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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

soiresnaes last won the day on June 9 2012

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About soiresnaes

  • Birthday 08/28/1997


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  1. Well, I noticed that actually the "Tutorials, etc. section" It does not have much activity as before, and my opinion would be the "GFX Designer" team to create (borders, designs, brush etc..) just motivate the community that wants to start designing. Since I see that most of the instruments they use are very old The "battles" are very good, I think it's fun, but I would also put the "battles" (C4D, GIF, Just (Black & White)), effects that people, even if they don't know, want to try to learn. Let them know that with that battle , win something in return, but keeping in mind that you have to create and design with love for the community, because I have noticed many who do the job half. This is what I would like people to think when they design, not to create images that are "static", the idea of the designer, and that he is passionate, is that he has love for what he does, and for that we should activate the section more with diverse games that people like what you are doing. has (blur, brush, effect png, images png, text) and above all, love what I do I hope you understand my English, I use a translator. I would also like to put sections in Spanish since there are several users who "are Spanish" and therefore sometimes it is difficult for them to learn to design having everything in (English and Roman) it would be spectacular to create sections for Spanish
  2. ➥Be sure to check this topic again and READ it: Done ➥Age: 22 ➥Experience in Adobe Photoshop(Months or years): 8 Years ➥Attach your Gallery link (If you have one): ➥Any other editing program you use?: Just photoshop, but iam creative. I can also quickly learn the other programs ➥What version of Photoshop do you mostly use?: PSCS6 ➥In what section you have your most contribution?: GFX Designer and Devil Harmony ➥Have you read all the sections' rules?: Yes ➥Have you read the community rules?: Yes ➥Do you agree that you cannot be part of another project when you apply and after if you get accepted?: i understand this ➥What can you say about you that will make us interested about your Photoshop skills & experience?(Minimum 10 words): I can take some time to create or edit an image, but I try to be as creative as possible to change a bit from the old community designs. We should get better at doing more tutorials and doing new things!
  3. • Your Nickname ( Must be same like teamspeak ) : p1chOn • Your Age : 22 • Profile link : https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/47-p1chon/ • How much you can stay active in both forum & teamspeak ? : Yes • How you could help us a Devil harmony member ? : I am a music lover, it could help a lot. Favorite genre: Rock (OldSchool 90 '80') • How much you rate Devil harmony project from 1 - 10 ? : 10 • Other informations about your request ? : I am aware that I am starting, and I have little active time ... But I promise to continue like this, I will not down. I like what I do • Last request link : -
  4. It does not compare to LK. Lyrics, rhythm, melody, song, it has the perfect square, my vote is for DH2
  5. No one can match the great 2Pac. My vote is for DH1
  6. V1. Effect blur, text, and brush
  7. I like the DH1 rhythm better for the "dance" theme, my vote is for he
  8. without a doubt my vote is for DH2, effect video, sound, audio visual. BPM
  9. Cinematic, song, lyrics, melody, rhythm. My vote is for DH2
  10. V1: Effect Blur, Bursh, Colors, Text, Border.
  11. Bienvenido. Disfruta de la comunidad quemandola igual que yo hermano, chilling relajao bur de feo pa la foto.
  12. Model post sale: ø Method of contact (TS3 / Steam) : Steam: thep1chon ø Item(s) on sale: account's unranked league of legends lvl 30 (Server LAN) ø Price of the product(s): 5$ ø Product photo(s): pm ø Payment method: paypal ø Other specifications: totally personally mine, I sell for not using
  13. ¤ Your Nickname (same as in forum): Sk8mafia ¤ Your Address Skype, facebook: - ¤ Age: 22 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: Spanish ¤ Your Location: Venezuela ¤ Experience As Admin (last server GT link): yes ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): yes¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server (Click Here You Must Write Your Nickname) Sk8mafia¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: help¤ Password for admission[ Read The Rules to find it] : oknewlifezm


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