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Status Replies posted by Strix

  1. where did my old friends go

    1. Strix


      i love you all, i appreciate every csblackdevil member, unforgettable memories were made together, yall will forever be in my heart

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  2. where did my old friends go

    1. Strix


      and my algerian friends as well @Flenn. @Nyx. @#X A V I ™ @Angrry.exe™ @[O]liv , nbghikom <33 

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  3. where did my old friends go

    1. Strix


      @Haddes. i wanted to tag u first but i swear to god i couldnt find your profile, i had to go all the way down to my old posts to find you, i love you and i wish u the best ❤️

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  4. where did my old friends go

    1. Strix


      HOW COULD I FORGET @Stendhal 𐌕 i hope u re doing well buddy 

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  5. where did my old friends go

  6. where did my old friends go

    1. Strix


      am really wondering if anyone of them is dead

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hello beautiful peeps, I am looking for some managers for my new server NightMareZM. You do not need to make an admin request on the section, simply contact me please and we'll talk. Thank you and have a great day ?

  8. should papi come back with a server ? hh

  9. good bye guys 

    big thx to @pulse.exe :)))

    but everything have limits. :))

    1. Strix


      @Angrry.exe™ 'haha'? the only thing that is funny here is that u dont even know how constitute a phrase in english and u re a staff member, if u think that black's leaving is funny then at least he have done may things useful for our community, not like you, the only thing you can do is ' i love you emma '

      calm down or gato will rape you like what he did to other staff members who were before u

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  10. <20:08:00> "#Blackfire" was removed from server group "Global Moderators" by "Sethhh.".
    <20:08:03> "KaneKi_Ken" disconnected (départ)
    <20:08:08> "#Blackfire" was banned for 5 hours from the server by "Sethhh."

    @SKYFALL  seriously all this cuz i close a chat? . you forget eveything . last person that i was expecting that from him is you . 

    <20:09:17> "titiza": my friend
    <20:09:22> "titiza": what black did to get ban?
    <20:09:33> "Sethhh.": <21:14:13> "#Blackfire": skyfall
    <21:14:15> "#Blackfire": ?
    <21:14:20> "SKYFALL": YES BRO
    <21:54:56> Chat partner has closed the conversation
    <20:09:41> "titiza": that it?
    <20:09:44> "Sethhh.": yes

    come on seriously GIF by WWE

    2019 admins banned members for closing a chat :v hhh

  11. They Are Around You , They Never Understand , it dosen't matter What Is their age , They still allways Kids .

  12. I am Back ..

    1. Strix


      welecome back bro, i wish u post a status update like this one soon : /

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Hello,
    I want to inform you that on the teamspeak3 server we will launch a very innovative system.

    This update consists of:
    - Create a permanent channel without the involvement of an administrative member.
    More facilities will be unveiled at launch.
    I'll put a picture with the interface. ? 





CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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