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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Everything posted by [Đ]âńîêlâ.εїз╰‿╯

  1. Nickname : Daniela Tag your opponent : @.-AdiiLo-. Music genre : Eletronic Number of votes :7

    1. gordon freakman

      gordon freakman

      hey daniela  music contest 4 th edition?

    2. gordon freakman
  3. Hola Chacho como estas 

    te acuerdo de mi en el server antigua el que jugábamos el de gerardo y lexman

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. [Đ]âńîêlâ.εїз╰‿╯


      Daniela y que server juegas por ahora

    3. NGL™


      Woooo jajaja enserio=?? Pero tienes un verguero de avisos por banearte, solventa eso y cuadremos para conversar, comunicate conmigo por TS3 y hablamos tranquilamente mi amor

    4. [Đ]âńîêlâ.εїз╰‿╯


      Escrivá al privado que quiero decirte algo escribe por forum

  4. hey what happens here who is that account with my name What lightning happens that they explain to me give le banned por la ip delen el banned y verán que esa no soy yo

    1. gordon freakman

      gordon freakman

      daniela is that your acc ?

  5.             ?Beach's day?



  6. Hola mi amor como ISO para optener vio??

    1. [N]audy


      puez me lo gane comentando un topic y ya es facil :V 

  7. Hi all baby

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. [N]audy


      bien bebe y estabas perdida ❤️ 

    3. [Đ]âńîêlâ.εїз╰‿╯


      Jejejeje sip amor  es que ya no tengo pc y ami me gustaba estar en los server jugando

    4. [N]audy


      pff que mal bebe ?  te puedo conectar a ts3 de telefono :V 

  8. Hi baby?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RaFy1995


      i am from Austria, Sorry, i speak only ROMANIAN; HUNGARY and GERMANY





      Add me here if you have steam account! 

    3. [Đ]âńîêlâ.εїз╰‿╯
    4. [Đ]âńîêlâ.εїз╰‿╯


      good and you are that I'm using translator I don't know very well and english??

  9. Bata was founded in 1894 in the town of Zlín in present-day Czech Republic, at that time part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The company was founded by Tomás Bata (real name Tomáš Baťa), from a family of shoemakers. The company was inspired by the Henry Ford business model. During World War I it became one of the main footwear manufacturers of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After the First World War and with the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire began its expansion in Europe, North America and North Africa. In 1931, the Bataville (Lorraine) site was opened in France, stopping its operations in January 2002. In 1932, Tomáš Baťa dies in a plane crash and his son, Thomas J. Bata (1914-2008) becomes the new company leader. In 1939 the factory is requisitioned by the Nazis and later, in 1945, it is nationalized by the state of Czechoslovakia. Determined to move forward, Thomas J. Bata founded a new company in Canada in 1946: Bata Shoe Organization. The company has continued to survive and has expanded throughout the world, opening more factories, especially in India. The Bata family are generous donors, especially in Canada, where they founded several projects such as the Bata Shoe Museum in Toronto and the Bata Library at the University of Trent. In Peñaflor (Chile), 30 kilometers south of Santiago, there is the Thomas Bata Sports Club in honor of Thomas Bata, which has branches in the disciplines of basketball, soccer and roller hockey. Marcas Bata (Baťa en la República Checa) Bata Comfit (Calzado confort) Ambassador (calzado masculino) North Star (calzado urbano) Weinbrenner (Calzado urbano) Marie Claire (calzado femenino) Aquarella (calzado femenino) Aquarella Kids (calzado infantil) SunDrops (calzado femenino) Bubblegummers (calzado infantil) Baby Bubbles (calzado infantil) Safari (desert shoes) Power (calzado deportivo) Patapata (sandalias) Toughees (calzado escolar) Verlon (calzado escolar) Teener (calzado escolar) Bata Industrials (calzado de seguridad) Tommy Takkies (calzado juvenil) British Knights (calzado juvenil) Footin (calzado juvenil) Urbano (calzado hombre) Pata Pata (flip flops) Sandak (flip flops) Sparks (flip flops)
  10. Hola Castillo como estas

    1. CastLe


      hola, bien y tu?

    2. [Đ]âńîêlâ.εїз╰‿╯


      bien como estas en el server boy para aya

  11. hola cm estas sera que me puedes ayudar para optener un Uploaders 

    si porfa para eso son los Moderators

    1. Jose.


      Los Uploaders no se obtienen hablando con Los Moderadores de CSBD se Obtiene Trabajando en la Seccion "Downloads"


    Bună ziua, poți să-mi dai Administrator Owner pe serverul tău

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. .BOSS.


      i will give you elder and after i will upgrade you if you want pm me 

    3. [Đ]âńîêlâ.εїз╰‿╯
    4. .BOSS.


      Pay for Owner 

  13. Afrodita como isiste para optener Moderator dime como

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. [Đ]âńîêlâ.εїз╰‿╯
    3. Jose.


      Bueno y que esperas usa traductor mientras aprendes ingles.

    4. [Đ]âńîêlâ.εїз╰‿╯


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