Mr.Love's Achievements
Since you're the owner, I would like to bring to your attention for some issue that requires your assistance.
I have observed that a certain individual is consistently overseeing profiles on CSBD to propagate the same inappropriate content or links throughout multiple sections.
I propose the implementation of a two-step verification process for all profiles to prevent unauthorized access by the hacker.
Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I trust you will address this issue for the benefit of all of us.
Hello guys!
I am looking for a new administrator to manage the forum and pay the monthly webhost. If somebody is interested please contact me or reply here!
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Salut @Ghost Warrior,
Din pacate nu. Accesul i-a fost oferit lui @BMW e63. Vorbeste cu el, poate are nevoie de ajutor. O seara faina!
Hello bro
Anyone good in design? Reply here please!
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@MadLad_exeyeah i'm Profisionnel in design 😎🤣
Good morning, friends!
Hay dude.. how are you buddy?