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Everything posted by Mr.Love

  1. We have the results! :emot-smugbert:



  2. Wrong! Chatbox will have a bad influence to our TS3 server! We are agree to afiliate CSGOservers by many time. Are you able to find some csgo servers? Firstly the support in TS3 is working 100 %, and we don't need more staff members in ts3 About statistic of servers is not a very big problem. We have new owners for every server, so is nothing strange. Ohhh come on! Do you want to see members who speak and read in spanish, portugues, arabik, russian or other language here? We had an csgo server but you used it? Good! My YouTube channel was in my plans by long time ago. We will speak about this. Thank you! 22 people have tried to imagine what they should do if they could be the owners of CSBD Community. For others this isn't on the list So, I replied to some proposals who caught my interest, and I decided: ♛ Viceroy ♛ - will receive 60 days vip - JUST WHEN HE WILL AFILIATE 2 csgo servers in our communty. ROVEN - will receive 60 days vip - JUST WHEN HE WILL AFILIATE 2 csgo servers in our communty. ✘ Tsunami™ ✘ - will receive 30 days vip - JUST if he will come with more details about zombie competitions. [ it's easy to say "zombie competition" but which are rules? ] #king 0F DARK - I can offer you 30 days VIP for one of your friends. Also please contact me to speak about this project. Congratulations and good luck in your new work! ,Mr.Love - administrator of Csblackdevil Community
  3. A new category in Teamspeak3 area:  PROBLEMS

    Moderators, Global Moderators & Administrators are here to support you! :emot-smugbert:

  4. Share your ideas! Win 60 days VIP! :emot-smugbert:



    1. Sinan.47
    2. #CeLTiXxX


      And i dont see the prize "Have a nice Night with Mr.Love", Put You in the prizes :7:

  5. Hello, Think that CSBD is your own community and you want to develope it. How you will start? One easy way to win 60 days VIP account just with your ideas. Answer me in one reply here. Good luck! Note: Topic will be opened for 48 hours.
  6. Tomorrow WalkingDead will be back! Dont worry and be ready!

  7. Update in progress :emot-smugbert:


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Viceroy



      Nice dude,

      Making the forums great again 

      :25r30wi: Donald Trump words?

      Come on dude lol:25r30wi:, i hate him. I have kept his name "Peanuts" 

    3. #CeLTiXxX


      I just have something to say something that hasnt let me sleep for a long time... "If you are driving a bus and 20 passengers get off, how old is the driver?" :25r30wi::25r30wi:

    4. S9OUL.


      @CeLTiXxX*$  hahahahaha xD 

      This is your age because you are the driver xD

  8. 2018 is coming with a new upgrade to our IPB platform...:emot-smugbert:

    Don't close your eyes :sdevanttele: we started to work!:mad:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. #CeLTiXxX


      If you are thinking about working with ubisoft to improve the quality of the forum, NEVER THINK IT !!!!! OR WE WILL BE BUGGED EVERYBODY !!! :t10113::nono.001:

    3. MoralesZZzYT™



      Have Luck Bro

    4. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      this version have history of members i check demo of IPSfocus !! 

      right ? 

  9. SWEAT DREAMS ! SEE YOU TOMORROW! :t2202::t2202::t2202:



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Profesoru
    3. #CeLTiXxX


      WHAAAAATTTTTTT ISSSS THATTTTT MANNNNNNN??????? Is like when u had a stomatchache and then you drink battery acid and it breaks you inside :sdevanttele::rambo: KILLLL ME PLEASEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. PranKk.
  10. If you still cannt connect in KROND SERVERS, please send me your IP in PRIVATE MESSAGE or reply here.

  11. Mr.Love


    I played few days this game with some friends but is too easy to finish on the 1st place. Also, even if it's a copy of PUBG ... it's better than him
  12. :emot-smugbert: Delivery mails problem was solved :emot-smugbert:



    1. #CeLTiXxX


      After 1 millennium !!!!!!!!!!! Finally :25r30wi:what would we do without you? :emot-smugbert:

    2. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      problem still with me i cant make new account to my friends :reading:

  13. Hello @Abbas™, For Counter Strike 1.6 STEAM ON: Quit your game Right clik on Counter Strike in STEAM LIBRARY Click Properties Click Seth Launch Options type this: -w 640 -h 480 OK / CLOSE PLAY COUNTER STRIKE Good luck!
  14. READDDDD!!!

    1. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      done nice to see you care with community again :)

  15. Hello guys, Counter Strike 1.6 was one from the most played games in the world, and has always been a reference game for our community. As you saw, in the last years Counter Strike:Global Offensive started to replace it. What about you? We are very happy to see many CS:1.6 players in our community, but we wonder how many CSGO players have we now? That's the question! Mr.Love P.S: 32 hours - poll!
  16. Our teamspeak3 server became the heart of community. Simple users, players, managers, clans and many others joined us there. An easy way to talk but...have you ever tried it?
  17. With 21,5 % ( 69 votes ), StreetZm.CsBlackDevil.Com is the winner of this last POLL and become at this moment the most loved server from our community and also GOLD SERVER for 1 month. Thanks to all voters!
  18. Hello guys, Do you love to play CounterStrike: 1.6, isn't it? But where? Vote your "second home", your favourite server in our community, and let us see which is the most loved server. The winner will be promoted in the list of public servers, as GOLD SERVER for 1 month. The POLL will be opened for 48 hours!
  19. 153 votes in the last POLL - that's great but I'm sure we can get more involved :default_good_job-1300:

    Europe is here with many troops :thankyou:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ►LucĬfer◄


      JAAJAJA ME GUSTA tu cancion de perfil es bonita

    4. PranKk.


      Hello @Mr.Love, if u make as said Mr.ViRus - he will creates a fake accounts, for to votes for him self. :25r30wi:

  20. It's known that we are everywhere but let see in 24 hours, how many we are, and from where?
  21. All bans from teamspeak3 are removed!  :Nqj3VwE:


    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. #CeLTiXxX


      HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Love maybe that joint was strong :7::25r30wi::25r30wi:

    3. Adi!
    4. Adi!


      Enjoying, everyone. Love was thing, for you guys! :winkthumbs: 

      all must, Thank to him. :party0030::congratualtions:

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