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Everything posted by #DEXTER

  1. bigbang :vv s7aa 3chiri ? 

    1. Lunix I

      Lunix I

      s7aa 3chiri :V ❤️ you too

  2. thank you so much ?
  3. Haha it takes like 4ever :v

  4. #DEXTER


    Hello there Next time please make sure that your issue is not already published, so, for that use the "search" function. As you can see in the following window, many topics have the same problem that you are facing. Any questions, Consult me or the Global Moderators. Regards.
  5. the lol of the year 

    <22:52:27> You were banned permanently from the server by "[Mr.Love] Mr.Love" (deranj)


    1. snapple.


      <18:51:44> "Mr.Love" ha agregado a "大布丁 大不大" al grupo de servidores "+".
      <18:51:47> "Mr.Love" ha agregado a "大布丁 大不大" al grupo de servidores "Administrator".
      <18:51:52> "Mr.Love" ha agregado a "大布丁 大不大" al grupo de servidores "Journalist".


      <18:52:28> "大布丁 大不大" fue prohibido permanentemente en el servidor por "Mr.Love" (deranj)

    2. Mr.Love
    3. [MC]Ronin[MC]
  6. Thanks for your help :v

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr.SnaPeR"


      gays :'v who called me :'v

    3. #Ace


      The 3 gays reunited @#DeXteR @Mr.SnaPeR" @#CeLTiXxX since last time i  saw you gey u became the 3 most biggest geys i ever saw

    4. Mr.SnaPeR"


      aa sht you still alive :'v 

  7. i also chose b ;vv


  8. new avatar :v




  9. Welcome
  10. Welcome
  11. this is your last warning

    stop using multi accounts or ban!!

  12. “Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”
    ― George Bernard Shaw

    Have a good night :)), and Happy new year :V

  13. Hello there This topic will be closed to avoid post-hunt & x2 posts You already have enought answers to slove your problem Any questions, Consult me or the Global Moderators. Regards.
  14. happy new year
  15. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  16. its so boring i know

    lets play a game, first 3 comments will get 300 point :v

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bandolero -

      Bandolero -

      The 4st comment get 500 points.

      Oh sh#t it's me

    3. [MC]Ronin[MC]


      for me 600 hhhhhhhhh

    4. UIPo
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