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Halloween contest 2019


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Contest description:

Many bloody Hellos to our dear devilish members!
Today is a special day that takes place and is a scary trend in all parts of the world, Halloween!
Show us your costume and/or give us an original and terrifying message about Halloween!

Scary rules
- Post only with your in real life (with yourselves)
- Don't copy others messages or use google
- Give a bloody like[special avalaible for the period of the contest] to someone who dressed terrifying or inflicted panic with his/her message!
- There is prohibied to do more accounts or post multiple times, you will be desqualified and possible you get banned on forum.

Sign up period: 29 October- 15 November

[!]Rules can be changed on the way, for protecting the purpose of the contest!

Rewards given by us:
Place 1: 15 € (PayPal, Bank account, Paysafecard) + 120k points on TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 5000 points on our forum
Place 2: 5 € (PayPal, Bank account, Paysafecard) + 70k points on TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 3500 points on our forum
Place 3: VIP on a period of 14 days + 40k points on TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 2000 points on our forum

How is the winner choosed? Very simple:

The report between originality(photo, message) and bloody likes!

Other detalies:

F9U8UjW.png - Are given to persons who obtain more than 10 likes for his reply
* All members can participate to this contest, including forum administration.

dUr31nw.png Give us a like!


RO version


Descriere concurs:

Multe saluturi insangerate pentru membrii nostrii diabolici!
Astazi este o zi speciala care are loc si este un trend infiorator in toate partile lumii, Halloween!
Aratati-ne costumul vostru si/sau dati-ne un mesaj original si terifiant despre Halloween!

Reguli de speriat:
- Postati numai poze din viata reala(cu voi)
- Nu copiati mesajele altora sau utilizati google
- Dati un like insangerat [special valabil pentru perioada concursului] cuiva care s-a imbracat fiorator sau a indus panica prin mesajul lui/ei!
- Nu aveti voie sa va faceti mai multe conturi ori sa postati de mai multe ori, o sa fiti descalificati si posibil si banarea voastra pe forum.

Perioada inscrieri: 29 Octombrie - 15 Noiembrie

[!]Regulile pot fi schimbate pe parcurs, pentru protejarea scopului concursului!

Premii oferite de noi:
Locul 1: 15 € (PayPal, Cont bancar, Paysafecard) + 120k puncte pe TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 5000 puncte pe forumul nostru
Locul 2: 5 € (PayPal, Cont bancar, Paysafecard) + 70k puncte pe TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 3500 puncte pe forumul nostru
Locul 3: VIP pe o perioada de 14 zile + 40k puncte pe TS.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM + 2000 puncte pe forumul nostru

Cum este ales castigatorul? Foarte simplu:

Raportul dintre originalitate(poza, mesaj) si likeurile sangeroase! 

Alte detalii:

F9U8UjW.png - Se acorda persoanelor ce depasesc mai mult de 10 like-uri la postul sau;
* Toti membrii pot participa la acest concurs, inclusiv staff-ul cat si administratia comunitatii;

dUr31nw.png Dati-ne un like!

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Sper ca o sa strang câteva like-uri pentru ca a fost prima poveste compusă de mine si e adevarata

Într-o zi din vacanta De vara,Eu mergeam pe la ora 1 a.m. la niste prieteni sa ne întâlnim si sa plănuim ce o sa facem astăzi,fiecare avea ideea lui:unu vroia sa ne plimbam cu bicicletele în pădure pe la 12 noapte fără lanterne și fără niciun bec,altul vroia sa ne mascam in draci si sa iesim noaptea pe drum sa speriem oamenii.Si pana la urma ne am decis si toti ne am pregatit cate 2 3 dovleci de fiecare care si niste lumânări și ii decupam  ca sa arate cat mai urat si de înfricoșător si băgăm lumînările in ei si ne îmbrăcăm în costume de draci si ne puneam in mijloc drumului ca sa speriem oameni si masinile si tot a fost frumos până a venit un om cu o mașină cu o viteză mare si a omorât un mat si i a sărit creierii fix peste dovleci noștri ..Si in ultima faza pe la ora 11 30 ca de final de hallowen a venit si politia si ne urmărea si noi ne am ascuns fiecare in niste lanuri cu porumb si politia nu a mai dat de noi si a doua zi am fost chemați la secție sa ne întrebe politia ce făceam noi la ora aia in mijlocul drumului..


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This is not Halloween, for me it is not, some years ago when I was a child, my grandmother was getting ready for Halloween, I had been living with her most of my life, so she decided to buy me some chocolates for the Halloween, I was a lonely boy, and she knew it, so she just wanted to make me feel happy. On October 31, the kids started to ask for candies in our door: "TOC, TOC - TOC, TOC" I felt sad, because I wanted to be next to them, I wanted to be free outside, I wanted to dress up in Halloween, but my grandma did not allow me to do anything, she was so seriously and angry all the day, I mean, she loved me, but I did not love her. So, she decided not to open the door to the kids, she just turn off the lights of the house and we had to wait in the bedroom...

So, that´s why I took a decision, the kids were crazy, they continued asking for chocolates at the door and they continued singing that stupid Halloween´s songs... 

Did they want candies? Well, I will bring them what they want...

I opened the door, and I gave them a sorprise, in a little bag, I chose a big chocolate, my favorite chocolate, a red one. The kids started to run, they called to their parents and I just was laughing about the situation, my grandma as well, because she was inside the bag, the parts of her body were inside the bag, like a delicious chocolate for me.


Resultado de imagen para scary kids"

I hope you like it.

Text wroten by me:


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Hi all this is my Real Life story xD It is Diwali(Festival) in India same day period you Guys Celerate (Halloween)
This happend long back when i was in school
I was a Shy Person in school wont talk much and soo only few friends. So most of the time i spent with my Grand-Father,we play PLaying Cards,chess (me and my grandpa use to Drink wine too secretly xD he give me little since i was a child in school xD).Life was 1-School 2-few friends chat hours and more time at home with my Grandpa.My Daily routine.... 
Suddenly when i was almost doing my Final year In school,My Grand-Father died with breathing problems... I was heart broken my grandpa was the only thing in my life That time ? . Soo that last Final year normal school test i use o Fail,i stop talk with my friends i was completly heart broke and became too Sad up to the point i cry every day at Home..Seeing this my parents took me to doctor [i wanted to End my life hehe xD]. i was That bad ? Doctors are Pain in Ass they never Beleave us Nor they help xD just get money from us And lie to us ? 

Diwali (Halloween For you Guys) season came that time i not celebrate with friends i avoided them not talk with family properly too i was Alone ? not even go out much only school and home ? 
2 Days before this festival i had a dream in that some 1 spoke to me saying forget past play with you friends study well or your Life will get Ruied. i was soo scared coz my grandpa was gone 2 months before ?
I told my mom dad ,they said pls forget that he is gone stop saying this and shouted at me Let us concentrate on our life work bla bla ?

Next night Again in Dream same voice ,But this time It was GrandPa sitting with me in my Room  ?  ,First i was shocked chilled terrifed But later he took my Hand i was soo happy We played Chess,playing Cards all those which i missed i was soo Happy i Cried like Hell ,I even woke up sweating and crying In Bed..
This happen in this Festival Season 

After this i became Normal , i spoke with my friends,i move out of House Freely and with Joy, i use to laugh and play and study well got Average pass marks in School too [i though i Almost Gona fail in Final Exam ? ]  

This freaking Incident Made me Happy,Strong,More joyFull than ever Before In Life xD
But iam telling you when i was in that Period of Pain and he came back in Dream Etc that time i was freaking terrified and about to End my Life xD

And From this Moment He never came ever Again 

I Still Dont Beleave in Ghost horror Etc But it was my Freaking Grandpa soo yes i beleaved in After Death stuff After that Incident xD

This is Realy true if i say to my Friends they make fun of me 
Its my Ever And Ever Sweet Memory ?

Take Care



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Hello everyone today I will tell you a story that really happened, about a scientist crazy about science and the reincarnation of certain animals

Robert Cornish, an early scientist was always attracted to the idea of bringing the dead back to life. To do this, he devised a rather striking system: fixing the body of an individual, recently deceased and without physical injuries, to a kind of tilt plane in several positions (basically a swinging playground swing), and moving it up and down, it was possible make the blood circulate again, and therefore the brain and cardiac functions are reactivated.

The first experiments with drowned people and those who had had heart attacks were not very successful, although Cornish claimed that they turned their color on the pale faces and had even detected some pulse signal. He improved the system and sacrificed dogs were injected with coagulants and stimulants just before "swinging" them, which surprisingly did get results: some dogs resuscitated and survived months (although with severe brain and blind damage).

Until then this was his last experiment and we don't know what happened to this great scientist crazy about science, you better be very careful if you get to find this guy your best option is to RUN!


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Lam applied to ban masks and face covers in early October, but protesters largely ignored him and police were unable to enforce the ban on a large scale.

Hong Kong, the former British colony, has been under almost daily protests for four months after the pro-China government tried to pass a law allowing extradition to Beijing.

People shout slogans in front of a line of policemen in the Lan Kwai Fong area during Halloween in Hong Kong on October 31, 2019. - Hong Kong democracy protesters are planning to don Halloween masks lampooning the city's pro-Beijing leaders on October 31 evening, defying an emergency law that bans face coverings.

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Slikovni rezultat za halloween clowns    CRINGE

This is my Story . Every halloween me and my freands make a party.There was like 7 of us ,  we were clowns and we went on the streets to scare some people . When we started we saw 2 clowns laughing . We stopped and thinked if they were real clowns or they were some people doing what we are . They were faicing other way so we couldnt see their face but they couldnt see us . Because  we had an "army" we went to scare them. Because in this group we have this crazy freand he went to them with a plastic knife trying to scare them ... We were watching when they stopped lauging they faced us and took out real knifes and other one taked out chainsaw and they ran toword us ... We started runing . When we came home we locked all the doors and make a live on instagram and youtube and told everything .  This was my story i hope you enjoyed it ? 



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? Late but I came in one xD


edit by myCro@ google search: PjRPFqX.png

Edited by myCro ?
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