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Everything posted by Bandolero -

  1. hi Alex Roua ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Master_Kill


      u have too brother or friends who give u Likes !! in forum what is so BAD 

    3. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      dont be mad boii ?

    4. Master_Kill


      Speck please Englesh if u speck wne not go and sllep is Sllep time !! Good  night Dont Tell me i have not time for u now @BaBy DriV3R xD -__-

  2. delete messages fast !!!

    1. EL-zero


      Dale Pro Good Manager!!!!!

  3. first reply win 100 Points !!

  4. wlc back bro,lets see now who hates you :))

    SHHH !!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      dont try to hate him,hahahh ❤️

    3. #DEXTER


      well well well, stendhal BANNED ???

    4. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -


      see ya ??

  5. u r real geraldo ?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. $$Giovanny$$


      Look friend I'm sorry but you can not expel me
    3. $$Giovanny$$


      what tests do you want for me to believe
    4. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      send me a photo in PM

  6. 1.go in My Computer. 2.Find This File Steam_Appid. 3.Delete This File. 4.You Are Done. 5.Join In Game And Enjoy. I hope This will help you ? PM me,if u have any question G/L
    1. Master_Kill


      Good Server ? Good loock

    2. .Omar.


      We Worked Hard Bro ! Yesterday It Was 1729 And Today 1255 I Think Tomorrow Will Be 900

  7. hello ugly you are still alive xD

    its me ? (KinG^ )

    1. TrisT


      mega alive :))

  8.  Zmdschool 32/32

    Here We Are ??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. .Omar.


      We Have Climbed To The First Degree or Success!! 

    3. Master_Kill
    4. EL-zero


      Good Work ?

  9. Congrats for the new grade dude ?

    you deserve it :))

    1. ZZIIZZOU ♔

      ZZIIZZOU ♔

      ❤️❤️ thanks ❤️❤️ 

  10. good luck in life... fix your problems ? This is most important :)) I wish you all the best @SteveN*
  11. We ZmOldSchool staff,we got a good score with a maximum players-admins in sv 32/32...

    I am wery happy and wery thankful to all who supported us!

    i just wanted to post a status and to tell u guys that we got a wery good score....


    We will keep working hard for great news!!


  12. ende je gjall hahahahhaha

    1. eXpLoReRs


      hahahahah gjall gjall

    2. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      mke munguar uglyy :))

  13. Bye Bye Kid !!

    how you feel now ?

    this is a delisious Bann :))

    enjoy it BadBoY

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Master_Kill


      Haha @Stendhal sunteti comici si tu si @Mr.Love mor de ras :))) well done applause GIF

    3. !!EvnGeR!!
    4. !!EvnGeR!!


      well done applause GIFCSBD Mr.Love Banned AyM3N Ses Zm !e! Saiawal *O* Mr.Animal


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