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Everything posted by Bandolero -

  1. auto_adem_jashari_81282821488814053.jpg

    desha te ta kujtoj pak o rrebel ❤️ 

    1. R e i

      R e i

      e di vlla me mungon shum por do rri absent sepse me ngec shume kompjuteri dhe do shkoj ti fut nje restart.Dhe kam filluar luaj futboll me vllzaznin car t besh nk rrihet brenda

  2. hello,

    i forgot for the points xd ? 

    p.s done & enjoy 

  3. 50 first comments+likes will win 500 POINTS

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      fasstttt fasttttttt :v 

      okay dude ❤️ just dont send kiss to boys jajjaaj

    3. YaKoMoS


      Hhhhh,you still G..:v

  4. i think we have uglys here !

    i just found a song that make us ( uglys ) feel awesome



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Crimson!
    3. YaKoMoS


      I'm reading your mind ,maybe you're thinking about dexter ??


  5. take care & the team will miss you ❤️ 

    1. Love Pulse

      Love Pulse

      Ahhh, me too really dude Insh2allah soon I back ❤️

    2. _Happy boy

      _Happy boy

      inshallah bandolero will he will back ? 

  6. hello dear i will give you more solutions that i usually use for these kind of problems 1. open control panel 2. press "uinstall a program" 3.right click your most recent Microsoft Visual C installers 4.change+repair+yes 5. do the same to your other microsoft Visual C redistributables 6.now restart your PC ( RESTART) - - if that didn't work : open this link in your chrome & opera 1. https://goo.gl/epsPPG 2.press "Download" 3.press "Download" again 4.save the file and run it 5.pres yes+install 6.wait for the Microsoft Visual C redistributables to be installed 7.Restart your pc and the problem should be fixed!
  7. welcome back to the team



    Trump GIF

    1. Hamdii



  8. o brat na vasheto prilozhenie za moderator, opishete se s 50 dumi, za da poluchite otkhvŭrlyane, opishete se tam. Nadyavam se da poluchite vlashkiya rang

    1. PranKk.


      Zdrave brate, Ela pri nas vuv newlifezm - imash li vreme?

  9. welcome back  to the team buddy ❤️ 

    good luck 


    1. jayden™


      thanks bro ❤️ 

  10. dont worry Dear,your problem will be Solved ? lets get it follow my steps 1. download this link : http://www.2shared.com/document/Hz07r... 2. install it or export it in sprites folder Note : please make sure you make steps correct . If the problem still appearing,please contact me in TS3 & CSBD Thank You
  11. Sick Virus GIF by Leroy Patterson

    1. Love Pulse

      Love Pulse

      For the first time in my life, I see my hands very clean, like a silk :vv

    2. R e i
  12. Hello buddy, i'll try to give you some solutions about your problem . 1. go to "computer" 2. local disk (C:) 3.windows 4.system32 5. now you have to find Atibtmon.exe 6.right mouse click+properties 7.security 8.edit 9.select "SYSTEM" - then check the box down,you have some small boxes, 2 boxes line by line,you will press the second box in first line which is for "SYSTEM" that you selected then repeat the same thing in other one which is : Administrators (Admin-PC/Administration ) & Users (Admin/PC-Users ) after you do that,go Apply,then will appear something with options yes & no (press yes only ) 10.go OK -your problem should be fixed -if not please feel free to contact me in Forum CSBD & TS3 Thank You !
  13. <22:25:25> "Destrix" dropped (connection lost)
    <22:25:26> "Wolver-" dropped (connection lost)
    <22:25:28> "mham" dropped (connection lost)
    <22:25:28> "Destrix1" dropped (connection lost)

    <22:28:30> "ENOT19966" disconnected (выход)
    <22:28:30> "Диппер" disconnected (выход)
    <22:28:36> "Lagdorian" disconnected (выход)
    <22:28:43> "Edrad7" disconnected (leaving)
    <22:29:04> "lmaoVOJTA" disconnected (leaving)
    <22:29:10> "TbJ" disconnected (leaving)
    <22:29:26> "LJN iCeTiTan" dropped (connection lost)


    - corona time ?

    1. Master_Kill


      ? <22:34:26> "Bandolero-" was kicked from the server by "Master_kill" (Reson: Corona Virus) Corona GIF by Squirrel Monkey

    2. The BaBy BoSs

      The BaBy BoSs

      Corona virus in China so Sad

  14. v2 - text is in level,effect is in real mode.
  15. For all who dont know how to post a Review in section "World of games"

    please check this tutorial out



  16. interested for Reviewer ?

    link : 


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