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Lord SHinCHaN

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Everything posted by Lord SHinCHaN

  1. Your Nickname ( Must be same like teamspeak ) :Arvil Lavimge • Your Age : 21 + • Profile link : @Arvil Lavinge • How much you can stay active in both forum & teamspeak ? : 24h7 • How you could help us a Devil harmony member ? : I will be good acitiv last time but by mistake I got banned so I lost my all ranks here just again back for help • How much you rate Devil harmony project from 1 - 10 ? : 10 • Other information about your request ? : notting • Last request link :
  2. Artist: ElGrandeToto Real Name: Taha Fahssi Birth Date /Place: 3 august 1996 in Casablanca Age: 25 Social status (Single / Married): Single Artist Picture: Musical Genres: POP - RAP Awards: - Top 3 Songs (Names): Mghayer - Haram - HORS SÉRIE Other Information: known by his stage name ElGrande Toto, is a Moroccan rapper, performing in Arabic, French and English (usually mixing between them). He is the most listened Moroccan artist in Spotify, with more than 20 million streams in 92 countries.[1] In 2020, Fahssi was the eighth most streamed Arab artist in MENA on Deezer, and his song “Hors Série” was the seventh most streamed song on the platform.[2] In the same year, he won the title of "Best Hip Hop/Rap Artist" in the 2020 African Entertainment Awards USA.[3] In march 2021, ElGrande Toto's second album "Caméléon" was ranked among the top 10 global album debuts worldwide by Spotify.[4]
  3. Byee guys wee are miss to all 

    1. MERNIZ


      good bye i miss you

  4. See dh battle and reply

  5. Pm aa urgently baat karna hn

    1. Dr@g0n



    2. Lord SHinCHaN

      Lord SHinCHaN

      Massage to deleted kar noob

  6. Nickname : @Arvil Lavinge Tag your opponent : @Mr.Talha Music genre : Trap Number of votes ( max 10 ) : 5 Tag one leader to post your songs List: @R E V O-
  7. No more votes Buz Talha Song not fund And sorry for lock topic Buz Leaders are busy But Winner @Arvil Lavinge DH1 - 4 Votes DH2 - 0 T/C
  8. Facebook aja jalde

    1. OBE_ONE


      you'r already blocked on FB 

  9. Byee guys wee are Absent for 2 month here miss you team

    I miss my best friends @Cyber Punk & @Mr.Talha & @vagabondl. & @The GodFather & @MERNIZ and more familys 

    Miss you guys

    1. Mr.Talha


      I miss you too..

    2. MERNIZ


      I miss you take u care good bbye bro 😉

    3. Lord SHinCHaN

      Lord SHinCHaN

      Back my sister do my Acitivity 

  10. You are just now start work Make after 1 week activity then make Request
  11. On August 14, the coronavirus pandemic was on fire in the US. More than 168,000 Americans had died, with more than 1,300 deaths that day alone. But when President Donald Trump called legendary journalist Bob Woodward, it was to find out one thing: He had recently learned that Woodward's new book "Rage" was done and would be coming out in September, and Trump wanted to find out how he'd be portrayed. It was their 19th conversation, following 18 interviews that formed a key component of Woodward's book. Trump had privately told Woodward in February he knew critical details about how deadly the virus was, and in March admitted he was playing it down. On August 14, Trump peppered the veteran two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist with questions about the book and what exactly was in it. CNN has obtained excerpts of the 10-minute conversation, which show Trump was more focused on the economy than the public health crisis. As the two debated Trump's response to the pandemic, Trump finally asked: "So you think the virus totally supersedes the economy?" "Oh sure. But they're related, as you know," Woodward responded. "A little bit, yeah," Trump replied. "Oh, a little bit?" Woodward asked. "I mean, more than a little bit. But the economy is doing -- look, we're close to a new stock market record," Trump said. Woodward: It's gonna be a contest between you and Biden. It's gonna be a contest between both of you and the virus. The virus is- because it's in real people's lives, you know, all those tens of millions of people who don't have jobs, who don't have- Trump: I know. Trump's question to Woodward underscores the President's attitude toward the virus. After six months of experts trying to convince Trump that the two are linked -- that an economic recovery depends on first stopping the virus -- Trump is still focused on the stock market and the economy because he believes those are key to his reelection. In another part of the conversation, Woodward told Trump there are parts of the book the President won't like. "It's a tough book," he said, adding that it's "close to the bone." "You know the market's coming back very strong, you do know that," Trump responded to Woodward. "Yes, of course," Woodward said. "Did you cover that in the book?" Trump asked. 'I acted early' Woodward and Trump continued to debate Trump's response to the pandemic and how it will be critical to the presidential election. When Woodward told Trump that the election will be a contest between him, former Vice President Joe Biden "and the virus," Trump insisted, "Nothing more could have been done." He added: "I acted early." Since the critical details of what Trump withheld about the virus have become public, the President has tried to shift the conversation. "If Bob Woodward thought what I said was bad, then he should have immediately, right after I said it, gone out to the authorities so they can prepare and let them know," Trump said on Thursday. "But he didn't think it was bad. And he said he didn't think it was bad. He actually said he didn't think it was bad." Woodward told CNN he never said this to the President. Woodward said that when he heard Trump talking about the coronavirus being airborne and deadlier than the flu in February, he first had to go out and learn whether that was actually true, since so little was known about the virus and how it was spread at the time. Trump had mentioned speaking to Chinese President Xi Jinping on February 6, and Woodward wondered if the President had learned those details based on his conversation with Xi. For months, Woodward said, he was chasing after a transcript of that call. It wasn't until early May, when Woodward learned about a January 28 top secret intelligence briefing Trump had with his national security team, that Woodward started to piece together the story. In that briefing, Trump's national security adviser Robert O'Brien told Trump that the coronavirus would be "the biggest national security threat" of his presidency, and O'Brien's deputy Matthew Pottinger warned Trump about human-to-human and asymptomatic spread of the virus. Trump also said last week that the calls with Woodward were "quick ones, not long ones." In fact, the 18 interviews totaled nearly 10 hours. In more than a half-dozen cases, it was Trump who called Woodward unexpectedly, sometimes late at night from the White House residence. As CNN reported last week, many of those calls were made without White House aides knowing about them.
  12. Congrats you loking Nice with that color

  13. Top 6 Technology Trends for 2021 By Arvil Lavinge 11/08/2021 Technology is now evolving at such a rapid pace that annual predictions of trends can seem out-of-date before they even go live as a published blog post or article. As technologyevolves, it enables even faster change and progress, causing an acceleration of the rate of change, until eventually, it will become exponential. Technology-based careers don’t change at the same speed, but they do evolve, and the savvy IT professional recognizes that his or her role will not stay the same. And an IT worker of the 21st century will constantly be learning (out of necessity if not desire). What does this mean for you? It means staying current with technology trends. And it means keeping your eyes on the future, to know which skills you’ll need to know and what types of jobs you want to be qualified to do. Here are eight technology trends you should watch for in 2020, and some of the jobs that will be created by these trends. 1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has already received a lot of buzz in recent years, but it continues to be a trend to watch because its effects on how we live, work and play are only in the early stages. In addition, other branches of AI have developed, including Machine Learning, which we will go into below. AI refers to computer systems built to mimic human intelligence and perform tasks such as recognition of images, speech or patterns, and decision making. AI can do these tasks faster and more accurately than humans. Five out of six Americans use AI services in one form or another every day, including navigation apps, streaming services, smartphone personal assistants, ride-sharing apps, home personal assistants, and smart home devices. In addition to consumer use, AI is used to schedule trains, assess business risk, predict maintenance, and improve energy efficiency, among many other money-saving tasks. AI is one part of what we refer to broadly as automation, and automation is a hot topic because of potential job loss. Experts say automation will eliminate 73 million more jobs by 2030. However, automation is creating jobs as well as eliminating them, especially in the field of AI: Pundits predict that jobs in AI will number 23 million by 2020. Jobs will be created in development, programming, testing, support, and maintenance, to name a few. Artificial Intelligence architect is one such job. Some say it will soon rival data scientist in need for skilled professionals. To learn more about potential jobs in AI, read about building a career in AI or why you should earn an AI certification. 2. Machine Learning Machine Learning is a subset of AI. With Machine Learning, computers are programmed to learn to do something they are not programmed to do: they learn by discovering patterns and insights from data. In general, we have two types of learning, supervised and unsupervised. While Machine Learning is a subset of AI, we also have subsets within the domain of Machine Learning, including neural networks, natural language processing (NLP), and deep learning. Each of these subsets offers an opportunity for specializing in a career field that will only grow. Machine Learning is rapidly being deployed in all kinds of industries, creating a huge demand for skilled professionals. The Machine Learning market is expected to grow to $8.81 billion by 2022. Machine Learning applications are used for data analytics, data mining and pattern recognition. On the consumer end, Machine Learning powers web search results, real-time ads, and network intrusion detection, to name only a few of the many tasks it can do. In addition to completing countless tasks on our behalf, it is generating jobs. Machine Learning jobs rank among the top emerging jobs on LinkedIn, with almost 2,000 job listings posted. And these jobs pay well: In 2017, the median salary for a machine learning engineer was $106,225. Machine Learning jobs include engineers, developers, researchers, and data scientists. 3. Robotic Process Automation or RPA Like AI and Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation, or RPA, is another technology that is automating jobs. RPA is the use of software to automate business processes such as interpreting applications, processing transactions, dealing with data, and even replying to emails. RPA automates repetitive tasks that people used to do. These are not just the menial tasks of a low-paid worker: up to 45 percent of the activities we do can be automated, including the work of financial managers, doctors, and CEOs. Although Forrester Research estimates RPA automation will threaten the livelihood of 230 million or more knowledge workers or approximately 9 percent of the global workforce, RPA is also creating new jobs while altering existing jobs. McKinsey finds that less than 5 percent of occupations can be totally automated, but about 60 percent can be partially automated. For you as an IT professional looking to the future and trying to understand technology trends, RPA offers plenty of career opportunities, including developer, project manager, business analyst, solution architect, and consultant. And these jobs pay well. SimplyHired.com says the average RPA salary is $73,861, but that is the average compiled from salaries for junior-level developers up to senior solution architects, with the top 10 percent earning over $141,000 annually. So, if you’re keen on learning and pursuing a career in RPA, the Introduction to Robotic Process Automation (RPA) course should be the next step you take to kickstart an RPA career. Formerly a technology trend to watch, cloud computing has become mainstream, with major players AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud dominating the market. The adoption of cloud computing is still growing, as more and more businesses migrate to a cloud solution. But it’s no longer the emerging technology. As the quantity of data we’re dealing with continues to increase, we’ve realized the shortcomings of cloud computing in some situations. Edge computing is designed to help solve some of those problems as a way to bypass the latency caused by cloud computing and getting data to a data center for processing. It can exist “on the edge,” if you will, closer to where computing needs to happen. For this reason, edge computing can be used to process time-sensitive data in remote locations with limited or no connectivity to a centralized location. In those situations, edge computing can act like mini datacenters. Edge computing will increase as the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) devices increases. By 2022, the global edge computing market is expected to reach $6.72 billion. As with any growing market, this will create various jobs, primarily for software engineers. If you wish to get a thorough understanding of edges means, and how is it different from cloud computing, give it a search! 5. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Virtual Reality (VR) immerses the user in an environment while Augment Reality (AR) enhances their environment. Although VR has primarily been used for gaming thus far, it has also been used for training, as with VirtualShip, a simulation software used to train U.S. Navy, Army and Coast Guard ship captains. The po[CENSORED]r Pokemon Go is an example of AR. Both VR and AR have enormous potential in training, entertainment, education, marketing, and even rehabilitation after an injury. Either could be used to train doctors to do surgery, offer museum-goers a deeper experience, enhance theme parks, or even enhance marketing, as with this Pepsi Max bus shelter. There are major players in the VR market, like Google, Samsung, and Oculus, but plenty of startups are forming and they will be hiring, and the demand for professionals with VR and AR skills will only increase. Getting started in VR doesn’t require a lot of specialized knowledge. Basic programming skills and a forward-thinking mindset can land a job, although other employers will be looking for optics as a skill-set and hardware engineers as well. Although most people think of blockchain technology in relation to cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, blockchain offers security that is useful in many other ways. In the simplest of terms, blockchain can be described as data you can only add to, not take away from or change. Hence the term “chain” because you’re making a chain of data. Not being able to change the previous blocks is what makes it so secure. In addition, blockchains are consensus-driven, so no one entity can take control of the data. With blockchain, you don’t need a trusted third-party to oversee or validate transactions. You can refer to our Blockchain tutorial for a detailed and thorough understanding of the technology. Several industries are involving and implementing blockchain, and as the use of blockchain technology increases, so too does the demand for skilled professionals. In that regard, we are already behind. According to Techcrunch.com, blockchain-related jobs are the second-fastest growing category of jobs, with 14 job openings for every one blockchain developer. A blockchain developer specializes in developing and implementing architecture and solutions using blockchain technology. The average yearly salary of a blockchain developer is $130,000. If you are intrigued by Blockchain and its applications and want to make your career in this fast-growing industry, then this is the right time to learn Blockchain and gear up for an exciting future. 7. Internet of Things (IoT) Many “things” are now being built with WiFi connectivity, meaning they can be connected to the Internet—and to each other. Hence, the Internet of Things, or IoT. The Internet of Things is the future and has already enabled devices, home appliances, cars and much more to be connected to and exchange data over the Internet. And we’re only in the beginning stages of IoT: the number of IoT devices reached 8.4 billion in 2017 is expected to reach 30 billion devices by 2020. As consumers, we’re already using and benefitting from IoT. We can lock our doors remotely if we forget to when we leave for work and preheat our ovens on our way home from work, all while tracking our fitness on our Fitbits and hailing a ride with Lyft. But businesses also have much to gain now and in the near future. The IoT can enable better safety, efficiency, and decision making for businesses as data is collected and analyzed. It can enable predictive maintenance, speed up medical care, improve customer service, and offer benefits we haven’t even imagined yet. However, despite this boon in the development and adoption of IoT, experts say not enough IT professionals are getting trained for IoT jobs. An article at ITProToday says we’ll need 200,000 more IT workers that aren’t yet in the pipeline, and that a survey of engineers found 25.7 percent believe inadequate skill levels to be the industry’s biggest obstacle to growth. For someone interested in a career in IoT, that means easy entry into the field if you’re motivated, with a range of options for getting started. Skills needed include IoT security, cloud computing knowledge, data analytics, automation, understanding of embedded systems, device knowledge, to name only a few. After all, it’s the Internet of Things, and those things are many and varied, meaning the skills needed are as well. 8. Cybersecurity Cybersecurity might not seem like emerging technology, given that it has been around for a while, but it is evolving just as other technologies are. That’s in part because threats are constantly new. The malevolent hackers who are trying to illegally access data are not going to give up any time soon, and they will continue to find ways to get through even the toughest security measures. It’s also in part because new technology is being adapted to enhance security. As long as we have hackers, we will have cyber security as an emerging technology because it will constantly evolve to defend against those hackers. As proof of the strong need for cybersecurity professionals, the number of cybersecurity jobs is growing three times faster than other tech jobs. However, we’re falling short when it comes to filling those jobs. As a result, it’s predicted that we will have 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs by 2021. Many cyber security jobs pay six-figure incomes, and roles can range from the ethical hacker to security engineer to Chief Security Officer, offering a promising career path for someone who wants to get into and stick with this domain. So, What's Next? Although technologies are emerging and evolving all around us, these eight technologies offer promising career potential now and for the foreseeable future. And all eight are suffering from a shortage of skilled workers, meaning the time is right for you to choose one, get trained, and get on board at the early stages of the technology, positioning you for success now and in the future.
  14. The Eighth Section of the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) has rejected this Thursday to authorize, as is mandatory, the package of restrictions agreed by the Community of Madrid in line with the order of the Ministry of Health to stop the spread of the coronavirus. It understands that it has neither the capacity nor the legal protection to adopt measures that harm the fundamental rights of citizens. The Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid approved last week an order that transposed the previous dictation of the Ministry of Health as a result of the meeting of the Interterritorial Council of the Branch. It entails restrictions on mobility in municipalities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, as well as other measures such as control of capacity and hours, which the Prosecutor's Office considered appropriate because it considered that they were proportionate, necessary and adjusted to the law in the sense that the region complied Government orders: it was empowered to do so. However, the Chamber concludes that the legal framework under which Health issued the order, - Law 16/2003, of May 28, on the cohesion and quality of the National Health System - «does not contain a legal authorization for the establishment of of restrictive measures of fundamental rights ”as in this case would be the restriction of the freedom of movement of citizens. The whole order thus turns in relation to the power that Madrid would have or not to affect those essential rights of citizenship, "regardless of whether the restrictive measures of such fundamental right were necessary and suitable to prevent the spread of the disease in a pandemic situation like the current one ”. As he explains, “the only enabling legal title” that protected Madrid to dictate the restrictions was that Health Law and although the Government reformed it last June by Royal Decree to “guarantee adequate coordination between the health authorities and reinforce the functioning of the The national health system as a whole in the face of health crises ”, did not introduce among its purposes“ to authorize measures that limit freedom of movement, as shown by the fact that it repeatedly associates them with the declaration of a state of alarm ”. “It is striking that, given the described health scenario, a reform of our regulatory framework more in line with the confessed needs to effectively combat the Covid-19 pandemic and face the serious health crisis that the country is suffering was not addressed, despite the existing doctrinal consensus about that the current regulation of normative instruments that allow the limitation of fundamental rights, in order to protect physical integrity (...) is certainly deficient and in need of clarification, ”criticizes the TSJM. An interference without legal protection Thus, it concludes that “the limiting measures of fundamental rights established by Order 1273/2020, of October 1, of the Ministry of Health, merely in execution of the communicated Order of September 30, 2020, constitute an interference by the public powers in the fundamental rights of the citizens without legal authorization that protects it, that is to say, not authorized by their representatives in the General Courts, therefore it cannot be ratified. The order recalls that "it corresponds to the representatives of the citizens in the General Courts the delimitation and the modulation of the fundamental rights of the people, under the requirements of proportionality, certainty and predictability and, in any case, respecting their essential content", and this circumstance does not occur in the restrictions for Madrid. In other words, the fundamental rights that the Constitution attributes to citizens cannot be affected by any unauthorized state interference by their representatives through a provision with the rank of Law, which meets the minimum sufficient conditions required by the requirements of legal security and certainty of law, he adds. The magistrates say they are aware of the seriousness of the situation and of "the need to adopt immediate and effective measures of various kinds to protect the health of citizens" among which "it could include limiting measures of fundamental rights of greater or lesser scope" , but it must be done in a way that conforms to the law. "For this, our constitutional system articulates legal instruments of diverse nature that offer different legal channels to define, modulate, restrict, and even suspend the fundamental rights of people, respecting constitutional guarantees," they recall. A different scenario In their resolution, the magistrates of the TSJM refer to the ratification that the judicial body gave to the anticovid measures of Madrid last August, which included, for example, the prohibition of smoking on the terraces without separation of at least two meters between clients. As he exposes in response to the allegations of the Prosecutor's Office, which went along that line, that battery of measures with which now has been submitted to the judgment of the court is not comparable, again, due to the difference in the legal authorization to adopt one or more others and their consequences for citizens. "In such Orders, the basis of their decisions on the imposition of sanitary measures was found in the specific normative framework that they mentioned (Organic Law of Special Measures in Public Health, General Law of Health, General Law of Public Health and Law of Ordination Health of the Community of Madrid), and always by its own exercise of powers, and not, as here, mediating an Order communicated from the Ministry of Health, "he explains. He insists that the Ministry of Health "is compelled by the Ministry of Health to adopt the measures" that it is now submitting for ratification "based only on compliance with what is ordered and, above all, based on the provisions of article 65 of Law 16/2003, of May 28 ". "This means, again we reiterate, that we are situated in a completely different scenario from the previous ones," he adds.
  15. Hello dear Admins Here I becoms Staff Member and @King_of_lion you also Staff Member here but why you destroyed my server You deleted all things like addons and You locked my server also pls Community Adminstrators Action him to this destroyed server Staff Member and Only me and king of lion have ftp access

    @The GodFather & @Mr.Love & @Cyber Punk & @vagabondl. pls action to @King_of_lion he destroyed my server

    1. MERNIZ


      Yes, , he did it. I had a conversation with arvil when I told him give me ftp. He said he said king of lion don't give me anyone ftp. He told him I work to add after things

  16. Waiting you in ts3


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