From the outside, all the protests in Venezuela are similar. "Opposition confronts the Government", "Government represses opposition", "Radicals / groups attack ..." and so on until filling all the media holders who, with interests in one of the parties, are in charge of targeting and Black a context that, in fact, has all the range of grays you can imagine. Without going further, this cycle of protests, which already exceeds half a hundred days, hardly resemble those of 2014.
Those of 2014 were born to the initiative of a part of the opposition parties: Po[CENSORED]r Will (VP), with a Leopoldo López still in freedom, Vente, the group of Maria Corina Machado, and Alianza Bravo Pueblo (ABP) The one of the also prisoner Antonio Ledezma. "The exit", as it was called to the movement of protests of that time, was generated after the elections to mayoralties of December 2013, where the orange mark reached notoriety. They launched possible ways for Nicolás Maduro's departure, including a National Constituent Assembly (the same method they now reject), Maduro's resignation or po[CENSORED]r rebellion by Article 350 of the Constitution, which was known as " Street without return ". On February 12, they joined-almost phagocytosed-the university march planned for the day of Youth. It closed with acts of vandalism in the Public Prosecutor's Office and attacks of pro-Government armed groups with 3 people assassinated. From there the manifestations intensified.
In 2017 the protests were born after the Supreme Court of Justice issued two sentences in which it puts on paper something that was being done in practice, the annulment of the National Assembly, with opposition majority since December 2015. Months before, The National Electoral Council decided to suspend the process initiated by the opposition of a recall referendum and postponed the elections for the Governments (Autonomous Communities), even without a fixed timetable.
The repression
The sequence in 2014 was more or less the same: protesters mounted guarimba-National Guard arrives with pickets-they launch tearful projectiles-demonstrators throw Molotov cocktails-they launch more tear-gas-repressed-carry detained protesters.
The sequence in 2017 is: protesters try to reach some concrete public entity-there is a huge contingent of National Guard (GNB) blocking the passage-before they arrive or when they have been trying to pass, before they launch anything, The GNB tear-activate the 'whale'-disperse manifestation-chase the protestors-a small group of protesters-throw molotovs, stones, barricade-throw more tear gas.
These manifestations are being repressed more harshly. A key fact is enough: in 2014 the protests lasted for 4 months. The Public Ministry gave the number of 43 dead. In 2015 we have 51 days of protests and, at the time of writing this note, the number of dead is already 50.