Everything posted by snapple.
Puedo saber pq está mi Galeria de diseños en lista negra? Acaso se me escaparon los fanes? JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJ
@#EVIL BABY Why did you blacklist my gallery? Are you against me? Or do you miss me HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Todavia sigues aqui? q te hizo volver perra
Puedo saber pq está mi Galeria de diseños en lista negra? Acaso se me escaparon los fanes? JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJ
What's up buddy do you like my profile? @#EVIL BABY
you remember https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/46799-đяaкeηη™/ !! or you forget !
Y esas visitas reciéntes? Que paso fanes me extrañan?
Cuantas malditas veces te vais a cambiar de nombre?
B A S U R A :v
Mano qlq tambien vas a volver a perder el tiempo aqui al igual que yo ?
Do you think it's a grace to be banned?
thank god i didn't banne you permanently when i had my rank x acts not allowed on the teamspeark server -
<12:54:53> "Master_kill": yes i say to make ur joob WTF
<12:54:59> "Master_kill": what i say so bad ?
<12:56:00> "Master_kill": please learn english and after come and tolk with me !! and i add u in blacklist in highlifezm !!
<12:56:05> "abcd": learn english?
<12:56:10> "abcd": thats not a problem
<12:56:11> "abcd": hahahha
<12:56:13> "abcd": big kid
<12:56:24> "Master_kill": u are a big kid and i blocked u
he thinks it hurts me