avant d’avoir décollé, voici quelques conseils. N’abandonnez pas votre emploi actuel sans un projet bien réfléchi en amont. Prenez des cours entrepreneuriat, c’est INDISPENSABLE. Faites une étude de marché minutieuse et réaliste. Entourez-vous d’une communauté stimulante et d’un réseau professionnel efficace. Renseignez-vous sur les différents régimes et statuts juridiques avant toute création d’entreprise.
  5. Vice-champion du monde de Formule 1, l’an passé, au volant de sa Mercedes, le pilote finno-allemand ne s’est pas fixé un autre objectif que la plus haute marche du podium en 2015, alors que se profile le premier Grand Prix de la saison (Australie, le 15 mars). Convivial et spontané, francophile et francophone, le beau Nico livre une autre facette de sa personnalité. SOMMAIRE DU DOSSIER Consultez le dossier complet Renault Clio 4 RS Trophy : un tour du circuit de Monaco avec Max Verstappen Formule 1 – Pharrell Williams : les fans de Lotus vont être « happy » Formule 1 – Grand Prix de Monaco : Hamilton offre la victoire à Rosberg Formule 1 – Saison 2015 – Grand Prix de Monaco : c’est dimanche ! Nico Rosberg (Mercedes) : “La puissance, on s’en fout. Seul le plaisir compte” Formule 1 - Saison 2015 : qui peut battre Hamilton ? Formule 1 : Ferrari présente la monoplace du futur Ferrari FXX K : Sebastian Vettel s’éclate au volant de l’hypercar ! Formule 1 - Quel Grand-Prix ce week-end ? - Calendrier de la saison 2015 Délire : quand McLaren parodie "Retour vers le Futur" ! Formule 1 : Ferrari, Red Bull, McLaren... les monoplaces 2015 en photos C’est Noël : Jenson Button distribue des billets de banque ! Mercedes SL 63 AMG Collector’s : quand Hamilton et Rosberg créent leur modèle Un camion qui saute par-dessus une Formule 1 : la vidéo du record du monde Formule 1 : Lewis Hamilton champion du monde 2014 Formule 1 - Fernando Alonso quitte Ferrari pour McLaren La Formule 1 en crise avant le Grand Prix des Etats-Unis Formule 1 : Ferrari chambré par Mercedes à Maranello Formule 1 – GP de Russie : Lewis Hamilton en patron Formule 1 – Jules Bianchi : un hommage dédié au Français lors du GP de Monaco Formule 1 : révolution de palais chez Ferrari 10 ans de prison pour Bernie Ecclestone ? Quel conducteur êtes-vous ? « Ça dépend… de mon humeur et du pays dans lequel je me trouve. En général, je roule tranquille, mais il m’arrive de forcer l’allure. En France, je me tiens à carreau. [rires] » Quel est votre rapport aux voitures d’aujourd’hui ? « Je préfère les anciennes… Je possède une Mercedes 280 SL de 1970. Je m’en sers de temps en temps pour sillonner la Côte d’Azur, où je réside. A chaque fois que je la prends, c’est tout un rituel. Je m’habille en conséquence, je mets un CD de guitare acoustique, je prévois de m’arrêter en route pour boire un café… » Qu’est ce que vous n’aimez pas dans les voitures modernes ? « Je les trouve trop parfaites ! Il faut rouler à 200 km/h pour commencer à ressentir des émotions. Dans ma Pagode, à 70 km/h, c’est déjà le top. Conduire doit rester un plaisir. La puissance, on s’en fout, seul le plaisir compte. » Comment voyez-vous l’avenir de l’automobile ? « Quand je pars tôt de mon domicile monégasque pour me rendre à l’aéroport de Nice, je me retrouve souvent bloqué dans les embouteillages. Dans ces moments-là, pouvoir s’en remettre à l’électronique et ne plus avoir à s’occuper de rien, ce serait formidable. Je suis également avec intérêt le développement des voitures hybrides, car il est capital de faire baisser les consommations. » LA SUITE DE L’INTERVIEW DE NICO ROSBERG Ci-DESSUS, EN VIDEO, AVEC auto-moto.com.
  6. Do you really need to have your car's oil changed every 3,000 miles? Experts say not necessarily. VM/GETTY IMAGES Oil changes are just one of the many minor hassles of car ownership, but they're crucial to keeping your car in good shape. Furthermore, if you don't change your oil on time and with the proper products, it could void your car's warranty. However, experts now say that the standard oil change interval of every three months — or every 3,000 miles (4,828 kilometers) — is old news, and that most cars can travel quite a bit farther before needing oil replaced. If you're changing your oil more frequently than necessary, it won't help your car. It doesn't harm it either, but you're wasting money, time and resources. Keep in mind, too, that throwing away oil that's still usable puts a strain on the environment. There are four main "recommended" intervals for oil changes based on factors specific to you and your car: Every 1,000 miles (1,609 kilometers) or every six months Every 3,000 miles (4,828 kilometers) Every 5,000 to 7,500 miles (8,046 to 12,070 kilometers) Every 10,000 to 15,000 miles or every six months (16,093 to 24,140 kilometers) Let's take a look at the circumstances for each. Change Every 1,000 Miles First, if some experts say that 3,000 miles is too often, why would those same experts recommend intervals of every 1,000 miles? It all depends on your driving habits. If your driving routine consists mostly of trips that are 10 miles or less, you should consider changing your oil more often than every 3,000 miles for two reasons. If you aren't making long trips at high, steady speeds (like you would on a highway) then your engine isn't getting hot enough to boil off condensation that accumulates in the system. That can cause oil to break down faster. Most of the wear and tear on your engine occurs when you're starting your car, and if you aren't driving very far, most of your driving is of the type that is very hard on your engine. More frequent oil changes will help minimize the damage. In short, if you drive your car infrequently, as in much less than the mileage of your recommended service interval, you should still change your oil twice a year since the oil degrades over time. Change More Frequently Some car experts suggest that the 3,000-mile interval is really for the benefit of shops that change oil, since the more frequently you come in, the more money they make. Still, if you have an older-model car that recommends this interval, you're probably better off adhering to it. Scientific American makes the case for longer intervals, specifically every 5,000 to 7,500 miles, based on the fact that this is what's recommended in most car owners' manuals. The 5,000 to 7,500 miles interval is becoming increasingly common, though some manufacturers recommend you also take your driving style and habits into account. For instance, if your car is fairly new and you usually drive 20 minutes or more and achieve fairly steady speeds (as opposed to stop-and-go traffic the entire drive) you are a prime candidate for increasing the time between your oil changes. However, if your car is older, it's best to stick with the manufacturer's recommend maintenance schedule. Change Every 10,000 Miles If your car's manufacturer recommends synthetic oil, or if you decide to make the switch, you could go as many as 10,000 miles or morebetween oil changes. Though synthetic oil is much more expensive than regular oil, it has more benefits. It performs better than regular oil (see Now That's Interesting, below) and is better for the environment. Opinion differs, though, whether upgrading is worth it. While some experts suggest doing it in most circumstances, Consumer Reports says that, generally, you shouldn't switch to synthetic if your car doesn't need it. If you frequently tow heavy loads, synthetic oil can help ease the extra strain on your engine. If you own a model known to be prone to sludge issues (that is, when your engine gets clogged with the residue of degraded oil), synthetic oil can help alleviate those problems and prolong the life of your engine. Get into the habit of checking your oil at least once a month. JOSE LUIS PELAEZ INC/GETTY IMAGES What Those Dashboard Lights Mean It's best to keep track of the miles you drive between oil changes, though some cars make this easier with a dash indicator that tells you it's time to head to the shop, as part of what is called an oil life monitoring system. These systems track your mileage and also use data from your driving that's analyzed by your car's computer to determine when your car needs an oil change. When the light illuminates, it's best to get the oil changed as soon as possible, but it's not necessarily urgent. If your car has an oil life monitoring system, note that this light is different than your oil pressure light, which illuminates on your dash if your car's oil isn't flowing properly due to low level, a failing oil pump, a leak in the system or some other issue. Learn the difference between the two dash lights, because if the oil pressure light comes on, you need to stop driving as soon as possible to avoid engine damage. Get in the habit of checking your oil at least once a month to ensure your car's not leaking or burning oil. If the level is low, add oil. Good oil should be a clear brown-black color, though the Automobile Association of America cautions that color is not the only indicator of oil life. If the oil is murky or opaque, it might be time for a change, and if it's milky, your engine may be leaking coolant. If your car has one of the aforementioned oil monitoring systems, though, you might not have a dipstick to check the oil. The moral of the story? If you don't know how often to change your oil, or how to check it between oil changes, consult your owner's manual. These habits will help ensure the longevity of your engine.
  7. Stop copying please @Nıco Warning him please
  8. Residential, agricultural and industrial wells are being dug deeper and deeper in search of freshwater, according to the first nationwide assessment of U.S. groundwater wells. But scientists warn that the practice is not a sustainable way to address the country’s future water supply needs. In the United States, groundwater is a source of drinking water for more than 120 million people and supplies nearly half of the water used for irrigating crops. But water levels are dropping in many major aquifers supplying large po[CENSORED]tions and farming regions, including California’s fertile Central Valley (SN: 3/3/18, p. 9) and the High Plains region atop the vast Ogallala aquifer. The Ogallala, which underlies parts of eight states from South Dakota to Texas, is of particular concern: A 2017 report by the U.S. Geological Survey noted that its water levels had dropped by more than three meters on average from 1950 to 2015. Digging deeper wells is one response to dropping water levels, but it was unclear how widespread that trend was. Debra Perrone, a water resources engineer, and hydrologist Scott Jasechko, both of the University of California, Santa Barbara, compiled data on more than 11.8 million wells built from 1975 to 2015. During that time, wells have gotten deeper across 70 percent of the country, the team reports July 22 in Nature Sustainability. Average well depth is currently about 60 meters below the surface, the researchers say, although it varies widely. It’s more expensive to sink a deeper well and requires more energy to pump the water out. Deeper wells can also tap into saltier water, requiring desalination. As a result, the trend may contribute to water access inequities, the researchers argue. Less wealthy areas may struggle to keep up with the race to reach and treat water pumped from greater depths.
  9. good luck
  10. MEMATİ

    problem with cs

    good luck
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  13. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    1. Sa__Mi



    2. Sti-T-TiD



  14. Si Haas F1 Team a donné sa parole que Romain Grosjean sera toujours titulaire pour l’écurie américaine en Allemagne, sa place n’est pas sauvée pour autant. L’ex-pilote Lotus a été auteur d’un début de saison médiocre avec cinq abandons et seulement deux points inscrits grâce à deux dixièmes places tandis que son équipier Kevin Magnussen en a marqué quatorze. Le pilote de Genève doit impérativement se ressaisir s’il veut conserver sa place dans l’équipe de Gene Haas mais force est de constater que l’affaire est mal embarquée. Le nom d’Esteban Ocon est souvent revenu ces derniers temps mais le Français est également pressenti pour être promu chez Mercedes en 2020 et un passage chez Haas risque d’être un pari risqué pour l’ex-pilote Force India. Grosjean représentera les pilotes Si l’option Ocon devait être abandonnée pour de bon, les troupes dirigées par Günther Steiner doivent se tourner vers un autre pilote. Le choix le plus logique serait Pietro Fittipaldi qui occupe actuellement le poste de réserviste chez Haas. Le Brésilien, petit-fils du double champion Emerson Fittipaldi, a réalisé du bon travail pour son équipe lors de ses différentes sorties, ce qui pourrait signifier qu’il est suffisamment mûr pour devenir titulaire. Champion 2017 de Formule V8 3.5, Pietro roule cette saison en DTM sur une Audi du Team WRT. Grosjean viré : Haas calme le jeu S’il est titularisé, ce serait la première fois depuis 1994 et Christian, neveu d’Emmo et fils de Wilson, qu’un Fittipaldi s’aligne au départ d’un Grand Prix de Formule 1. La suite de la saison de Grosjean sera cruciale pour savoir s’il faudra attendre 2020 ou non pour voir Pietro disputer sa première course en F1.
  15. Good evening @Mr.Love @pulse.exe @REVAN This person asked me to do his 3 photos Stable ( like) He says he has 15 accounts And my Follower

    @Nıco or @#DeXteR Can this be explained to words Administrators


    1. #DEXTER


      25 ye dinerab 

      We will deal with him thanks for ur infos 


    2. MEMATİ
  16. If you're going on a holiday in a foreign country - You must have this brilliant pocket device Have you ever found yourself in a foreign country being ripped off by a taxi driver or having the wrong dish at the restaurant just because of language barriers? This happens to everyone. Now, think about an emergency situation where you need to explain yourself to the police or a doctor who can't speak your language... This is not only embarrassing but can also be dangerous. Who wants to worry about communication instead of relaxing on your holiday? "Learning a new language takes time, I just don't have..." Do you feel the same? In fact, learning a new language takes time and can be very hard not to mention expensive. What can the inexperienced traveler do? Thanks to this pocket translator you don't have to go to class or learn from a book. With MUAMA Enence you can instantly speak and understand more than 40 languages no previous knowledge needed. So What Is This Pocket Translator? A local businessman from,Tunisia , explains why he made this: "After our business has been very successful in Tunisia we decided to expand abroad. At first, the experience was a disaster. Trying to communicate with merchants and clients was impossible." The apps he used for communication were simply not good enough "At first I tried to use google translate but the app is just too slow and the translation can be inaccurate. In addition, apps like google translator can only translate one way, not allowing me to make real conversations and I just couldn't close any deal like that" After a random meeting with an international diplomat who explained to him how they communicate efficiently, he decided to bring this Japanese tech solution to everyone. He named it: MUAMA Enence MUAMA Enence is a brilliant 2 ways solution for translation, anywhere. MUAMA Enence is using the advanced technology of voice recognition and it's able toaccurately understand and translate more than 40 different languages. The translator has been designed for traveling and it can easily fit your pocket. In conclusion: The translator is becoming a must-have device for anyone who travels abroad for a holiday or work. How exactly MUAMA Enence work? MUAMA Enence couldn't be more simple. Anyone can use it. All you have to do is choose your language and the language you want the translation. Now simply record yourself by pressing the MUAMA Enence button. The device will translate your speech immediately and say it clearly in the translated language. But this is not all, the person you talk to can now talk back to the device and it will translate it back to your language. See MUAMA Enence in action! Speak 45 new languages in the touch of a button MUAMA Enence advanced technology supports 2-way language translation and text translation in many languages including: Tagalog (Philippines) Hebrew (Israel) Indonesian Malaysian Bulgarian Simplified Chinese Cantonese Sichuan dialect Traditional Chinese English (China) English (US) English (UK) English (Australia) English (India) Hindi (India) Korean Japanese French German French (Canada) Spanish Spanish (Mexico) Thai Italian Dutch Greek Portuguese Portuguese (Brazil) Russian Arabic (Egypt) Arabic (Saudi Arabia) Hungarian Romanian Swedish Czech Finnish Danish Polish Turkish Vietnamese Ukrainian Slovak Norwegian Catalan Don't ever travel without MUAMA Enence Experts and Users Verdict: Gadgets for experts review: "Finally a real translator we can trust. Perfectly accurate translation, perfect execution of voice recognition technology. Best of all it's small enough to fit your pocket so you can carry it anywhere you go. 10/10" If you are planning to travel anytime soon this year, or live in an area with a high percentage of foreign workers. this is a gadget you cannot pass on. Travelling has never been easier thanks to this 2019's most innovative gadget! I used it for the first time on vacation in Japan and it worked amazingly well. I’ll take it with me every time I go overseas on vacation or on business. Wow! This little device got me out of a whole lot of trouble when I was involved in a car accident in Turkey. It wasn’t my fault but the local police took some convincing. I bought my smart translation device for business use as I am always away in Singapore or Thailand. I found it incredibly helpful in communicating with the local people. Who Needs MUAMA Enence Anyone who is going on a holiday or traveling to a new country where they don't speak the language Backpackers who travel between many countries Travelers who are looking to socialize with locals in foreign countries Travelers who want to have local experience abroad Anyone interested in learning new languages. Workers in an international company Expats and People who are relocating to a new country International Business people Pros Instant Translation Easy to transport in a pocket or purse Quick charging and long battery life Translates 2-way for more than 45 languages. Free Flow conversation Save Time and Money When Traveling Perfect for vacations and business users Cons The only color option is gray Grab yours before they're all gone! Right now you can enjoy introductory 50% off MUAMA Enence by following this: Visit the supplier's official website. Order your MUAMA Enence with free shipping Download the Free App to your phone and connect it to the device Start to communicate in over 40 different languages immediately.
  17. The World Health Organization has declared Congo’s yearlong Ebola virus outbreak a public health emergency, due to a high risk of the disease spreading to neighboring countries. The organization said, however, that it does not consider the outbreak a global threat. “Our risk assessment remains that the risk of Ebola spread in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the region remains very high, and the risk of spread outside the region remains low,” said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus during a July 17 news conference. Since the Ebola outbreak began in Congo on August 1, 2018, the disease has killed 1,676 people out of 2,512 cases reported through July 15. WHO designated the outbreak a public health emergency after a case was confirmed this month in Goma, the capital of Congo’s North Kivu Province, through which thousands of people pass daily on the way to and from neighboring Rwanda. The patient in Goma was a man who had traveled from the Congolese city of Beni, the epicenter of the outbreak. He has since died. Three cases also appeared in Uganda in June, and another in July, but the patients had all traveled from Congo. WHO said there are no confirmed cases of Ebola originating in Uganda. In a statement, WHO said that the emergency declaration reflects the need for more international coordination in response to the outbreak. The organization is not recommending any restrictions on borders or trade in the area. Rather than stopping Ebola, such restrictions “can actually hamper the fight,” said Tedros, because they “force people to use informal and unmonitored border crossings, increasing potential for the spread of the disease.”
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  19. You hack man @[MC]Ronin[MC] You can close a topic Greetings Wassim T/C
  20. Congratulations Uploaders Bro ❤️ 


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