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Lock流 last won the day on February 8 2019

Lock流 had the most liked content!

About Lock流

  • Birthday 10/26/2002




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    Core Member
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  1. Hi my old friend when your return?

  2. bruh i saw the design section, what was that? lmao someone have to do something, people r gettin' free gfx those days ahahaha

    Screaming The Ice Pirates GIF by Warner Archive

    1. S e u o n g

      S e u o n g

      If there are no designers, I must accept those who are "learning", to have members in the project, otherwise there would be no one....

      Think About It Reaction GIF by Identity

    2. B O O G Y M A N

      B O O G Y M A N

      it is what it is 😂

      No Idea Idk GIF by TLC Europe

    3. Mindsphere.


      You are Coordinator of the project, you have to learn them, you cannot accept them like that, i didn't got accepted because i did some shit photos so... What about that? 😞

  3. good old days -2018-


  4. at least i'm active in picture area xDD


  5. it's been a while :3
  6. SHEESHHH look who's back

  7. waa zbor, mabrok 3idk

    1. Lock流


      yahyih bro aalina w allik ama ena ysr retartd haha 

    2. #DEXTER


      hhhh pas de problem bro xD

  8. first battle in a while start vote !



  9. start vote! v1 : v2:
  10. Opponent's nickname: @#EVIL BABY Theme (must be an image): Work Type: Avatar Size & Texts: 150x250 & Gango How many total votes?: 8 Work time: 24h
  11. v2, i love the text and that effect bhind the head clean work
  12. yoo, delete a msg rabi yhdik xD

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