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  • 392676665_TessaViolet-Crush(OfficialMusicVideo).mp3

About Andreea:)

  • Birthday 11/19/2002


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  1. - Your Name In Server:Andreea:) - Your Lucky - Number:19 - Tag 3x Friend's: @JaEgArN @DeViL^. @Genius.
  2. Apart from the fact we donate ammo reciprocal, me or he don t help with nothing... when tou say that he blocked the iglu for my mode, he tryed to explain me how to get a mode, and don t was more of 2-3 seconds and he started to play..(first). Secondly, you must be more careful at game as a admin.. when i say that i am blocked for players or someone destroy lm, or in a mode zombies don t attack, you don t hear me, but you saw that.. strange! Good admin😅👍🏻
  3. ¤ Nickname: Andreea:) ¤ Grade: Player ¤ New Tag: The Lady ¤ Link of Hours Played GT link CLICK HERE!:https://www.gametracker.com/player/Andreea%3A)/
  4. Stella Andreaa am i right ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reus


      it's been a while since i seen you . where have you been ? all good ?

    3. Andreea:)



      all good. I'm busy with school. Thanks!


    4. Andreea:)


      Yes. We can talk in fb.

      I'm waiting for you to write to me . << Soimu Andreea Steluta>> 
  5. ¤ Pseudonimul tău:Andreea:) ¤ Adresa dvs. Skype, abur:andreeeastella15@gmail.com ¤ Vârsta (trebuie să aibă sau mai mare de 14 ani):16 ani ¤ Limbile pe care le puteți vorbi:engleza, romana ¤ Locația ta:Bacau, Romania ¤ Experiență ca administrator:2-3 ani ¤ Poți să stai spectator sau să joci între orele 22:00 până la 12:00 PM:Nu mereu ¤ Link-ul orelor pe care le-ați jucat pe server (https://www.gametracker.com/player/Andreea%3A)/ ) ¤ Motivul că doriți să fiți administrator:help players¤ Parolă: Secured!
  6. Buna! Am deschis acest topic in speranta ca se va schimba ceva. Jucatorii sparg lm-urile mai mereu si fac block destul de des iar adminii nu fac nimic chiar daca insisti.(Am observat si alti jucatori care se plang de lucrurile astea, iar adminii pur si simplu te intreaba ce doresti si apoi nici nu fac si nici nu zic nimic) Exista pe server multi admini care nu fac absolut nimic si sunt interesati doar de joc. Cred ca acesti admini "trag server-ul in jos", si nu e doar parerea mea. Multumesc frumos !
  7. welcome back 

    pm me if u will join us in newschool ?

  8. hi andreea ? 

    how are u long time no seen u:P 

  9. O frumoasă mi-a fost dor de tine

    Sper că vii înapoi cât mai curând posibil ?

    1. Andreea:)


      Acuum ❤️

  10. ¤ Nickname : Andreea:) ¤ Your Tag : The Lady ¤ Link Of Your Hours (10h) In GameTracker :https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/


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