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  1. 3AEzBNM.png

    this just happens to me on csbd xd , solo estas cosas me pasan en csbd :v 

  2. niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ❤️ 

  3. The Judiciary scheduled for this Friday, December 6, the hearing in which it will evaluate the request for preventive detention for 18 months that the prosecution raised against the former president of the Council of Ministers, César Villanueva, for the investigation that is followed by the Odebrecht case . Through Twitter, it was confirmed that the Third Preparatory Investigation Court of the Anti-Corruption System scheduled the pretrial detention hearing for 10 a.m. Friday This occurs hours after it was learned that prosecutor Germán Juárez Atoche, of the Lava Jato special team, presented the request for this restrictive measure, both against César Villanueva and against Marco Díaz (former general manager of the Special Project Huallaga Central and Bajo Mayo). The former prime minister is being investigated for the alleged illegal payments made by the construction company Odebrecht for the concession of the San José de Sisa (San Martín) highway, which would have been registered in the systems of box 2 of the Brazilian construction company. “There is an express guilty plea from the Odebrecht company, there are three executives [from the Brazilian construction company] who have expressly declared and there is an effective collaborator. It has been determined that there is serious suspicion [about César Villanueva], ”the coordinator of the Lava Jato special team, Rafael Vela Barba, told the RPP on Tuesday. It should be remembered that this Thursday, November 5, the request for a restricted appearance with an impediment to leave the country against the exprermier will be evaluated in parallel for the alleged crime of influence peddling, committed by having contacted prosecutors to seek access to team information Lava Jato special.
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  4. Welcome
  5. Welcome
  6. Welcome
  7. v2 , text and color
  8. v2 , text effect
  9. cvjyoeT.png


    every time this community improves @Mr.Love

  10. Welcome
  11. Welcome
  12. Welcome
  13. Telefónica del Perú paid 218 million soles (about 59 million euros) to the National Superintendence of Tax Administration (Sunat) of Peru for taxes and fines after losing a litigation that dragged on for more than a decade. The Peruvian Treasury Administration explained in a statement that with this amount, the amount charged in legal proceedings won by the tax administration to Telefónica totals 255 million soles (about 69 million euros). ADVERTISING inRead invented by Teads "The debts paid by the telecommunications company correspond to the Income Tax of Non-domiciled and fines of the years 1999, 2000, 2003 and 2004, which were determined by the Sunat in control procedures," said the state entity. For its part, the Spanish multinational said in a statement that "has complied with the payment of 59 million euros to the Sunat, according to the decision of the court" despite being "in disagreement with the decision." He also said that the dispute originated with a decision by Telefónica to hire "a satellite operator not domiciled in Peru to broadcast signals 36,000 kilometers from Earth, outside of Peruvian territory, in order to bring connectivity to remote areas." Origin of the conflict As indicated in the same text, "in due course, the Sunat and the Fiscal Court - with information from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications - concluded that this type of satellite capacity service is provided outside the national territory and therefore there was no taxation in Peru ". With these references, Telefónica "paid the service to the satellite operator without tax withholding, following the provisions of these institutions," he added. However, Sunat said that Tuesday's payment "corresponds to a portion of the amounts at issue that are pending in administrative and judicial proceedings," and those that will continue to defend their position. Therefore, if favorable results are obtained, it will imply the collection of additional amounts. Precisely this Wednesday, Telefónica announced that it will create a business unit to bring together all its operations in Latin America except Brazil, in order to "strengthen" its operations in the region, without ruling out "reducing" the business, "if necessary." The objective is to "dose" Telefónica's exposure in the region's markets and become stronger in the other markets where it obtains benefits such as Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany and Brazil.
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  14. I leave 2 videos for your problem Good luck
  15. Dark


  16. Viejos tiempos ? 

  18. Que te atrae otra vez acá? Bebecita 

    1. *CaRtoo'N™


      intentar diseñar de nuevo xd

    2. Dark


      Me debes 4 avatar xd 

    3. *CaRtoo'N™

  20. you have to update your computer screen depends on what size this right now I will leave this video if it helps:
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