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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Everything posted by #CeLTiXxX

  1. V1 Text and Green Effects!
  2. Sometimes, this not having internet for more than 2 days, fault of these Problems of the Thieves of Cables is despairing, In addition that I dont know how they dont to discover them, YOU CAN SAME THEMSELVES TO RISE TO A MASTILLE AND STEAL A CABLE SO FAST? I once try and end with the usually at 3 in the morning trying to fix the signal, they are expert in his work :bad_boys_20::25r30wi:

    aveces, esto de no tener internet por mas de 2 dias, culpa de estos Problemas de los Ladrones de Cables es desesperante, Ademas de que no se como hacen para que no los descubran, Osea, USTEDES MISMOS PUEDEN SUBIRSE A UN POSTE Y ROBARTE UN CABLE TAN RAPIDO? yo una vez lo intente y termine con la misma en el suelo a las 3 de la mañana tratando de arreglar la señal. Ellos son Expertos en su Oficio :v

    1. #CeLTiXxX


      AJAJAJJAJAJAJA yo que me tarde casi 1 hora y tuve que buscar escalera, ellos solamente se suben como los monos xD


  3. Those who I thought were my best friends, apparently abandoned me. thats is so Sad :mad:

    Los que creía que eran mis mejores amigos, al parecer me han abandonado. eso es muy Triste 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ScareCrow


      I'm Here :3 with you

    3. Mr.SnaPeR


      what happened my son

    4. #CeLTiXxX


      IDK, maybe some friends abandoned me :/ 

  4. Hello Mr. Profesoru you must update the DPROTO To activate Double Protocol Steam / No steam Server cant run if you Dont activate that option, when you Upload New DPROTO your Problem have been Solved.
  5. V2 text and light effects
  6. You must have the "sma" of the plugin or mod to be able to do that internal configuration wi AMX MOD, if you have full access to the sma of the server you can do it for rest, I only recommend that you download a version of Cs 1.6 no steam as I said before and do the test. I hope you listen to my recommendations!
  7. Hello, that problem you have, not only you are presenting your, all steam users of Cs 1.6 have it, since the last update Valve did to the game, ignore me, use for now a version of Cs 1.6 no steam here we have many versions, just download and install. It is a recommendation since many scripters in meetings are trying to figure out how to solve that problem that affects many users. Also if u have sma folders edit Chat plugin and replaces the old line with this one message_begin(MSG_ALL, get_user_msgid("SayText")); write_byte(0); write_string("%s"); // or %s1 write_string(message); message_end(); Regards!
  8. #CeLTiXxX

    HelP Fast

    Hello Try to write in console Directrly for join connect And then if you have problems with "Time out" for bad confi type this in console cl_timeout "99999" I hope that i have solved your problem
  9. Congrats!!!! dude!! :o :291: U win GM before me !!! :229:But you are still my wife and @eXpLoReRs Know that HAHAHAHHA ;) Good luck 

  10. You want get Free V.I.P? this is your chance 


  11. V2 text and Effects!
  12. We hope you enjoy your stay here and do not have any problems. On behalf of myself and the entire staff of CSBD staff, we cordially welcome you, Enjoy the maximum! T/C
  13. Congrats!!!! My Love You did It :o :7:

  14. V2 Text and light border effects !
  15. V1 text and light effects !
  16. V2 Text, Light effect and Border
  17. Maybe many dont understand, but some days we have to work very hard, to overcome ourselves to be able to make great achievements in life, maybe this will take us to exhaust ourselves both physically and mentally, but in the end all that will have its good reward #NevergiveUP :smileys-money-702364::t31016:

  18. V1 Text and light Effects
  19. Nice Song !!!!! #SKRTTT  #REALTRAMP:party0030::229:

  20. V1 Text and light effects
  21. V2 text and border !
  22. V2 Text and effects
  23. Good bye dude! Take care and good luck, Come back Soon please , i will wait for you


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