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Everything posted by Suarez™

  1. o brz mshkr icik

    1. walker™


      @Suarez ke ngatrru rein mer bab 😂

  2. i vote for V1 cause of brush p.s: v2 looks like a begginer work ,,,,,,very bad text good luck
  3. 1Sp19JA.png

    1. EVIL BABY.

      EVIL BABY.

      no. this for me? Omg, this is amazing work

    2. Suarez™


      hahhaa my pleasure bro

    3. EVIL BABY.

      EVIL BABY.

      thank you so much buddy ❤️ 

  4. TqRePcI.png


    1. King_of_lion


      GG!!              😄


  5. > Opponent's nickname: juppter > Theme (must be an image): > Work Type:avatar > Size & Texts: 150x250 text: realone > How many total votes?:10 > Work time: 24 h
  6. > Opponent's nickname: all gfx designers > Theme (must be an image): > Work Type: avatar > Size & Texts: 150:250 text : RealOne > How many total votes?: 10 > Work time:24 h
  7. 3xwpAOk.jpg



    1. #Steeven.™


      Thank you very much for this detail brother! ❤️🙈

  8. AF4pY5S.png

    1. vagabondl.


      Thank you , looks great ^_^ but it's " L " at the final of my name :))

    2. Suarez™


      ahhahaha sorry i thought it was a big "i" like I 🤣

  9. design section is DEAD

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. 乡мя.ЪคЪค™


      haha per ti qr jan , un per pak merja moderator ndhejtor po  e lash pst  , as un skam mo nerva si m para

    3. aRbi~


      @Suarez jon bukshkelsa qa me bo sja vlen me hup kohen robt 😕 

    4. Suarez™


      jo mor vlla se smerem mo une se kemi shku ka 20 vjec po hyna me pa ca bohet se kisha vite pa hy 😂

  10. ESc5jja.png

    1. EVIL BABY.

      EVIL BABY.

      Oh nice, i like it so much, thank you ❤

    2. King_of_lion
  11. 4rcPUnP.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Suarez™


      @Timm- text ---blue red green ,,, brushes--- blue red green 


    3. Timm-


      e di qa ke bo amo veq po thom spo vin bukur teksti se brushat perfekt 

    4. Suarez™


      skam asni font e po pritoja me u marr mo

  12. accepted mc kresha jqjj ke godit me kte wellpaper
  13. im back in design 😁

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Timm-


      finally someone that knows to use ps

      mirseerdhe 😛


    3. Suarez™
    4. Lock流


      oh my miss this dude

  14. Im selling avatars 😁

    1. ROVEN


      Welcome back bro :p

    2. REVAN
    3. Suarez™


      @REVAN im deadddd😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  15. Big daddy ?

  16. Wassup

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Suarez™


      Mir m vl shtyjm

      thash t futem ihr ktu tshof ca bohet se na ka mar malli ???

    3. FearLess


      hahah , un thash te merem cik meqe jemi shpi ter diten vk skemi ca bejm hahah

    4. Suarez™


      Ske faj un ca tboj qe skam PC jm me Tel se kisha lujt zombi gjith diten mrsh ?

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