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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/30/2019 in all areas

  1. Contest description: Many bloody Hellos to our dear devilish members! Today is a special day that takes place and is a scary trend in all parts of the world, Halloween! Show us your costume and/or give us an original and terrifying message about Halloween! Scary rules - Post only with your in real life (with yourselves) - Don't copy others messages or use google - Give a bloody like[special avalaible for the period of the contest] to someone who dressed terrifying or inflicted panic with his/her message! - There is prohibied to do more accounts or post multiple times, you will be desqualified and possible you get banned on forum. Sign up period: 29 October- 15 November [!]Rules can be changed on the way, for protecting the purpose of the contest! Rewards given by us: Place 1: 15 € (PayPal, Bank account, Paysafecard) + 120k points on TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 5000 points on our forum Place 2: 5 € (PayPal, Bank account, Paysafecard) + 70k points on TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 3500 points on our forum Place 3: VIP on a period of 14 days + 40k points on TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 2000 points on our forum How is the winner choosed? Very simple: The report between originality(photo, message) and bloody likes! Other detalies: - Are given to persons who obtain more than 10 likes for his reply * All members can participate to this contest, including forum administration. Give us a like! RO version Descriere concurs: Multe saluturi insangerate pentru membrii nostrii diabolici! Astazi este o zi speciala care are loc si este un trend infiorator in toate partile lumii, Halloween! Aratati-ne costumul vostru si/sau dati-ne un mesaj original si terifiant despre Halloween! Reguli de speriat: - Postati numai poze din viata reala(cu voi) - Nu copiati mesajele altora sau utilizati google - Dati un like insangerat [special valabil pentru perioada concursului] cuiva care s-a imbracat fiorator sau a indus panica prin mesajul lui/ei! - Nu aveti voie sa va faceti mai multe conturi ori sa postati de mai multe ori, o sa fiti descalificati si posibil si banarea voastra pe forum. Perioada inscrieri: 29 Octombrie - 15 Noiembrie [!]Regulile pot fi schimbate pe parcurs, pentru protejarea scopului concursului! Premii oferite de noi: Locul 1: 15 € (PayPal, Cont bancar, Paysafecard) + 120k puncte pe TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 5000 puncte pe forumul nostru Locul 2: 5 € (PayPal, Cont bancar, Paysafecard) + 70k puncte pe TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 3500 puncte pe forumul nostru Locul 3: VIP pe o perioada de 14 zile + 40k puncte pe TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 2000 puncte pe forumul nostru Cum este ales castigatorul? Foarte simplu: Raportul dintre originalitate(poza, mesaj) si likeurile sangeroase! Alte detalii: - Se acorda persoanelor ce depasesc mai mult de 10 like-uri la postul sau; * Toti membrii pot participa la acest concurs, inclusiv staff-ul cat si administratia comunitatii; Dati-ne un like!
    9 points
  2. the GFX Pass for Halloween is ending tomorrow, gather as many GP as you can!!
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Gaystle es mejor name como dijo Ace hahahahahahahahahaahahaha
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. 1 point
  7. gioooooooooooooo❤️ still alive ugly xD
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Edit by myCro@ google search
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. A massive update on the forum and an unmissable event have just been released! Become Overwatch! Halloween Contest (2019)!
    1 point
  13. For all members. We have some problems with profile song,don't worry we resolve this soon is possible. Be patient! ?
    1 point
  14. Who's Online 56 Members, 0 Anonymous, 16 Guests (See full list) Oh
    0 points
  15. 0 points


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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