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Everything posted by Shadox

  1. Shadox

    Request Fonts

    hello brah , about FL and R its not a font , its logo and another font in the signature its 1 font : https://www.dafont.com/code.font about the another avatrs , sorry i lose the fonts but i will searching them for you!
  2. hello dear , idk about this brush flenn create it , but you can find some brushes in google like this , chang to white and make it overlay! https://www.google.com/search?q=photoshop+borders&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi6mcfzqs7nAhUV1IUKHdDlAKAQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=photoshop+borders&gs_l=img.3...0.0..150502...0.0..0.0.0.......0......gws-wiz-img.mTjXRccI6yM&ei=ASdFXvqUK5WolwTQy4OACg&bih=789&biw=1600
  3. hey dude , that is a patterent and u can download and put it in ur photoshop! click if u want : https://ouo.io/TC7HYo how to put it :
  4. see yu later.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. QeLi


      O no does that mean ill be next cuse everyone who has comented was baned shttttttt

    3. EVIL BABY.

      EVIL BABY.


      I'm Here hahah 😂

    4. EVIL BABY.

      EVIL BABY.

      No no, don't worry xD

  5. my new cover =)) 

  6. hello homo :v

    ZFEiOBd.png zNs3sZI.png

    1. Suarez™


      hahahaha gayyy

  7. shu** ❤️ 

  8. Hollllyy sh×× my gay ripp  : ((( 

  9. i leave everything :(( , this is time to go (study)

    thanxs you my freinds i will never forgot you <3<3

    1. κεnny.exe


      see u again kho ?

  10. gay ❤️ :(( u still alive?

    amx_kiss... =))) 

  11. you play 8ball pool?..

    your name??

    1. Ntgthegamer


      infinity war yes GIF  My unique id: 293-030-175-3


    2. Shadox


      add me my name is : Cybergat

    3. Ntgthegamer
  12. Even the most meticulous proofreaders make mistakes from time to time. Typos, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors are irritants to some, sources of mirth to others and can lead to ridicule for those responsible. Nobody is perfect, yet some blunders are far more costly and humiliating than others. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), for example, recently printed 46 million new bank notes with a glaring spelling mistake. The word "responsibility" was erroneously spelled "responsibilty" on a newly minted A$50 ($35; £27) featuring Edith Cowan, Australia's first female MP. Australia's A$50 note misspells responsibility Why spelling mistakes don't really matter Trump's new word breaks internet Not surprisingly, the gaffe has been widely mocked on social media, but it is far from the only example of spelling sloppiness. Here are some other errors that have generated headlines. Trump's baffling 'covfefe' tweet On 31 May, 2017, US President Donald Trump raised eyebrows by including a curious seven-character word in a late-night tweet. "Despite the constant negative press covfefe," he tweeted. The word, "covfefe", was not included in any English dictionary. It appeared Mr Trump intended to write "coverage", maligning reports about his presidency. In a bizarre twist, then-White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said Mr Trump knew "exactly what he meant". Internet users had a field day, teasing Mr Trump for his apparent typo. Nasa's 'most expensive hyphen' A misspelled word in a tweet is usually a trivial matter. A mistake by US space agency Nasa, however, is of a different order of magnitude. On 22 July, 1962, Nasa launched Mariner 1, an American spacecraft designed for a planetary flyby of Venus. Just five minutes after lift-off, Mariner 1 aborted its mission and was destroyed. Built at a cost of $18.5m (£14.2m), the launch was an expensive failure.
  13. omfg , ??? what happend lel

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lonut gfx

      lonut gfx

      Is Moderator in another community

    3. Stendhal 𐌕

      Stendhal 𐌕

      He knew the leaders of the community too, I do not think that's why he was baned.

      That's it.

    4. Daliath.


      It's not your business.

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