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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Everything posted by #CeLTiXxX

  1. Vuelvee!! Te necesito, ahora mas que nunca :ogGbZm7:

  2. V2 text and Light Effects
  3. Welcome back to CSBD, we hope you feel at ease like before and enjoy with us and i Hope dont have inconveniences, especially that make good memories with your brothers of the community T/C
  4. V2 text,effects
  5. V2 Text and effects
  6. #CeLTiXxX


    as i said "is usually the problem in Venezuela" by connection lost in the server when downloading the maps so to the change of round, because the player has already left the download of the map or because it has much lag and the server kick but "says that it appears in game" when it is not doesnt work any type of commands in those types of players, because they are not in the game at the change of 1 or 2 maps they disappear, either by kicking the server "Time out" or by their connection to the internet "Conection lost" Regards
  7. #CeLTiXxX


    Okay, I'll explain, your problem is the next When a map change occurs, there are situations where the player is seen to be in the game, but it is reflected as if he were dead and without latency, because the map that is passing is being downloaded, which happens, I also see that they are players of "Venezuela" and because our internet connection isnt very good to say, I recommend that you please try to review as a preventive measure in "Addons / amxmod / logs and see if any problem is reflected I dont think the server has problems with "Galileo" I hope so, you can also update some modules in "Metamod" since that also has to do with the changes of maps. try to deactivate to do the test, the plugin "auto_join" that you have activated, that also creates those kind of problems that is infrequent, just making sure it isnt that. Another thing I recommend is, dont place such heavy maps in downloads, since that can slow down some players and create this kind of bugs, I tell you because I have already experienced and those same problems are the ones I had. I hope I've helped
  8. I'm back family, already in my country, all that wedding of my sister in Spain was crazy but I already wanted to go back to mine, Honey :P @_L0rd_ @eXpLoReRs @[M]ikasa @Legends ♛ @BILLS @IceT @AiSsa™

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. #CeLTiXxX



    3. [N]audy


      Welcome Back como te fue vendiendo tu cuerpo :V hehehehehehe

    4. #CeLTiXxX


      Por que todos dicen eso ? :3 yo dije que estaba  en la boda de mi hermana y que ese viaje fue de imprevisto

  9. Hello, having all these solutions that have been given to you, you should also know that anyone with a somewhat obsolete internet connection has problems connecting to ts3, this also influences the IP address in some countries that very few are but they can not be impossible either. If your problem has not been resolved completely please let it know Topic closed for avoid Futures [post-hunts] Thanks to everyone for your replies
  10. V2 text and effects
  11. We welcome CSBD on behalf of myself and all the staff in the community, we hope you have fun with us and dont have any inconvenience. Enjoy to the maximum !!! T/C
  12. I walk to my Beloved Venezuela, I have many things to tell all my friends and colleagues and then the truth I must admit that I miss my occupations and do my nonsense in TS3 and in all Social Methods in the Community :party0030: besides that I already felt a little strange since it was not in my comfort zone :ogGbZm7: :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. #CeLTiXxX


      Me too :D , and when it arrives then they will see me active and I will notify my arrival ;) 

    3. Mr.SnaPeR
    4. Mr.SnaPeR


      my son is going to leave me :( I will miss You SONNNNn

  13. Congrats Welcome to Olympus staff ;) New Colleage :party0030:

  14. Hello, Welcome to CSBD Community, we hope you have a lot of fun and dont forget read THE RULES first T/C
  15. Welcome to CSBD enjoy with us and please read the "Rules" T/C
  16. New avatar made by my Best designer and my Brother @..::MR.SnaPeR::.. ;) Thanx for all 

    1. Mr.SnaPeR


      Thx Bro :thankyou:

      All Regards For you 

  17. Hello Mr.arvEL.- Pay close attention to this, I will give you a solution that has always worked for me. Now try to place some "parameters" of proper launch, I explain you have to go to your "steam room", give "right click" to "Counter Strike" and then "left click" in "properties" you will get a window of options and then right click to "define launch parameters" and place the following code: finally you press accept and done. I hope I helped with your problem
  18. There is very little left to return to my beloved Venezuela, despite all the problems we are having in our country, I wouldnt change it for anything, I also miss being practically inactive in my beloved community. Your superhero is coming, Calm all hhhhhh :party0030::smileys-money-702364::25r30wi:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ÐrάЌ3ЙЙ'™▲▼


      jajjajajajjajajj :D hey me puedes dar god yo te a yo foto

    3. #CeLTiXxX


      como quieres que te de God si no estoy en mi pc, tampoco en mi pais donde tengo todo mi equipo :/ 

    4. ÐrάЌ3ЙЙ'™▲▼


      mmmmmya hey como y Site para poner la foto que dienes de portada

  19. Good bye my friend i hope u come back soon T/C
  20. V2 blur, Text and effects
  21. Congrats !

    Welcome back to Olympus, new colleague :smileys-money-702364::congratualtions: 

    1. Playboy™


      Gracias celtix <3 

    2. kim hyun joong'

      kim hyun joong'



  22. As it has been observed here in all the answers, you have done the same post twice as well that you have done the same screenshot as in the previous one and was closed 2 days later for inactivity, you do the Post and you do not notice your activity in your problem and I see that is what This will happen in this as well as in the Previous. If you are going to do the post again at least shows that you are pending check it. Topic Closed to Prevent Future Post-hunt. Thank you for your answers! T/C
  23. Happy birthday dude!
  24. @[M]ikasa :v

    <23:39:39> "Celtix*$": no se pero ando estupido
    <23:39:39> "Celtix*$": 
    <23:39:41> "Celtix*$": yo no soy asi
    <23:39:50> "Celtix*$": como te digo yo soy mas antiparabolico
    <23:40:31> "kotori": andas enamorado es todo
    <23:40:42> "Celtix*$": y cada vez que pienso en ella no se me da una cosa asi en el cuerpo y una broma rara
    <23:40:56> "kotori": te enamoraste bro
    <23:41:14> "kotori": bien x ti :3
    <23:42:55> "Celtix*$": NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me derritoooo ese no soy YOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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