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About -RoKzZz_

  • Birthday 05/22/2003


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  1. Hello Sir can u plz tell me to how to start learning gfx because I also want to gfx designes and from where should i start to learn this plz.


  2. Hello Sniper Sir can u plz tell me how to learn start designing and which designing should I start to learn first like AE, etc.

    Sir I want to do gfx designing like u plz help me .

    Sir here is your big fan of gfx lover..????????

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. . PREDATOR

      . PREDATOR

      Amm anyone ave this rank Gfx Designer Is a good designer


    3. -RoKzZz_
    4. -Sn!PeR-


      U can leave me a messge rokzz, but as predator said i'm absent so i can't answer u as fast as u want, i will answer once i'm free... sorry and thanks

  3. thnx rokzzz

  4. kick afk dude i cannot eneter in server or bot fast plz

  5. hey eat tell me bind of armor plz


  6. paytm no-7976269120 thx for help now me nned only 30$

    1. -RoKzZz_


      plz help me soon

    2. -RoKzZz_
    3. -RoKzZz_


      Miq bhai namaste bhai plz ma ap sa request karta hu jaldi kar de because all of her medicans are finished plz buddy

  7. Helllo all my csbd family its me rokzzz and today i am in big problem as some of u know that my mother having mental problems and due to that reason i cannot stay online in csbd and server from last 4 days .

    My mother mental problem increases day by day and in the time of corona i dont get my sallery so that i can buy her mental medicans and somehow i have 23$(Dollar) and i need 35$ so that i can buy her medicans plz help me family in bad times and i will give u soon.

    Tag- @miQ*.ҳ̸Ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ̸Ҳ @#-Da GanGsteR-™ @KoLiKoV @-Sn!PeR- @ragen @apEX. @[AoD] [16bpp] Vinicius afk @AIM_ShoT @-LucIfeR- @JouSe. @TheRedDragon @ExpEnDaBlEs @XxeoN @DeViL__KILLeR @bLu3^sTaR's @[D]estroyer @Nikhel Nice

    Help me plz ...


    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. _^_{PaGaL^_^DoCToR}_^_
    3. Nikhel Nice

      Nikhel Nice

      hello kick im very sad to here your situation ? and due to corona we are already in need of our daily mandatory things due to india lockdown we cant able to run our daily life as back as normal hence im sry to say this i cant help you in my situation! +_+(im not working in a job just gonna finish my studies being a 19 yrs old guy i feel shy to depend my parents cause they feed me till now so at this situation i cant ask money to them.)

  8. Hello Chech this out please like and subscribe and share



    1. Crimson!


      u can use others programmers for easy record and play without drop fps !


      Fraps !

      record demo in your console !

  9. ¤ Your Nickname (same as in forum): KicK* ¤ Your Address Skype, facebook: -king9314266gmail.com ¤ Age: 21 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: English Urdu Hindi ¤ Your Location: India ¤ Experience As Admin (last server GT link): New Life Zm ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): Yup¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server (Click Here You Must Write Your Nickname) :https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: all our team left highlifezm because of low activity all of our team members has join newlifezm so i also join here i was semi-elder there ¤ Password/key for admin[ Read The Rules to find it] :SECURED
  10. *::::::::GOoD_-NiGhT::::::::*



  11.                     :::::::Good_MorNiNg:::::::


  12. :::BB all GOOd NighT:::

    1. StonreX


      G00D Bye and G00D nighT

    2. -RoKzZz_
  13. Today Is My Gf BirthDay.......


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lonut gfx

      lonut gfx

      Happy Birthday <3 

      happy jonah hill GIF

    3. [MC]Ronin[MC]


      happy cinco de mayo GIF

      Happy Birthday

    4. -RoKzZz_


      Thankyou love and Most Ty To @[MC]Ronin[MC]

  14. Stop asking for points in PMs at every member of our community or you will get punished very hard.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -RoKzZz_


      Sorry ... But Ask Me Ammo To Organize Events And

      To Help Other ....

      And I Giving Back Double Points And Gift Too

      Make CSBD More Attractive

    3. pulse.exe



    4. -RoKzZz_


      Finally you laugh I feel very good

  15. GooD-NighT All Bye bye

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ATHERO


      But Just Time 7:34 PM 

      Are You Sleeping now ?

    3. [X]pErT-


      Lol it's evening

    4. Stendhal 𐌕
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