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Everything posted by aRbi~

  1. 👑🤙KING BUTTA 


    1. maniac™


      Rrnoft albin kurti !!! 😂

    2. aRbi~


      ani budall ani hahahahahhahaha mor dan pifqi

  2. SHAKE THAT $$


    1. QeLi


      ! Video unavailable

      This video is not available btw thank god u brought back the em song cuse the other songs that u were using they were shit

    2. Reus


      u meant arsch uh ? 🙃

  3. @SKYFALL The question is 

    Will your pc make boom? 🤔

    Think Stephen Colbert GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. walker™


      @aRbi~ this pc no make boom ok 

    3. aRbi~


      @WALKER亗 yes , he rich he good pc he pc no boom he pc fast he pc no heat he pc cool 

    4. walker™


      yes i belive i can fly (sen smora vesh klm) 😂

  4. Happy Birthday Many many more to come man ❤️
  5. Happy Birthday To A Legendary Manager and a true leader

    Wish u a Life full of succes , health and love all around u ❤️ 

    Its Your Birthday GIF by swerk

    1. myCro


      Love you♥♥!

  6. New Competition Just Started 😄 

    Dont Forget to check out the Giveaway as well 😄 


  7. im gonna be freakin honest

    the best new i got in a while was to see ur name on red 😄 

    congrats gabch ❤️ 

    1. XZoro


      hahhah ma bro thanks gabchhhh xd ❤️ 

    2. aRbi~


      LEGEND 😄 

  8. The Next Newlife Giveaway Is HEre 😄 

     Go Take A Look And Why Not Win Something 


  9. You Wanted to experience playing with VIP features? 

    well now is your chance to get it FREE for 2 weeks 

    all u have to do is request here and ur in 😄 


  10. Kalo mir kurac :V 

    mos qi fort 

  11. Holly this gonna be good 💪🏼👌🏻


    1. Nyx.


      yeah i saw this 1 year ago in IMDb xd

    2. aRbi~



      ofc even before they started recording it u already saw it :V 

  12. i wanna say Hello with this song :V 


  13. Contra The only thing he does is spamm and ask for elder grade ::::
  14. Wanna Kill Some Zombies And Win Some Free Prizes?? 




    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aRbi~
    3. david_okaso


      What to do I did not understand very well? you only have to play

    4. aRbi~


      yup rank based 

  15. what can i say 😕 bad news 

    wish u the best of luck dude 

    have a great and healthy retirement 

    See ya when ur back ❤️ 

    1. myCro


      love you dude, was a pleasure ♥

  16. Happy BDay To Me 😛 

  17. The problem is i never use my phone in charger and the reason why i asked for this is that this didnt happen before the update so i was just asking if the new theme or update of forum is the problem For the browser i use safari and as i said i never had this problem before thats why i tried it on chrome aswell sameresult


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