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Everything posted by Dark

  1. Dark

    [Accepted] Tag

  2. The board of directors of the new Congress of the Republic (2021-2026) will be led by one of these three lists: one made up only by Renovación Po[CENSORED]r and other multiparty led by Acción Po[CENSORED]r and Somos Perú. Fuerza Po[CENSORED]r has not presented any list, however, Fujimorism and a part of Renovación Po[CENSORED]r would support the list led by Acción Po[CENSORED]r. The first list is chaired by Congressman Jorge Montoya of Po[CENSORED]r Renovation, who was denounced for the alleged crime of sedition and will testify before the Prosecutor's Office on August 4. The second list led by Po[CENSORED]r Action has the best chance of winning due to the coalition of 6 political organizations: Po[CENSORED]r Action, Alliance for Progress (APP), Podemos Peru, Avanza País, Po[CENSORED]r Force and a part of Po[CENSORED]r Renovation. This alliance adds 43 votes. The formula is made up of Maricarmen Alva Prieto from Acción Po[CENSORED]r (presidency) and made up of Mercedes Camones, from Alianza para el Progreso (APP), Enrique Wong, from Podemos Peru, and Patricia Chirinos, from Avanza País. It should be remembered that Maricarmen Alva assured in an interview for El Comercio that the arrival to the presidency of the Republic of Manuel Merino was constitutional. The third list is led by José Jerí, from Somos Perú and is accompanied by José María Balcázar, from Perú Libre, in the first vice presidency; Ruth Luque, from Together for Peru (JP), in the second; and Flor Pablo Medina, from the Purple Party, in the third. https://wayka.pe/congreso-renovacion-po[CENSORED]r-accion-po[CENSORED]r-y-somos-peru-presiden-listas-para-eleccion-de-mesa-directiva/
  3. you can return in 4 days, with 200 minutes per day ... and respecting the rules Rejected.
  4. You must have 200 minutes per day, you can return in 1 week and respecting the rules. REJECTED.
  5. Bored 😴

    1. Necro12


      Quieres 1 vs 1??? :))

    2. DeepPurple


      Ya verificaste que tienes tus dos riñones ?

  6. You can come back from here in 1 week, 01/08/2021. Maximum you must have 200 minutes per day and request admin here. Remember to respect the server rules Rejected.
  7. Accepted. Give Nick/tag/pw private.
  8. Accepted. envíame mensaje a privado en CSBD.
  9. Accepted As Helper. tendrá una oportunidad y no la desaproveches o no podrás volver nunca.
  10. Accepted As Helper. If you will be loyal you will accept this rank, from here it will depend on your activity and your rank will up, remember to use your commands to have more opportunities. T/C
  11. That's why I thought about it and checked it on another server, to see if it would be a problem and so that the tag is not long, it would be just [STAFF], [MANAGER], [DADDY-BOSS], [VIP], I don't think that affect the administrators with tag a lot, normal users who have tag will not change anything and if our users want to see what rank we are, just put amx_who, in the console and that's it This serves to draw attention to users and let them know that they are STAFF, etc. Because some users don't know the amx_who command
  12. https://www.gametracker.com/player/Scorpion/NEWLIFEZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM:27015/ This server does not give high rank to children or a user who asks because it comes from another server, if you want an administrator here, you must have at least 200 minutes per day, for helper. We start from 0 to see the loyalty of each. REJECTED.
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