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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Everything posted by #CeLTiXxX

  1. @[M]ikasa @BILLS @DarkAngels@G.O.G

    Definitavamente nosotros le enseñamos todo lo que sabemos jajajja



    1. [N]audy


      csm mori de risa hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  2. Hello Many parts of the forum, dont translate 100% to the language we want, I recommend that you also use the "translation" button in the corner of your default browser Regards!
  3. Good Night babies ;) 

    1. BhooTh


      good baby 

      have a sexy dream :D:P 

    2. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      Good night ugly :D

  4. Many ask if I really value my friends? I simply tell you one thing, I value the people who are with me in the good and the bad and those people arent my friends, those people become my brothers forever ;) 

    1. Mr.SnaPeR


      xd What about me xd

    2. #CeLTiXxX


      I say it in general and then if you think I dont value you,  that is not false, of course , I value you 100% :D 

    3. Mr.SnaPeR


      No you dont XDDAHHAHAHAA 

      my son 

  5. Congrats Dude ;):o !!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. V2 text and effects
  7. The problem is not you, it is the server, that happens, surely they tried to put new models to the normal players and what they have done is to cause an error that maybe many can not enter. The owner of that server should fix that as soon as possible. As you can see "Bad file server" so the server have model problems and is with model players
  8. <13:07:31> "Celtix": hahaha
    <13:07:41> "Legends": You fap?
    <13:07:43> "Legends": oh i got it
    <13:07:47> "Legends": cuz you dont have gf xd
    <13:08:35> "Celtix": he has a girlfriend, your right hand or maybe the left
    <13:08:43> "Legends": HAHAHAHAHHHAHA
    <13:08:48> "Legends": good he didnt saw this xd
    <13:09:09> "Celtix": 
    <13:09:13> "Celtix": hahaha
    <13:09:32> "Legends": brb
    <13:09:42> "Celtix": The strangulation of goose -- special actor Explorers
    <13:11:45> "eXpLoReRs": Ye im close to engagement
    <13:11:50> "eXpLoReRs": and u tell me i dont have gf

    1. AFROJACK™


      Legends you have gf , i prefer to don't have to cause she said me i rapre Legends every night. She told me too that she is the male in the relation :25r30wi:



  9. Good Night for everyone ! i hope that have a sweat dreams ;) 

    1. #DVO


      <3 have Nice Day :)


    Sometimes I think that many people have the ability to give you the support you need, but who see you more destroyed than standing up in life, so I am different in what I do and instead of destroying it I make them stronger. Value the people who help you and give you the support when you need it. ;) 

  11. Congrats Dude ! ;) 

  12. Good Night babies, Love for everyone ;) 

  13. #CeLTiXxX

    A Question

    Hola hermano Zuliano Pues si, actualmente tenemos un área de diseños en nuestra comunidad aqui el link http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/forum/80-design/ Te recomiendo leer muy bien las reglas antes de postear he informate sobre los diseños e imagenes que puedes aportar a la comunidad, si eres diseñador grafico pues me imagino que puedes crear facinastes cosas con tu profesion, Buena suerte y pues espero llegues a tener tu alto rango de GFX designer en la comunidad Si necesitas mas ayuda solo contactame al privado.
  14. OK, Another server with problems in the double protocol, it is very simple the problem is in the server not in your Cs, as they should only update the D-proto that has their server and also check if the Metamod works correctly when there are problems like that is The "D-proto" and when it is "Overflood in server" ,simply the metamod is only working at 80% of its capacity with the Host. Must go to "addons / amxmod / logs" and see the problems they have, these problems require that a manager with technical skills present when you configure or update those functions, be careful as they can interfere with the complete mod. Regards!
  15. <23:30:23> "Celtix*$": mano
    <23:30:30> "!Radix.-": lime :v
    <23:30:34> "Celtix*$": puedes quitar el WTF
    <23:30:38> "Celtix*$": tu cartoon
    <23:30:48> "Celtix*$": no puedes usar bad words 
    <23:30:54> "Celtix*$": lee las reglas :V
    <23:31:06> "!Radix.-": wtf no es mala palabraa
    <23:31:07> "!Radix.-": u.u.
    <23:31:08> "Celtix*$": sorry costumbre de moderador
    <23:31:11> "!Radix.-": es una exprecion :v
    <23:31:24> "!Radix.-": WTF = no mames we
    <23:31:24> "!Radix.-": :v
    <23:31:26> "Celtix*$": no si cuidado y es "welcome to friendzone" :V
    <23:31:32> "Celtix*$": JAJJAJAJAJAJJAJJAJAJJ
    <23:31:50> "Celtix*$": WTF = Welcome to Friendzone :v
    <23:31:55> "!Radix.-": JAJAJA
    <23:31:58> "!Radix.-": JAJAJA
    <23:31:59> "Celtix*$":  
    <23:32:02> "[N]audy": :o
    <23:32:06> "!Radix.-": ste men

  16. Good evening my little creatures! I hope you had your nice day and i hope you dont have problems with your girlfriend as it happens to me :(. I accept advice :P:( 

  17. I need new friends :( who want be my new friend? :D :7:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      MarshMeLLo ♫ -™

      That Mean's You Dont Like Old Friend's :291: :YD: :rambo:

    3. PranKk.


      your friend @Evgeniiiii:lol: he love u! :yuhu:

    4. #CeLTiXxX


      really? u thanx for reply @PranKk. .-.

  18. Welcome back! Enjoy with us
  19. Hello my dear friend, As your problem can be due to several reasons I will tell you which are: The first one: it is possible that your internet connection is very bad to enter this type of servers with host from other sides The second: it is because the Metamod of the server is working at 70% or 80%, this is the one that drives the Galileo that makes change the maps and all that. Solution: Other members gave you the solutions that many have tried and have worked, try several times with that method, I also recommend that you repair the internet connection (right click on the Internet connection / repair connection) What we have said, the problem is in the server or possibly in its connection to the VPS. If you have access to this server you can also configure some things to make it work better and not have that problem, those settings are added in amxx.cfg
  20. Por que ya no me quieres? :( teniamos algo especial 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. [N]audy


      Que pasa celtix es mi pareja :3 :V

    3. BILLS


      tu me tienes olvidado estamos pendiente tu yo tambien 

    4. BILLS


      @[M]ikasa muevelo llegate a music channel en ts3 

  21. V1 text and border
  22. Hi, I also have a laptop and had that problem, and on the video, explain how to remove the password on the screen, because here you can do something better, just go to power options and click on "change settings of the plan" then place where it says "put the Equipment in a state of suspension "you put the option" never "and I recommend that if you want to have the screen on to see if the cs does not hang, you also put on"turn of the screen" the opcion "never" and keep the changes i hope i"ve helped


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