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Everything posted by Dark

  1. come back soon brother ... I'll wait for you a lot! and the case you are going through now, I give you many strengths, friend! you have so you can count on me.... ❤️ 

    1. Blacky#34


      He Left cuz blackfire Left . I hope you understand that  . Any shityy reason is just a bad lie. ?

  2. After the reporting of irregularities in payments by an informant, during 2016 and 2017, the Ministry of the Interior ordered the reorganization of the Rewards Program in terms of organized crime. This measure was taken by the Minister of the Interior, Carlos Moran, when he learned that in August of 2017, an informant allowed the capture of Juan Cordero Román, a subject required by the law for the crime of illegal possession of weapons and who was offered the payment of S / 10 thousand. However, at the time of collecting the money, another person supplanted it and received the reward. The PNP did not know how to give details about what happened, according to the report of the informant. On a second occasion, the same informant again communicated with the Rewards Program to give information on the whereabouts of a woman wanted for illicit drug trafficking and for whom S / 15 thousand was offered. In this case, the collaborator was extorted by bad policemen, who demanded that he hand over the reward money. The informant refused and months later reported these facts in the Office of Internal Affairs of the Mininter. Given these situations, Morán ordered an investigation and ordered an integral evaluation of said program, which evidenced technically that it had completely denatured the essence with which it was conceived at the end of 2015. "The program was born as a good initiative to capture criminals who could truly be considered the most wanted. However, between the years of 2016 and 2017, it was massively overcrowded, including people wanted for absolutely minor crimes, "explained Morán. Now both complaints were referred to the Public Prosecutor's Office, explained the Mininter. MEASURES AVAILABLE Morán pointed out that these excessive additions caused the most wanted list to surpass 2 thousand 500 people at a time, which does not resist the least technical analysis. He added that during the three years of the program, rewards have been paid for an amount exceeding 15 million soles. However, its effectiveness was not evaluated and the rates of reduction of citizen insecurity have not been shown. For this reason, the sector, through the Vice Ministry of Internal Order, is adopting a series of measures aimed at fully reorganizing the rewards program. "There will be a massive purge of the list to remove the hundreds of people wanted for minor crimes and the necessary mechanisms will be implemented to only admit those who have committed crimes of high lesividad". Another important measure will be the reordering of the allocation of amounts for rewards. "This means, to put less sought, but with better amounts, with the understanding that, due to its high level of dangerousness, it is justified that the State invest money in its capture," Minister Morán explained. Additionally, he announced that fugitives from emblematic and complex corruption cases such as Lava Jato are included in the list.
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  3. Problem Solved T/C
  4. Good morning to all the community

     someone of you wants to join the activity of our "" section to help more ts3 I need people who support, if they want to contact me or  @- hNk @Playboy™ @- hNk ...we need new members to help ts3.

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    3- Don't add fake users to this sections for just get a rank, from my part receive remove + ban.
    4- Don't edit/delete channels from out of this, your work is focus only in this section.




  5. #PRO For helper Good Luck.
  6. Congresswoman Janet Sánchez, from Peruvians for the Kambio, confirmed that, at some point, she was offered to be part of a list for the Board of Directors, but considered that it is not yet time for her to occupy a position of this type. "They offered me (go to the Board of Directors) At some point, they talked with me. I'm not going to tell you who. It was not Fuerza Po[CENSORED]r, that is totally ruled out, "he told RPP in an interview. "I believe that everything has its moment and its time. I never said that it was time now to be able to go to a vice presidency or presidency, "he added. Janet Sánchez said she was "very cautious" with such proposals and said that, according to her, "it is not the time" to apply for a position of that weight in the annual session 2019-2020. "I do believe that times come when it has to be and I do not despair about it," he said. The legislator said that it would be hypocritical for any congressman to declare that they do not have the desire to be part of the Board of Directors of the Parliament. "That nobody would believe it and it would be real hypocrisy. In what corresponds to my person, I know that it is not the moment ", he emphasized. Currently Janet Sánchez is president of the Ethics Commission. The Board of Directors is chaired by Daniel Salaverry, who has filed a writ of amparo against Sanchez's working group to declare the report that recommends suspending him for 120 days null and void. According to the president of the Congress, there is an intention on the part of Fuerza Po[CENSORED]r and Apra to withdraw him from the Board of Directors through a report from the Ethics Committee that he described as illegal. "If they decide, I will go to my house for four months arbitrarily suspended by the leadership of a bench, but in 2021 I am very sure that many will not go to their home, but to Castro Castro, because what they are going to do is an illegality ", Daniel Salaverry said in declarations to Canal N.
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  7. V1, text and blur
  8. Dark

    [Rejected] #DeXteR

    #CONTRA Low activity Good luck!
  9. Welcome to CSBD! T/C
  10. Viejoooo amigooooo te acuerdo de mi?xd 

    1. [N]audy


      nel tuviste 50 años en helper :v 

    2. #Ace


      As apprentice not helper :v 

    3. Lolamento!*


      Hahah ace y naudy andan en combo montando terror xD 

      Couple of bullies :v

  11. The New Peru and Frente Amplio caucuses announced during the debate on the question of trust raised by Salvador del Solar on six political reform projects that will vote against this measure to promote the closure of the Congress. "Today we have witnessed that there will be no confidence in the recomposition of the Congress. They (Fuerza Po[CENSORED]r) are going to continue directing according to particular interests, "said New Arrest spokesman Richard Arce during his participation. The legislator criticized the majority group for having acted blocking investigations without considering that its leader, Keiko Fujimori, has been admitted to a prison for "concealment of part of the political space" in Congress. "We agree with that political reform, but we do not believe that this Congress with Fujimorist majority can make the modifications of this political reform. Therefore, the most logical and making a sacrifice in front of a po[CENSORED]tion is that we will not give the vote of confidence, "said Arce. Frente Amplio spokesman Humberto Morales made a similar announcement during the debate, considering it necessary to "refound the homeland" after the presentation of the question of trust. "We reaffirm our position in defense of the interests of the people and above all of the Fatherland. That is why we are not going to give that vote of confidence because we believe that in these circumstances there is a historical need for the Congress to be closed and for the general elections to be held that can finally bring a constituent assembly, "the parliamentarian said. Morales criticized, not only the Parliament, but the Executive for having sought a confrontation of powers to rise in the polls. "In times when 'Los Cuellos Blancos' have a political party and representation and the 'brothers and sisters' are still present in Congress [...] The Government has propped up a confrontation of fireworks between the Legislative Power and the Executive Power to need for surveys and votes, "he said.
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  12. Dark

    Problam Cs1.6

    Problem solved T/C
  13. Karina Beteta, a congresswoman from Fuerza Po[CENSORED]r, gave her version of an aspiring collaborator who assured that some of the congressmen coordinated with the former members of the CNM to achieve the non-ratification of Mariano Cucho as head of the ONPE. In this regard, Beteta pointed out that there have never been such conversations and that everything is a lie. He also accused the government of political persecution. "(Never) someone from my bench has asked me to coordinate with former members of the CNM, I have never had them," he told the press on Monday. "Where does the lie go that says that it would have been coordinated with a former CNM that supposedly gets a call from Mr. Orlando Velásquez on my phone in 2018," he said. In addition, he recalled that Mariano Cucho was not ratified in the position of head of the ONPE in 2016, but that the alleged conversations with former members of the CNM are 2018. "There is no logic," he said. On the other hand, he commented on the session of the Ethics Committee that will evaluate a possible suspension to the president of the Congress, Daniel Salaverry for the case of irregularities in the week of representation. "His desperation (of Salaverry) is evident, what he is looking for is to rebuild with this suspension of the Ethics Committee to seek a shield with other groups that take him to support him," he said. In the morning, Salaverry commented that the priority theme of the plenary session of Congress on Tuesday will be the recomposition of the commissions. Beteta showed his disagreement with this announcement.
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  14. #PRO For Moderator Good Luck!
  15. The National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE) certified that in-person electronic voting (VEP) guarantees the secrecy of the vote and that the results of these processes are an authentic, free and spontaneous reflection of the po[CENSORED]r will. During his presentation before the working table of the Constitution Commission, the general secretary of the ONPE, Fernando Velezmoro, clarified that the teams that make up the electronic voting technology solution are totally isolated. "They are not connected to any external database or any Wi-Fi network. Therefore, there is no possibility of 'hacking' the system or alter the meaning of the vote expressed by the voters, "he said. He also said that to ensure that there are no records previously loaded, and guarantee the verdict of the ballot boxes, the system performs zeroing and generates a report that certifies the initialization of both the team where the voter turnout is recorded and the electronic voting booth. The official also stressed that electronic voting has the peculiarity of printing a physical ballot that can be collated at the request of the representatives of political parties; not having registered any observation in the official elections carried out by the ONPE to date. These details were accompanied by a demonstration of the modern voting system in which members of the parliamentary technical team and the congressmen participated. Velezmoro added that among the advantages of face-to-face electronic voting there is a substantial reduction in the time allocated for voting with respect to manual voting, the elimination of the acts observed due to material error and illegibility and reduces the use of electoral material at the polling station. In the same way, it reduces the number of polling stations and considerably the work of the polling station member, facilitates the work of the representatives during the counting of the votes obtained by their political organization and offers the results of the election a few minutes later. after the suffrage is over. Another benefit is that it favors the exercise of suffrage in the most vulnerable po[CENSORED]tions, citing as an example the municipal elections of 2017 in the district of Pucacolpa, in Huanta (Ayacucho). He recalled that this po[CENSORED]tion, mostly Quechua-speaking, high poverty rate and large number of illiterate voters, implemented this type of voting and "the results were accepted democratically by the elected and non-elected candidates, representatives and the po[CENSORED]tion in general." The work table of the Constitution Commission was attended by its president, Rosa Bartra, as well as congress members María Melgarejo, Francisco Villavicencio and Karina Beteta.
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  16. cA40M14.jpg


  17. #CONTRA Low Activity Good luck!
  18. President Martin Vizcarra said that behind the question of confidence that the Executive is proposing for five of the twelve political reforms that have been presented there is no intention to close the Congress. "I am ready for the discussion and debate that will take place on Tuesday in Congress. Depending on what happens, we will see future scenarios. We have not raised confidence with the intention of closing the Congress, but with the intention of moving forward the political reform. From there we will see the results, "he told the press from Áncash. In that sense, he assured that he has not encouraged at any time the dissolution of the Parliament despite the citizen claims. "I do not encourage the po[CENSORED]tion's request to close the Congress. Spontaneously they say it, but I say no, we are going to respect what the Constitution says. We do not encourage We know that there are measures and procedures that we are going to fulfill one by one, "he said. Martín Vizcarra reiterated that the ideal for the Executive is that on Tuesday, in the plenary session of the Congress, the Prime Minister, Salvador del Solar, will explain the position of the Government and the parliamentarians will make decisions for the good of all Peruvians. He also assured that they are respecting the laws in force and that the scope of the trust issue was defined in November of last year by the Constitutional Court. "It is clear from the plenary session of the TC what the question of confidence, its scope and attributions refers to. We are strictly respecting what the TC and the Constitution says, "he said. Denies investigations The President of the Republic assured that he has sent a document to the prosecutor in Moquegua who has reopened an investigation against him for alleged irregularities during his administration. "There is a process in which a prosecutor has said to reopen and they say they can not because I'm president. I have sent a document to the prosecutor to tell him not to consider me president. Do the research and do not wait for 2021. Do it now and if you need my demonstration, get me and I will go as a citizen to make my release, "he said. The pending investigation is in the hands of prosecutor Walker Ríos Calisaya for alleged irregular payments to a company during the management of Martín Vizcarra as regional governor of Moquegua in 2011.
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  19. Welcome to CSBD! Have Fun! T/C
  20. The agents of the National Police launched tear gas bombs in order to stop the protesters from advancing to the Shangrilá oval, in Puente Piedra. The mobilization, which does not have guarantees from the Ministry of the Interior, was convened to express its rejection against the excessive collection of tolls and for the cancellation of the contracts with the dealers utas of Lima and * Línea Amarilla (Lamsac). A police cordon was placed at kilometer 26 of the Panamericana Norte to prevent the movement of protesters. The news program América Noticias reported that the members of the order help locals who want to reach their work and study centers. The mayor of Puente Piedra, Rennan Espinoza, lamented that the mobilization has been stopped. He clarified that only during the march were they informed that the guarantees for the mobilization were rejected. He stressed that his progress was peaceful at all times. "We are going to keep showing and we are not going to lower our pants in front of corruption, we are going to return. The request was denied because this peaceful march is affecting several people. Unfortunately, the police are not acting in a peaceful manner. It will not continue advancing until the Shangrilá toll, "he said. At this time, the agents throw tear gas bombs at a small group of people who are reluctant to comply with the order to stop the mobilization. They throw stones and they are even burning tires.
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  21. #Contra Low activity Good luck!
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