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Everything posted by Suarez™

  1. > Opponent's nickname: @Destroyer. > Theme (must be an image): > Work Type: Avatar > Size & Texts: 150x250 - Lion > How many votes?: 20 > Work time: 30 min
  2. dQftrvF.png 4IttM47.png EXCgFMR.png

    1. pulse.exe


      Thank you brother! ❤️ 

    2. Suarez™


      my pleasure  <33333333

  3. 200.gif

    when she leaves 3 min before.............!?!? ??????

  4. Messiahhhh

    1. Flenn.


      you still alive ? xD

      oh stupid me , legends never die ?❤️

    2. Suarez™


      Hahahahahh ❤️❤️❤️

  5. You add me very late ?

    1. REVAN


      Forgot you xddd

      I hope you forgive me ❤️

      heart dreaming GIF

    2. Suarez™
  6. congra bruv ?? ?

    1. FearLess


      rrfsh luiso ❤️ 

  7. Nostalgia ???

  8. Im the winner v1 (Suarez) 15 votes v2 (REVAN) 4 votes thanks
  9. Omgg dope asf ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shadox


      maybe he mean i am shit one  xd

    3. Russ ;x

      Russ ;x

      you're not shit ,you're super shit! 

    4. Suarez™



  10. > Opponent's nickname: REVAN > Theme (must be an image): > Work Type: Avatar > Size & Texts: 150x250 - text: Eminem > How many votes?: 20 > Work time: 1 hr
  11. 9Hu4Pev.png

    MEIN BRUDER ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. REII™


      po t m kishe bo mu azet ? 

    3. Suarez™


      ndrroje vet ? se e hoqa mrsh

    4. REII™


      shaka boj er se un jam me otr hahahahahha

  12. V2 - brush , pattern si figur e njohur po mduket prz xD
  13. congra

    1. ✘Ready✘


      hhhhh same to you but why you are not gfx?

    2. Suarez™


      cuz i dont have time to work ?

    3. ✘Ready✘
  14. great USABLE of blur ? sorry but i was drunk 

  15. Without Offense ❤️

    Why you guys always posted pn your profile an status like that (first 3 replies FREE avatar) avatars are always free ? do you know somebody which SELL avatars ? ?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Russ ;x

      Russ ;x

      But you are the cheapest

    3. REVAN


      Damn apply cold water...

    4. walker™


      @REVAN raven avtar plese :v 

  16. nvRCCdW.png

    this is lit ?

    1. pulse.exe


      he knows me quite well, it's a romanian trapper there ? 

    2. Daliath.


      ahhaha, thanks.

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