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Everything posted by Bandolero -

  1. @Isild o lale,mora vesh qe je kthyer ne server perseri te bera elder,nese ke mundesi eja ne ts,nese ke mundesi seshte me rendesi mundesh edhe naj dit tjeter , si duash

    1. Isild


      kalo inbox me mire 

    2. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      ts vlla. pot pres

    3. Isild


      po se perdor ts3 se jam npune

  2. The Peoples who're making this virus are "Chinneses" - today on instagram i found a video showing how peoples from china are starting the virus ! Sad ?
  3. corona virus has arrived in Italy also !

    - if it comes to my country,i will go in on my car then just drive drive drive,so the virus cant catch you ! ( car faster than virus )


    The vaccine is maded by : @KinnG^

    Thank You !

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. robila


      King's vaccine? 

    3. Love Pulse

      Love Pulse

      Until he got to the computers, he had a lot of viruses, his health was destroyed, fk corona he fk the world :v

    4. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      @Naser DZ gave to virus a coffe and i'll try to find a girl for the virus,so he would not inffect me ? eazy peazy lemons quizy

  4. 11000 profile views ? 

  5. the bomb has been planted
































    boom GIF

  6. Hello Devils,an announcement !

    For those who're interested to apply for journalists : https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/14616-journalists-recruiting/ you cannot apply here,because there have been maked some changes .

    Here more info : https://csblackdevil.com/forums/topic/323139-the-journalist-recruitment-model-moved/

    The Right Link where u can apply : https://csblackdevil.com/forums/staffapplications/application/8-journalists-recruitment/

    If you dont know how to request,i have maked it more easily for you :

    Check this out : https://csblackdevil.com/forums/topic/328861-tutorial-how-to-apply-for-recruitment-administrative-ranks-csbd/?tab=comments#comment-1801496


    For More Informations !

    Consult Project Leader Menagement !

    Project Coordinators - @Nıco & @#DeXteR

    Project Leaders - @KinnG^ & @Ntgthegamer

    Project Co - Leaders - @Meh Rez vM ! ♫ & @[MC]Ronin[MC]                                   


  7. welcome back 

    1. Love Pulse

      Love Pulse

      Thank You ❤️❤️❤️ 


  8. ts ?

    1. Mark-x
    2. Love Pulse

      Love Pulse

      Kinng Can you come on ts3 Necessary

  9. ZmOldSchool.CsBlackDevil.com [Zombie Plague 6.0]

    Searching For Admins Grades Helper-Elder

    Apply now: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/topic/328120-oldschoolzmcsblackdevilcom-zombie-plague-60-searching-for-admins/


  10. The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has expressed concern at the number of coronavirus cases with no clear link to China or other confirmed cases. Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus's comments follow Iran's announcement of two more deaths, bringing the total there to four. The window of opportunity to contain the virus was "narrowing", he said. Iranian health officials said the virus may already be in "all Iran's cities". Outside China 1,152 cases of the virus have been confirmed in 26 countries and there have been eight deaths. They include two deaths in South Korea, which has the biggest cluster of confirmed cases apart from China and a cruise ship quarantined in Japan. Italy on Friday announced 16 more cases and its health minister said schools and offices would be closed and sports events cancelled in the affected regions. South Korean sect identified as coronavirus hotbed What you need to know about the virus A visual guide to the outbreak Pregnant nurse 'propaganda' sparks backlash - China has reported 75,567 cases including 2,239 deaths. The new virus, which originated last year in Hubei province in China, causes a respiratory disease called Covid-19. What did the WHO chief say?
  11. Hello,we are searching for active & loyal members that can start parcicating as "Journalist" 

    if your are interested please take a look to this link : https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/14616-journalists-recruiting/

    We're waiting for you ! Good Luck.

  12. ? welcome to our team ! congrats for moderator,good luck.


    1. shVury


      Thank you very much brooo ❤️❤️ 

  13. who will check my tickets now ? ( waiting waiting waiting, only waitingggggggggggggggggggggggggg ) 


    1. Ares


      Will be others more suited than me to resolve my friend?

      I wasn't the only one resolving the tickets ?

  14. <15:50:44> "T͟Hē GHōST'" dropped (connection lost)
    <15:50:44> "Patrick-Yukiy" dropped (connection lost)
    <15:50:44> "turko" dropped (connection lost)
    <15:50:44> "Jhefer" dropped (connection lost)
    <15:50:45> "Mar!Hu4n4" dropped (connection lost)
    <15:50:45> "Ntgthegamer" dropped (connection lost)
    <15:50:46> "Mar!Hu4n4." dropped (connection lost)
    <15:50:47> "MAKELA" dropped (connection lost)
    <15:50:47> "axelxcapo" dropped (connection lost)
    <15:50:47> "# -Dark" dropped (connection lost)
    <15:50:47> "drkill99xx" dropped (connection lost)
    <15:50:47> "axelxcapo2" dropped (connection lost)
    <15:50:47> "-Dark" dropped (connection lost)
    <15:50:47> "axelxcapo1" dropped (connection lost)
    <15:50:47> "Dante" dropped (connection lost)


    name this ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. robila
    3. 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷-
    4. Ares


      Their fiberlink of the internet gone drinking ! ? (joking)

      Even i that i have a powerfull internet connection, for some days im having problems with the connection and always dropped !

      Who knows !?!


  15. Life is short

    -use your every single moment

    -dont lose your hopes

    -believe in yourself

    -die happy

    :Kobe Bryant

    i think im dying !

    good fkin night ❤️ 

    1. shVury


      good night bro, true words..

    2. Crimson :x
  16. ZmOldSchool.CsBlackDevil 6.0 - We Are Back !!

    We Are Searching For Admins Grades Helper - Elder - Here You Have a Chance To Become OldSchooler ? 



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