Everything posted by Sethhh.
Put your headphones on your head and check what this animal can do #profilevideo
Happy to be backk!
Does anyone wanna play csgo with me?
Good news my boys,
Today we updated our forum to the latest version, 4.2.3.
Also, we solved the problem with PROFILE SONG for ADMINISTRATOR, GLOBAL MODERATOR, MODERATOR and VIP groups. Now you can upload your favourite song on your profile.
Thank you for your patience!
My first CSBD T-Shirt!
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@Sethhh. will gave me t-shirt
Acces to WHO WAS ONLINE IN THE LAST 24 HOURS block, it was given to all members.
Check the statistics at the bottom of the index.
summerholiday is done!
happy to be back!
The theme has been updated. A lot of bugs solved!
Thank you for your time!
Processing RebuildSearchIndex & Topics & Posts..
Please wait a while for solving all bugs!
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