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Everything posted by Suarez™

  1. apologize bro i wasnt here 

  2. First gallery 7 July 2014

    Almost 7 Years Career

    Still a simple gfx designer ❤️

    1. B O O G Y M A N

      B O O G Y M A N

      one of the best designers in the history of this community,  

      i used to check u r gallery everyday 😇😛, inspirational and unique style, keep it 🆙

    2. EVIL BABY.

      EVIL BABY.

      You are the best 🥰

  3. The Legend Says: "Lepurush i dehur mos ha kar po ha karrota"

     MC'KRESHA ❤️

  4. if someone is interested to see how i work in photoshop send me a pm

  5. 2KdMEbd.png


    Represent my f,,,, desktop 🙂

  6. hi

    i want to say im so sorry cuz i dont reply in ur request but my photoshop dont open GIF Images

    im really sorry bro

    1. Suarez™


      pwAVWsI.png  dVtLv6R.png  JjojzOz.png  


    2. itan.mx


      no problem ty bro ❤️ 

  7. 3mLkIb8.png

     with all the respect , if you dont know how to made smth like that m you are not a GFX designer


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EVIL BABY.

      EVIL BABY.

      Great work dude ❤️ 

    3. Suarez™



      and how thats all called ?


      PS: you find just brushes xD , i only used SHARPEN , GRADIENT MAP , BRUSHES

    4. Sajawal™


      bro i was just telling my point of view 😛 you are da best!

  8. Mp3W7EG.png  dgNcqWe.png  iRrsGQ5.png  GCQFOB3.png

    1. ẒΣṜṒṂĂṆ ™

      ẒΣṜṒṂĂṆ ™

      ohh thanks you brother ❤️

      good job ❤️

      keep it up 😉


  9. 🤣😂

    MMmzMVr.png Q1LBRen.png

    1. EVIL BABY.

      EVIL BABY.

      Amazing work dude, thank you for your work + time ❤️ 

  10. V1 text ps: v2 should repare quality of image cuz look very dirty with no ofence and v1 should learn how to replace the pic peaceee
  11. KoKudmK.png

    1. King_of_lion


      ooh nice gift for me i missed you, my bro long time don't see you  ❤️

  12. KqNXgCJ.png  xKDqfps.png

    1. #Steeven.™


      Thank you very much for this detail. 🙈❤️

  13. NANQvby.png  qjmgOu4.png  TcrY9Bl.png

    1. EVIL BABY.

      EVIL BABY.

      awesome work, i really liked it. thank you so much ❤️ 

  14. im leaving

    good bye guys

    1. #Drennn.


      Why do you want to leave the site?

    2. EVIL BABY.

      EVIL BABY.

      @Suarez are you serious...?

    3. itan.mx


      The Legend Never Die. 💪😔

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