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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Everything posted by #CeLTiXxX

  1. send me steam URL for recive your BackGround Congrats :D 

  2. Congrants man, you deserve it ;) 

  3. Welcome to CSBD bro, enjoy with us.
  4. Cariñoo!! me haz olvidado se que tienes a alguien mas :( pudiste habérmelo dicho :YD:

  5. I recommend you do this to see if you work better your Cs If you are steam go to your library then right click on the icon of the Cs and then left click on properties, you are going to "define launching parameters" and you put this code -w 1024 -h 768
  6. Maybe that's the problem friend, you did not register your model in the plugin First you must go to place the model example: you go to cstrike / models and this is where you place your model zp_parachute Then you must register your model in the sma of the bone plugin here: And of course you can adjust the speed is here: There you put the speed you want and remember to register the model with his full name including ".mdl " It happened to me with some servers that I had. The server cashed because he hadnt put the name in sma And did not register the model. I hope I've helped
  7. From the outside, all the protests in Venezuela are similar. "Opposition confronts the Government", "Government represses opposition", "Radicals / groups attack ..." and so on until filling all the media holders who, with interests in one of the parties, are in charge of targeting and Black a context that, in fact, has all the range of grays you can imagine. Without going further, this cycle of protests, which already exceeds half a hundred days, hardly resemble those of 2014. Origin Those of 2014 were born to the initiative of a part of the opposition parties: Po[CENSORED]r Will (VP), with a Leopoldo López still in freedom, Vente, the group of Maria Corina Machado, and Alianza Bravo Pueblo (ABP) The one of the also prisoner Antonio Ledezma. "The exit", as it was called to the movement of protests of that time, was generated after the elections to mayoralties of December 2013, where the orange mark reached notoriety. They launched possible ways for Nicolás Maduro's departure, including a National Constituent Assembly (the same method they now reject), Maduro's resignation or po[CENSORED]r rebellion by Article 350 of the Constitution, which was known as " Street without return ". On February 12, they joined-almost phagocytosed-the university march planned for the day of Youth. It closed with acts of vandalism in the Public Prosecutor's Office and attacks of pro-Government armed groups with 3 people assassinated. From there the manifestations intensified. In 2017 the protests were born after the Supreme Court of Justice issued two sentences in which it puts on paper something that was being done in practice, the annulment of the National Assembly, with opposition majority since December 2015. Months before, The National Electoral Council decided to suspend the process initiated by the opposition of a recall referendum and postponed the elections for the Governments (Autonomous Communities), even without a fixed timetable. The repression The sequence in 2014 was more or less the same: protesters mounted guarimba-National Guard arrives with pickets-they launch tearful projectiles-demonstrators throw Molotov cocktails-they launch more tear-gas-repressed-carry detained protesters. The sequence in 2017 is: protesters try to reach some concrete public entity-there is a huge contingent of National Guard (GNB) blocking the passage-before they arrive or when they have been trying to pass, before they launch anything, The GNB tear-activate the 'whale'-disperse manifestation-chase the protestors-a small group of protesters-throw molotovs, stones, barricade-throw more tear gas. These manifestations are being repressed more harshly. A key fact is enough: in 2014 the protests lasted for 4 months. The Public Ministry gave the number of 43 dead. In 2015 we have 51 days of protests and, at the time of writing this note, the number of dead is already 50.
  8. Welcome here, enjoy with us Read The Rules and meet new friends
  9. Bebe te cambiaste de nick ? :o 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OyaYansa


      Si aaaawww Gracias, por cierto felicidades gordo

    3. #CeLTiXxX


      Gracias ;) no cambiare contigo :D seguiras siendo mi AP en el foro y si necesitas algo me dices 

    4. OyaYansa


      Juuum eso espero O.O igualmente si algun dia necesitas algo me dices vida


  10. with[DPROTO]: Client 21 - Set AuthIdType 1 [dp_RevEmu]; pClient = 0xf38af90cL 08/02/2017 - 16:36:24: Player 'pByVxquuZLRYQM' It's not the internet connection, the problem is with DPROTO, when we have that errors, one plugin is interfering DPROTO Funtion so... You need to update new DPROTO, why bcs when have problems with DPROTO few people being steam or non steam, the server will kick them or the server will simply appear as inactive. Only people that have CSBD addons can solve your problem. they have your addons Regards!!
  11. Welcome to CSBD, enjoy with us and meet new friends
  12. Congrats for the grade ;) !!!!!

  13. Congratulations men, you are modetator :D , happy for u 

    1. BlasTerJaxX-


      thanks ,I am happy for myself too :P 

    2. #CeLTiXxX
  14. Congrats men :D , i feel so happy for u ;) 

  15. Bro, te felicito por tu logro ;) espero sigas creciendo en esta comunidad y espero tambien seguir tus pasos para llegar a ser alguien como tu en esta comunidad :congratualtions::smileys-money-702364::yuhu::7:

    1. Pedro's Klinefelter

      Pedro's Klinefelter

      Muchas gracias mi amigo!

  16. Hello Bro maybe you need to install other version or try to select default options in look if the problem was solved
  17. Mira pero si aqui tengo un compi del Zulia ;) Digalo hay mi socio!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. #CeLTiXxX


      mano yo vivo en Cabimas :P pero me la paso mas allá en Mcbo que aquí xD y que hay bromero prendido allá me dijeron 


    3. Pedro's Klinefelter

      Pedro's Klinefelter

      Siii, toda la semana

    4. #CeLTiXxX


      Jajajaja que beta, bueh si me vez en el Ts3 me escribes y hablamos mejor tu sabes ;) y cuadramos unos betas buenos xD

  18. HELLO DEAR CSBD FAMILY Many will wonder, "What is the Amx Mod?" It is program that is escesial, to edit, to create and above all things to make the plugins that you install on your server Cs 1.6 work. Well if you want to create your dedicated server, you must have this tool installed in your CS 1.6 and here will explain how it is done !! First of all we should download a good version of the AMX Mod in this case I will use the version v1.8.2, this version I have always used it and is the one that mostly use, but you get it here I will give the official link of the page http://www.amxmodx.org/downloads.php . After downloading the version, we proceed to install step by step but you do it correctly because it simply wont work anything you have modified. Installation Open the installer, and proceed to follow the steps After they accept the use agreement. Will tell you where you want to install the program, we simply look for the cstrike folder of our Cs 1.6 in this way: (In this case I will install it in my CS 1.6 Steam...) So we must put "Select Mod directory" Them go to Computer / local disk / Program files / steam / steamapps / common / half life / cstrike: Here is where we click the cstrike folder and press OK If you have done all the steps correctly you will start the installation successfully !!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Finished the Tutorial--------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for read this tutorial and i hope That has served them!!!!!
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  19. Hello, dear CSBD Family!!!, today I come to you to bring a simple tutorial of how to install a basic plugin in your dedicated server of Cs 1.6, We started. Requirenments - Half Life dedicated Server -Counter Strike 1.6 Non Steam -Basic plugin ( i will use this plugin grenade_trail.amxx) -Good Internet Connection. -AMX Mod First of all we must make sure that we have the half life dedicated server installed and AMX MOD in your CS,so we can start with the tutorial. We go to the folders of our Cs, right click on the icon of the Cs and then "properties/open location" and then we go to the folder "addons/amxmod/plugins", there we will place our plugin in this case I will put (grenade_trail.amxx) , Look for the amxx file of the plugin and place it, (note: it isnt necessary to place the sma.). Now we have to activate the plugin, "You wonder, how can I activate it?" We simply go to "addons/amxmod/configs/plugins.ini" open that file and it will appear as a blog of notes, and do not go where it says "add new plugins here" And we put the full name of our plugin. in this case is "grenade_trail.amxx" We started our dedicated server and if you completed the steps well, Congratulations you did it !!! If the plugin is working it should be seen as in this sample image:
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  20. Estas son mis ultimas publicaciones antes de que aprueben la constituyente :(:( los Amo a todos !!!!!

    this is my last post before Here in Venezuela accept The constituent :(:( i love u all!!!


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