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Everything posted by *Ha(C)kEr'S*

  1. King ❤️ 


    1. Blackfire


      :OOO look who still alive :v 

      damn i thought that aliens take you to another planet..

    2. pulse.exe


      i miss you ? 

    3. *Ha(C)kEr'S*


      @Blackfire king never die ? 

  2. I cant send pm to you

    1. Alfjooo


      HAckers BRo


  3. Remove your pm , thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alfjooo
    3. Alfjooo


      Tyga me futi ban hiqe nga admini


    4. Alfjooo


      Tyga me futi ban hiqe nga admini


  4. Je kthy prap ? lol ? 

    1. olee


      po sma mbante rusting grafika dhe erdha ktej t'humb kohen

  5. wow look this ugly banned ?

  6. Dont watch my profile , you are not allowed  ! 


  7. Cong. “ i dont need admin “ ?

    1. pulse.exe


      it was available just for that day ❤️ thanks

    2. *Ha(C)kEr'S*


      Ahahahhahaahha ?

  8. se mos na bosh noi gift re ?

    1. Suarez™


      Prz i boj nga pc i punes ??? nsr kur tshkoj i promise

    2. walker™


      ahahhahah ?? 

  9. hello , you have to go here https://steamidfinder.com/ login via steam after copy your id64 and put it on forum . the wrong think is you are putting your name and not the id .
  10. iYJZkx9.png

    NEW NEW ?

    1. greeNZ


      its not new -_- i already seen it before (lier) ?

  11. Welcome back ..... 

    1. pulse.exe


      Thanks bro, why you don't come back too? I miss those times ? 

  12. From today csgo is free online competitive new mod and every think.


    who need to play add me 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr.Sebastian


      Yeah, very bad news. I hope this will be resolved very soon? or cs go will die forever.

    3. *Ha(C)kEr'S*


      @Mr.Love i download the play of 1 month ago and i see 6 guy vac baned csgo is dead befor this update ?

    4. ROVEN


      Cs go is free to cheater's now ?


  13. When i suggest this 2 year ago , and i see it today ?

    1. Nadeem-


      I Saw Many Heacker In Life 
      Type OF Hacker Paypal Hacker 
      Girl-Friend Hacker 
      Lol Hacker 
      Only Hacker But You Frist Hackers What is Meaning Of Hacker  Or Hackers? One or More ? 

    2. Mockys


      Po normale ka noob qe bej copy 2 years ago ahhaha ?

  14. I miss this guys @Suarez @ShKoDrA @BoRINg @• Revo • and more others best gfx ever ? 

    1. #Superme


      Yeah This is Leaders Design

    2. chief keef
    3. Mr.SnaPeR


      ._. what ??!! 

  15. And here is the proof why this community will die 

    they said we dont care if someone dont understand is not our problem ? who care right ? we need only rank we dont care about others .

  16. ahhahaahah ca do ti ketu re ? ?

    1. olee


      qu dil perjashta nuk muneni me bo hajgare ktu ?

    2. *Ha(C)kEr'S*


      Un them ..... hajt diten e mir faleminderit 



    REII™ sent you 2 casino points 
    Just now ?

  18. Hello Anomaly , why you are from tunisia ?

    still i see you have good skins can you send me a little dragon lore fn and a karambit rubie ? thanks and welcome to csbd . 

    1. _Klay_


      Your too late, Mr love already gets them from me ?

    2. *Ha(C)kEr'S*


      o noooo , rip ok no problem i can ask for skin to a Russian Stick guy ? 

    3. _Klay_


      Gooood luck !

  19. Loading ,  -DarkJesús- ,  d3v0uTT™ , Boring  more ... All you must be banned. The legends  think "we Build the community"

    True ? ? 


    1. Verox


      I guess you got a big problem with me..

      But i don't remember i've talked to you or we had a contact..

      So i guess it's to express your feelings and talk more clearly (if you're sure of  what you're saying ..

      Personally i don't have a problem with anyone..

      So tell me what's wrong , we can talk for so long here cz i don't mind


    *CaRtoo'N™ sent you 20 points  iam rich man . thanks ❤️ @*CaRtoo'N™

    1. A.N.R Anouar A.N.R
    2. [~OMAR~]


      now u have 50 enjoy brother ❤️ 

    3. *CaRtoo'N™
  21. hello guys today i make a tutorial to help you with the choice of games . website: here
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