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Everything posted by MEMATİ

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    problem with cs

    The solution to this problem is Download Counter Strike 1.6 CSBD v 1.0 I use it Fps good and Faculty of Photography Nice I advise you

    probleme cs

  6. welcome back bro ❤️ 

  7. GQvOOR0.jpg

    The title of these pictures ??????????

    @Mr.Love @REVAN @[MC]Ronin[MC] @Mr.Sebby ?????????? 

  8. Le fils du septuple champion du monde a toujours su jusqu’ici garder les pieds sur terre malgré l’énorme attention médiatique qui pèse sur lui de par l’héritage laissé par son père. De l’avis du pilote Prema Powerteam, récent vainqueur de sa première course en F2, seules une approche méthodique et de la patience lui ouvriront peut-être un jour les portes de la discipline-reine. Mais pas question pour lui de s’y précipiter tête baissée au risque de se brûler les ailes. « Seul le temps le dira, déclare-t-il au sujet d’une future promotion. C’est certain que la première victoire en F2 a fait du bien mais je dois encore beaucoup progresser dans tous les domaines. Quant à savoir quand j’irai en F1, ça peut être l’année prochaine comme dans deux ou trois ans. » « Schumacher sera bientôt en F1, j’en suis certain ! » « Le plus important pour moi est de faire de mon mieux en essayant d’apprendre toujours plus, poursuit-il. Alors seulement quand je me sentirai prêt et à l’aise, je pourrai faire le pas. » Reste sans doute le plus dur pour Schumi Jr. : convaincre les observateurs que sa victoire hongroise n’étais pas qu’un événement isolé et qu’il sera capable de capitaliser d’ici la fin de saison. « C’est vrai qu’on dit souvent que la première est souvent la plus dure mais une fois que vous l’avez, ça vous booste la confiance, estime-t-il. C’est bien qu’on soit parvenu à décrocher cette victoire car, malgré quelques bonnes performances, les points manquaient. » Après huit rendez-vous – l’équivalent de 16 courses – Mick Schumacher occupe actuellement le 11ème rang chez les pilotes avec 45 unités. Le classement provisoire est toujours mené par le Néerlandais Nick De Vries avec 196 points, 30 de mieux que le pilote-essayeur de Williams Nicholas Latifi (166) à quatre week-ends du terme du championnat.
  9. A global study from the Australian National University, Canberra, has found that childhood gastroenteritis (gastro) is linked with extreme weather. The researchers determined that global changes in weather, including in Australia, were linked to cases of a common parasite – cryptosporidium – that can cause gastro, particularly in children under five years of age. Dr Aparna Lal, the lead researcher of the study, stated that the research illustrated a clear link between high amounts of rainfall and flooding, and childhood cryptosporidiosis. “It was surprising that extreme weather conditions stood out,” Dr Lal commented. “We know flooding is linked to childhood gastro. And with climate change we can expect more extreme weather events like heavy rainfall and flooding. What our study shows is that in certain regions, this will impact water-related health risks. And the closer and closer extreme weather events like flooding take place, there is less recovery time for kids – meaning they are likely to be ill more.” A key concern highlighted by the study is the need for better disease management in regions increasingly exposed to extreme weather events. “Although huge public health gains have been made to reduce the burden of diarrhoea globally, climate change can threaten these gains,” Dr Lal added. “If we want to prevent this easily spreadable parasite causing gastro in a time of climate change, a health sector driven response is not enough.” The researchers indicated that a multisectoral approach – including doctors, policy makers, natural resource managers, the water industry and meteorologists – would be needed to comprehensively tackle this issue, and other related challenges. Commentary This research is undoubtedly very timely in light of predicted climate change and extreme weather event trends (see for example this recent report from Australia’s Climate Council), and highlights an important public health question – how exactly will climate change affect our children’s health? Illustrating in great depth one potential way – increasing the risk of diarrhoeal illness – this study supports and supplements an ever-growing evidence base, which includes (but is not limited to):1 – More heatwaves will likely result in children being unable to spend as much time outside, with potential implications for health issues such as obesity; – Increases in temperature will result in the creation of more ozone, a substance that can harm our lungs (especially the lungs of children with asthma); – An increase in the number of bushfires will result in more air pollution, subsequently increasing the risk of respiratory issues, such as infections and asthma. Moreover, as alluded to in the study, the effects of climate change on child health will be region dependent (ie. some regions in Australia might be at greater risk of flooding, others of heatwaves) and unpredictable. Hopefully in the near future we will see related research that examines the most appropriate mitigation strategies for the sake of our children.
  10. Dwayne Douglas Johnson, also known by his ring name 'The Rock' is an American actor, producer, and retired professional wrestler. The ac... Read More Dwayne Douglas Johnson, also known by his ring name 'The Rock' is an American actor, producer, and retired professional wrestler. The actor announced on August 19, 2019, that he married his longtime girlfriend, Lauren Hashian. The 47-year-old actor posted a photo on his official Instagram of their intimate ceremony in Hawaii. Lauren Hashian, 34, has two daughters—Jasmine, 3, and Tiana, 1, with Rampage star; his eldest daughter Simone is 18-year-old. Reportedly, Dwayne met Lauren, the singer/songwriter/producer in 2006 while he was filming 'The Game Plan' and the couple started dating in 2007, following his divorce from Garcia. The Hobbs & Shaw star told a known tabloid magazine in 2012 that he considered himself a lucky man for being able to find love again with Lauren Hashian. Lauren Hashian is the daughter of Boston drummer Sib Hashian. She graduated with a B.A. in public relations and communications from Emerson College. Last year Johnson told a celeb tabloid that he was in no rush to wed Hashian. Finally, they were married on August 18, 2019, in Hawaii after more than a decade; Lauren was wearing a stunning wedding dress made by Mira Zwillinger. (Photo: Instagram)
  11. Congresista bro 

  12. Welcome
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  14. Welcome


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