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ISI Sajawal

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    Iran, Islamic Republic Of

ISI Sajawal last won the day on January 21 2016

ISI Sajawal had the most liked content!

About ISI Sajawal

  • Birthday 10/27/1998


  • Do you still Remember IMAN .?


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  1. As the sole GFX designer on this forum, why haven't you been responding to other users' requests? Is it really that difficult to reply? Your last response was on April 17th, and it has been over a month since then 🤔🤨🤨

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ISI Sajawal
    3. Otman.™


      at least we dont have time to steal accounts of other members 

    4. Blackfire



  2. Nick: ISI Sajawal Real name: Sajawal Shah How old are you?: 22 Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): i play many games but idk from how long im playing there are many games i have been playing from 2014,2017 Where are you from?(country and city): Pakistan, ISB Describe yourself(at least 50 words): I am a really hard working person i can be active on this platform consistently. I am also a very friendly person, i talk to my friends alot. My best friends include; glow cyber punk and Mr.talha. I want to become a moderator because I'm an OG to this platform. I wish to use this experience for the betterment of this community. I also made a request about a month ago but i got rejected because i made the request in my early days. But now I'm making a request again because I've improved myself and gained more experience and worked hard to get this rank. I have high hopes that I'll be accepted as a moderator Note some of your qualities: i can work hard and be active on this platform consistently. Tell us some of your defects: i have a really bad temper problem and i lose my mind when I'm frustrated. Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): yea i have been gfx designer before and journalists team On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): designing Which category/project you want to care off?: design How well you speak english?(and other languages): Eng, Urdu, Pashto Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: i dont use ts3 but if you guys need me there i will be active there whenever you guys need me For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): well its about damn time because you know we dont know that what will happen today but i will do my best to stay as long as i can Contact methods: PM Last request: first
  3. v2 blur and text
  4. hi devils

    It’s time to uncross your fingers! As promised, we will be hosting our biggest giveaway yet where you can win prizes that you’ve been eyeing for a while.+ we are searching for admins who can stay afk at night. if anyone is interested make request here feel free to be part of streetzm.

    if you guys are interested join here:


  5. ø Method of contact (Y!m / Skype): Skype : iman.morvarid E-mail : imanmorvarid@gmail.com Telegram or What's up : +98 09357707271 ø Item(s) on sale: This account is on Level 12 , hasing CSGO game with the following Attributes : Rank : DMG ( Distinguished Master Guardian ) Number of Competitive Matchs Won : +809 All Achievements Are taken ( all medals gold ) Service medals 2016 and 2017 ( x2 2016) Market Activated This Account Does not Have TAX on any purchase .! ø Price of the product(s): starts from 130$ ø Product photo(s): http://steamcommunity.com/id/iman_emadi/ ø Payment method: Only by trusting me , payment via sending valid Steam wallets or CSGO Keys. ø Other specifications: -
  6. Hello old friend...

    How are you been? Long time no seen.. I don't know if you remember me, but we rolled together at ShadowsZM long before.
    I hope you doing fine! Welcome back and enjoy.

    1. ISI Sajawal

      ISI Sajawal

      Ofc I remember you , Thanks for Greeting .

  7. Welcome Back Pearl :3


    1. ISI Sajawal

      ISI Sajawal

      not backed , just trying find some old friends

      thnx any way :)

    2. ʋσʀтεx™♛
  8. ah Crastto xD

    i am IMAN

    just viewed this site for something and saw you still play cs 1.6 :)

    if one day you came on csgo call me we play together

    you are still that crastto popo xd


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Crastto


      come man here in cs 1.6 zm I dont play csgo im bad xD

    3. ISI Sajawal

      ISI Sajawal


      ok i will join you on summer ,

      add me on steam if you have an account for contact way or if you dont have , i will pm in you forum when i got backed .

      missed talking with you PoPo

      Have fun ! :*

    4. Crastto


      i cant add you in steam xD talk in pm

  9. anakona

    i can feel you better ,

    Olee was your only pure manager ,

    i am happy to see you back on being original



  10. -can anyone say how much is it's size ? ( how many GB is it .? ) -and also i searched in steam and only found red alert 3 , Red alert 2 is better or 3 .? Thanks.

    Legends Stay Legends , no one to change them .

    it's simple too !


  12. Hello , please next time post your problems in IT Problems section . about your problem , it refers to your CS for sure . but anyway delete that map in the file "maps" at your cstrike and download it again from your server again , if didn't solve ( probably will not ) , simply get another version of CS 1.6 Good Luck.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Deceptive


      inaro bikhi hamash shero vere oon moghe ke to cs nemidonesti chie man cs bazi mikardam an agha

    3. ISI Sajawal

      ISI Sajawal

      man az aval dabestan CS midonestam chie ,

      To Zuro ...

      mitoni to hamin street admin begir , ye mah faqat admin bemon


    4. Deceptive


      ok age mondam koon midi? man hale admini nadaram vali be khatere harfe to ham ke shode req admin midam farda w8 Just And See :|

  14. i congratulate to whole CSBD Community Muslims for Reaching Ramadan . Regrade , >>IMANN<<
  15. Hello Devils , i wanna talk about a site which you may mostly know but here i would like say about it for who's Don't know about it . so , the members who play CSGO specially New players in it Read : in the site of Kickback you can make an account ( http://kickback.com/invite/IMAN) then after giving it your E-mail & Steam Link you can use this site , what dose this site ? in Kickback you gonna start playing 1V1 with random player who you don't know him and the winner will get the bet Gems or Money , most members play via betting Gems . What to do with Gems . when you earn much gems you can use them like money in Kickback , which means you can get SKINs via your Gems , these skins start from simple guns until even Butterfly Knife ! the only thing you need here is a good Fps+good ping to be able kill your opponents and earn gems , bets can be done on 1G 40g 80g untill 1Milion Gems . to play a match , open your steam , go in CSGO , open web browser then go in Kickback.com and press "LOG IN" , as you already have given your Email and Steam link you will be automatically signed in , if not enter with giving your user name and pass word . when you entered , where ever you are Enter than white Gem in upside and you will come in the correct page . choose the amount of gems you want bet on . also you can choose the location of the server which you wish play in ( can be used for members who want play in their locations for less lag ) . when you press your chosen Gems for bet it starts finding opponent for you , then when you found it server will be loaded then you must press "JOIN" button . if it didn't work under the page you an see your server IP. Image : go in and Dig your Opponent Out ! Thanks for Attention.


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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